Wednesday, December 2

Vintage Christmas card ~ December 2

 Vintage Christmas card for December 2nd. It's hard to choose which card to share but this one caught my eye. The open door and a peek into the warm and cozy scene inside is just so inviting. This year we can't invite family and friends into our homes in the same way as we have in the past, but it offers a chance to make new traditions. Tonight, I finished decorating the tree in our living room. That tradition stays the same.....all the ornaments are the same, just in a different place than last year. Surely did not imagine back then that there would be a Christmas where we couldn't gather together. Next year we will gather and be so grateful to be invited to gatherings with our family and friends.


1 comment:

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

All of our family lives in either Texas or Alaska. We seldom get to gather for Christmas. This year our son and his family from Alaska are coming down. Hubby will finally get to meet our grandson (trip to meet him was cancelled due to Covid). He is over a year old, and there is a 3rd grand on the way.

"Peace can be found in the piecing of a quilt."
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