Sunday, January 31
OPAM Finish for January.......just in time!
Friday, January 29
Chasing away the "winter blues"!!!
This one is a favorite family photo that only "surfaced" a few years ago when my cousin, Charlotte, brought it to a family reunion. I love the photo as it is so "us, our family" in the 1950's.
In the last years of my dad's life he talked often of how nothing made him more pleased "than to walk down the street with ma and you girls in new dresses that she had made." I love this picture as it is so full of memories. :-)
I decided to make the photo into a new blog header that I will use more permanently. I began my blog "A Legacy of Stitches" shortly after my dad passed away in April of 2008 and this photo just seemed to gather all the good thoughts into one photo that makes me smile every time I see it. I am so glad that Charlotte brought it to our reunion!
Busy day coming and busy weekend ahead. I'm going to a retreat but won't even be leaving the house. :-) More to share later..........
Oops! I need to make a little correction.....I got the date wrong on the photo above. The year is 1957, not 1956. I corrected it in my header. :-)
Wednesday, January 27
A visit to the Post Office
It was good to see Connie, my Postlady and I had lots of packages to mail to winners of the prizes at last Friday night's Quilt-In. I used to go to Quilt-Ins at our guilt group and enjoyed visiting with friends. This was visiting with quilting friends but just not meeting them in person. We still had a lot of fun!!!! So here are the packages that went in the mail........
Monday, January 25
One World One Heart........2010
Last year I made a covered journal (you'll find it here) that was won by Nikki. I made one for me, too, and I use it all the time. :-) This year we are taking a "Magic Carpet Ride" and so I wanted something special, almost magical. I wanted the gift to have meaning. I thought about it a lot and realized that I almost always have needle and thread in hand. Sometimes it's "magical" when I make something and it turns out just as I imagined. :-) Other times, I need a "genie in the bottle" to help me because things aren't going well on a project. I stitch things for people I love and care about. And so I made this.............and I call it "Needle Love" because we all "Needalittlelove". :-) I was inspired by the One World One Heart message. The appliqued circle on the cover represents "One World" and in the middle is "One Heart". :-)

2. You must have a blog to participate. In addition, if your e-mail is not included in your blog profile, you must include it in the comment that you post. Comments without contact info will not be entered in the drawing.
3. You must leave a comment by noon Central Standard Time on February 15th and the winner will be announced at 8:00 p.m. that evening. When the winner is drawn, I will post the name on my blog and then e-mail the winner. You will have 48 hours to reply to claim your prize.
Saturday, January 23
Short and sweet.......
Wednesday, January 20
The Great Wall of Wooly Stuff!
Monday, January 18
In honor of Rev. Martin Luther King
The next "Grace and a Prayer" blocks will be in February. I'll be back tomorrow and show you what has been keeping me so busy. :-)
Friday, January 15
Lots of wooly fun!
In the middle of the week, there were a couple fun things to report.............. I was invited to do a "wooly workshop/program" for the Kindred Quilters group (in nearby LeSueur) for their February meeting. :-) Then I got an e-mail that a recipe I submitted to a certain cookbook was accepted. I'll get a free copy of the recipe book when it's published this summer. I'm not sure if I can say the publisher so I will leave it at that and it will be something to share when it's hot this summer and I can't think because it's too hot out! You know, like when I can't think because it's too cold! :-) And then there was the first "Wooly Wednesday" session at Firefly Quilt Shop this past week. Five lovely ladies joined me and we had a great time chatting about wooly stuff and making the little snowman lapel pins that you see Heidi and Carol holding in this photo.............
I had intended to take a picture of all the gals as they worked on the their projects, but we were so busy and so focused on what we were doing that I forgot to take the picture. Didn't realize it til I started packing up my stuff! Luckily, Heidi and Carole were still shopping and were most kind to let me snap their picture. Thanks, Heidi and Carole!!! Each month at "Wooly Wednesdays", I'll share a pattern for a new lapel pin that's appropriate to the holidays or events in that month. I've also provided a small penny rug pattern so that one can take the snowman design and place it on a penny rug if they don't want to make a pin. At the end of the summer, I'll have the whole series done and it will be available as a pattern. Right now, I'm only offering it at Firefly. I'll post a photo of the little penny rug as soon as I finish it.
On the home front....... my husband is done with the hammering and such in the basement family room so I am looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow. All the laundry is done and I plan to spend the day on wooly projects. I am so excited I may not be able to sleep. :-) I have started putting away my Christmas decorations but it all looks so plain when I start putting things away that I may not take down the trees for another week or more. The twinkle they add at night makes me smile and that's better than a frown anytime.
It was a good day here. Hope it was where you are and that tomorrow might be even better!
Sunday, January 10
Just a little more Christmas.......
Actually, I left the house just before the power came back on. I headed down to see Collette and Jacob and there was no power outage in Mankato. We had a nice lunch at the Food Court in the Mankato Mall. I came bearing one last Christmas gift for Jacob. It was from my sister and came in a box she sent to me. I took a picture of the package because she wrapped it so cool! Those are little foam letters for his name and there are tiny little Christmas trees glued to the ribbon. It was almost to pretty to unwrap but Jacob did a good job of it and got to the toys inside. :-) We did a little shopping/looking in the mall. We found some good clearance deals on sweaters at Penney's and Jacob got a special treat so we had a good afternoon. Then it was off to the grocery store for me and I love to go grocery shopping so I enjoyed that, too! By the time I got back home the power was on and all was back to normal.
Speaking of normal.........the weatherman says that we will have some more normal temperatures in the next few days .... in the 20's ..... and that would be practically be a "heat wave" after all this "deep freeze" weather that we have had lately.
One last little that box from my sister was the book you see in this photo, along with a few other gifts.

