Wednesday, December 9

Vintage Christmas Card for December 9

I love the glow of candlelight. There is something so calming about the flickering glow of the flame of a candle. Well, unless you set the holly on fire. Yep, happened at our house about twenty years ago. It was Christmas Eve and we had finished dinner and our dessert. The taper candles were still lit. They were in short stocky wooden candle holders that had artificial holly rings around them. We all got up to leave the table and I stepped into the kitchen with some dishes and Devlin was behind me with more dishes when we heard a strange sizzle and turned to see the wick rapidly burning down and the holly leaves aflame! Devlin put out the fire but not before the candle holder was scorched and covered in candle wax. The other candle was burning normally, still more than six inches tall. Not sure what caused that candle to do that but it was a reminder to never leave a candle unattended! The burned candle holder went into the trash but we still have the other one and it sits on our kitchen table. I only light taper candles now when the power goes out. Tealights are my candle of choice now, much safer than the open flame. Funny the memories that come with these cards. I think this one could be a "mid-century modern" Christmas card. The designs of that period are unique. Several in this stack of cards I'm drawing from would clearly fit the time period. 

I'm glad you all are enjoying the cards. I have some pretty ones and some really unique ones to share. 

1 comment:

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I bought some battery operated votives at the store. They have a remote control and can also be set for 4 hours or 8 hours (turn themselves off). With my little grandkids coming this Christmas, these votives will be much safer than a candle.

"Peace can be found in the piecing of a quilt."
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