I loved May Day when I was a kid. My mother would help us decorate pretty little baskets with pleated crepe paper around little white nutcups or baskets made from construction paper. Then we would fill them with candy and deliver them to friends, knock on the door and run. I always hoped to be caught by one certain little boy and dreamed of his kiss but alas, he never came to the door. His mother answered instead!!
I was planning to share a tutorial on May Baskets as I taught a class on May baskets many times in Community Ed and at the library. I have been too busy to do it and so I guess it will have to wait til next year.
Instead, I am going to offer up a little giveaway for this Quilted Baskets book by Eleanor Burns.

My friend, Pandora, made the quilt that you see on the cover of the book. I loved her quilt so I got the book, too and put it in my stack of project books. During this past year, I've realized that I will simply never get to all of the projects, patterns, books, etc. that I have. Plus, I really like drawing up a design and making do with whatever I have on hand. So, I thought, why not sort through some of my books and patterns and use them in giveaways? And that's just what I'm doing.
All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and tell me if you remember making May Baskets. It's been a while since I hosted a giveaway and my husband hasn't been able to be my random number man for some time. He will be happy to know he can draw a lucky winner on Friday night at 8:00 p.m. CST. Also, on Friday, I will be posting the changes I'll be making for my Seasons of the Heart BOM. E-mails will go out to those on the current list. This change will make it easy for anyone to get past blocks.
As soon as you read this you may leave a comment. Just make sure your comment links back to your blog or that you leave your e-mail address in your comment. You don't have to have a blog to participate in this giveaway.
I look forward to reading all your comments!!
We have a winner!! It's Ida and I have sent her an e-mail with the good news. As always, I had my husband draw a second and third name in case I don't hear from the first name drawn.