Time to turn in.........Another Monday rolls around and another week begins..........Have a good one!
Friday, January 8
Pecan Praline Pumpkin Muffins!
You all may remember that a few weeks ago, I won a giveaway over at Barb's blog. I won that towel you see in the photo below and a potholder that she made. It came all the way from Pago Pago and you can read about it here. A little edit here.......her niece sent me the muffin mix so I can't give you the recipe but you can go ThePreparedPantry for more info. Sorry I forgot to mention this in my initial post! I planned to make the muffins on Christmas morning but we got so preoccupied with the big snowstorm that I forgot to make the muffins. :-(
Then I realized that there was a better time to bake them anyway, because my husband doesn't like pumpkin pie so how could he like pumpkin muffins? I served them up for Bibl
We had a lovely visit and a good study from a book on Angels. I told them about the introduction of my Angel blocks and how much fun I have had sharing my designs with so many women all around the world!! We enjoyed the afternoon so much that it was almost 4:30 p.m. before everyone left. As I waved good-bye to everyone, I saw this in the distance.................
Yesterday, I had some other friends come for lunch and I fixed a really tasty hotdish. It's worth sharing. I would show you a picture but I was too hungry and enjoying our conversation so much that I forgot to get photos! Anyway, here's the's a Bisquick recipe so if you can't get Bisquick, you might not be able to make this one. It's a variation of their Cheeseburger pie recipe. :-)
Wednesday, January 6
Winners of the "End of the Day Giveaway"!
Nadine, Owl Lady (not blogging yet :-) but who knows?) and she wrote......
"My first choice would be Gudrun's Quilt as You Go because that technique is on my list of 'things to learn' for 2010, but I would use any of them in starting my Christmas gift stash for next year."
She was the only one of the winners that made a choice and so Gudrun's pattern will go off to the Owl Lady. I will surprise the rest of you!!
Anna at FreshDewDrops blog and she wrote.....
"Generosity...what a great way to start the New Year. You have inspired me and for that I thank you!" Thanks, Anna. That is really nice!!!!!
The next name drawn was Just Susan at Dragonflies Eat Mosquitos blog - just click here to check it out. She wrote......." I love patterns and you have picked some beauties. Thanks for yet another giveaway. Here's to a wonderful , healthy 2010." Susan, I love the name of your blog!
Then came the name of Colletta Kay and I commented on her blog the other day because her name is similar to my daughter's, Collette, which is not all that common. In fact, I remember that Collette didn't like her name when she was little because you could never find it on barettes, notepads, etc. There were lots of Jennifers, Kimberly's, etc. but now she likes her name. You can check out Colletta's blog and the kitchen sink at ......... .
The final name drawn was Simone of Nadelstiche blog (and you'll find it here). She wished me a "Happy New Year to you. I'm sure it will be a wonderful creative year. Maybe I have a bit luck this year? Count me in, please. Kindest regards, Simone from Germany". Simone, the year is off to a wonderful creative start as you have had a bit of luck and a pattern will go off to you in the next few days.
So those were the five winners of the patterns I posted in my photo but.............I always have my "Random Number Man" draw a couple extra winners as sometimes there is no way to contact a comment without an e-mail link. In the past, he's drawn names that had no way for me to contact them so I had to use the alternate names drawn. That was not the case this time but I thought since he drew the names that I would send a little something to them, too. So, if Judy C. and Diane H. are reading this, you are winners, too. All I need now are the names and addresses from each of you. You'll find my e-mail link in my profile. Congratulations to the winners!!
Tuesday, January 5
Dolls and doll quilts!
After we returned home to my mother's apartment, she showed me a bunch of doll quilts that she had made. Here she is with one of several that she finished last fall.

And then she gave them away........the yellow one to me because she knows I like yellow. Plus it has chickens on it. She told me my first word was "chicken". To this day, I like chickens and I love yellow, especially a soft, buttery yellow.

Then there were two quilts for my niece Sue Ellen's dolls. She's my brother's daughter/my mom's grandaughter. Keeping that all straight?
Saturday, January 2
Quilts that kept us warm!!!
Makes me wonder though........just how did the pioneers who settled in Minnesota (and other snowy and cold states here in the U.S.) ever survive? I think of stories from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie books and I don't think I would like getting up with frost on the windows and perhaps on my nose, too! I guess it took lots of quilts to keep folks warm at night in their farms and cabins. Maybe some like these that are on display at the Sibley County Historical Society this Sunday, January 3rd.......................
Friday, January 1
End of the Day Giveaway!
The Angel Connection.....

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