After the eight days of celebrating my One Year Blogging Anniversary, followed by my birthday, I needed to catch up on some other things. So I've done that and here I am....thanks, Ruth, for making sure all is well... and it is, just busy. It may take a couple of posts to tell you all that has been going on the last few days, so bear with me. First, though, I realized that this is my 300th post! I guess I like to chat. :-)
Blogging has brought an aspect to my life that I have been in search of for a long time. I get to share the things I make, stay in touch with old friends, and make new friends. And it helps me focus! When I first started blogging, I just barely put "my toes in the water". At first, I didn't load pictures right and they were huge. It was truly a "learn as you go" experience. And I haven't stopped learning. Get this,........ only a few weeks ago, I discovered how to "label" my posts which makes things so much more organized for those of you reading my blog. During the summer months, I will go back and label posts which will help you and me!! Then just a few days ago, I discovered that Outlook on our computer has stored every message I ever sent to anyone on a blog!! I have never used Outlook and always wondered, "okay, I type this e-mail, now how do I know it was sent?" Good grief, I cannot believe it has taken me this long to figure that one out!!!
I suppose it's possible that I put "the cart before the horse" by starting a blog without knowing what I was doing but I think I would never have started blogging, if I had waited til I knew what I was doing! You know how it is, we think we have to take a course or a class to learn how to do something when, in fact, a book from the library might be the key that opens the door. And actually, it was the library that opened the door to the Internet for me because we didn't have a computer at home, so when I began e-mailing, I had to go to the library to read e-mails. Now how silly is that? Anyway, after a couple of years, we finally got a computer at home and I couldn't live without it. Which in fact, I had to do not once but twice this week. First, we had computer issues on Wednesday and then more yesterday and it took all morning to get through that with some help from a tech support person. We think all is well now, but if I come up missing, you can bet it's because my computer is not well. If it ever gets really bad, I'll go to the library and post to let you know what's up. :-)
That's it for right now. I'm going to take a couple more pics and then load photos. I'll be back later on with those birthday pics.