For the past three days, I have been preoccupied with getting the big tree in our family room up and decorated. I finished it last night. I think there are about 400 ornaments on it. I'll take some pictures of it and share in a post on Saturday. It was hard work decorating that tree but I loved every minute of it.
Today, though, I was "out and about" most of the day here in Henderson (MN). It may be a small town but it offers a ton of fun and interesting things to do. My husband calls it "the Festival Town" because there is always an observance of some kind going on so it's a fun place to live. Tonight, there was a new event........."Ladies Night Out and Santa Anonymous Toy Drive". It was the "first annual" but I think it was a success and it will be back next year. When I told my husband that I was going to go downtown to the "Ladies Night Out", I'm not sure he was giving me his full "listening ears" because his answer was......"uh, I'm not really interested in going". Ha ha, and my answer was "well, that's good because it's for Ladies!"
So, what did I find that you might like to know about? Well, since this is a quilting/stitching blog, I think you might enjoy these adorable figures..............

I found them on display at The Knitting Knest (all lit up for the holidays!). They were designed by Marie Mayhew and you can find the snowman pattern
here and the wise old owl pattern
here. The projects are knitted, then felted. If I could knit, I would be making that large snowman! Street and headed to the Roadhaus Event Center where about twenty-five vendors were set up.
The first vendor inside the door was my favorite. You'll know why when I tell you she was sharing samples of CHOCOLATE fondue!! And not just any chocolate but Belgian chocolate! That's Lisa Mathwig sharing info on
Velata*Fun*Fondue. I think this is something I might have to have. It would be a definite improvement over the fondue pot I still have from the 1970's. :-) You know how much I love chocolate!
Everything from jewelry to mittens to fruit cake, children's books, scrapbooking, soaps, etc. etc. etc. was available to the ladies attending the event! Here are my friends Monica and Sue checking out the jewelry. Were they shopping for me? Oh, I don't think so but ya never know............
I headed back across Main Street to one of my favorite shops in Henderson, Antiques & Uniques. There was lots of Christmas goodness for the eyes to behold.........
This unique Mary and Joseph caught my eye.............
Owner, Jane Schuette, commented that it would have been great to display at the CrecheFest........but that's coming up in a minute. I found, and bought, a most unique little item in the shop that I will share in a future post.
Just a couple doors down the street is the newest business in Henderson, Peaceful Landing........
The name alone is inviting but owners Lori Streeter and her husband make it doubly inviting! Lorie is a Reiki master. For more info, just check out her website

I enjoyed chatting with other vendors at Peaceful Landing. Cara Bishop of St. Peter Family Dental shared goodies that will keep my smile bright and Jinelle Markham, an inspirational speaker and teacher who shares about the "Angels Among Us". I also enjoyed conversation with Michelle Burns who is a Life Coach. I recently learned that a good friend met with a life coach to help her define her career and goals. You can learn more about Michelle's coaching at
Design*Your*Destiny. I suspect I could really use time with a life coach. Might have to consider this, too. Oh, my so many things to see and do!
And speaking of things to see and do..........earlier in the day, I took two batches of fudge and headed off to the church (St. Paul's UCC) where our Women's Guild filled goodie bags for those in our congregation that are homebound.
And when the bags were filled, then we enjoyed a delicious potluck lunch!
When the clean-up was done, some of us went over to Centennial Lutheran Church to their CrecheFest. From simple creche scenes like this one............
to simply beautiful chrech scenes like this one..............
and lots of angelic angels like all of these.............
it was clearly a feast for the eyes!! The event continues through Friday so if you are nearby head to Centennial to see the lovely display of creches and angels.
So, am I tired tonight? You bet I am. But I have one last photo to share. With all the trees decorated, I realized they might look better if I put the tree skirts under them. I had to share this one under the little tree next to our fireplace...........
A couple of years ago, I happened into the Lutheran Home Thrift Shop (Belle Plaine, MN) and found this little treasure for just $1.50. I suspect it's from the 1960's perhaps even the 1950's. It has that wonderful feel of old-fashioned felt, not that stiff feel of today's craft felt. I love it!
That's all for tonight. Time to get some sleep! Back soon with Christmas tree photos and more ornament stories to share.