Tuesday, March 29
What's Red and White ..........
Monday, March 28
What's on the line?
it's also in memory of another friend, Cathy (see in the photo above). Cathy was in my quilt groups at my church and she's as sweet as Dorothy. Both of them helped make quilts for the flood victims and both have been taken by cancer. Cancer robs us of their presence in our lives and so I am sad for that. Their smiles and sweet nature will remain in memory forever. But, oh, how I miss the sound of their voices. I am glad I knew both of them and could call them friend.
And while I'm in a reflective mood......thank you to each and every one of you that reads my blog and to those who leave me comments. I read them all but am not good at responding these days. Time seems to be short because I am always putting my fingers into some new project or cause. Next one on the agenda........assisting the Easter Bunny. More on that in a couple of weeks.
Here's hoping today is the start of a really good week.
(Oops! I set the post time wrong for this and just realized it had not posted for today. Guess I was tired when I wrote it.)
Saturday, March 26
Swapping Pincushions and Mug Rugs, too!!
And that reminds me.......I got an e-mail today that my dies have shipped for my GO! Baby and I expect them sometime early next week. I am ready to GO! and get a project made with that little Baby. :-)
Well, that's enough for this post. I finished up a wooly project yesterday that I'll share with you next week. Have a good weekend everyone and I'll see you on Monday with "What's on the line?"
Wednesday, March 23
The Garden Angel book from Country Threads..........
Monday, March 21
What's on the line?
Sunday, March 20
Spring has arrived!
In the meantime..........hope you are enjoying a lovely day wherever you are and whatever the season in your corner of the world!
(And if you are wondering if I celebrated National Quilting Day yesterday..........yes, I did. Played with fabric while I did laundry and listened to tunes!)
Saturday, March 19
Winners of the little Lapel Stick Giveaway!
Thursday, March 17
What a happy St. Patrick's Day for me!!
Wednesday, March 16
A little Lapel Stick Giveaway!!!
Oops! forgot to tell you......you have until Friday, March 18th at 6:00 p.m. to enter. Winners will be notified Friday evening and names posted here on Saturday. :-)
Monday, March 14
What's on the line?
I never knew our heritage when I was growing up. When we were asked to do school reports on our heritage, I just figured we might be Scandinavian because Linn was my maiden name. It seemed like it might be a name that had been shortened. I was so pleasantly surprised when we learned that our great great grandfather had come from Ireland. When I sing, some folks tell me I have an "Irish lilt" in my voice. I think that's nice. Sometimes I'm full of blarney, too. :-) But here's the truth......this is another of the little quilts I made in 2000 to celebrate that long ago Millennium. Not sure you can tell from the picture but the piece is hand-quilted in gold thread. The center shamrock is done in fusible applique. The little quilt measures 22 inches square. And the scenery behind that quilt is lush green from last fall. However, we could hit 50 degrees by the end of the week and so spring may be just around the corner. Once that snow is gone, I can get back to the line and share some big quilts. I only have a few photos left that I took last fall, so I need to have that snow melt away!!!
Saturday, March 12
A wee tutorial for a Cookie Coaster/Mug Rug!

I happened to mention the mug rugs to Janice, owner of Firefly*Quilt*Shop in Mankato and she thought it sounded like something that would work for favors for the spring retreat that she was participating in. So I made up a sample in batiks and she liked it. I proceeded to write up a pattern and made a storyboard of the steps required to make a mug rug.
Two things you need to know.......if you'd like a kit for this project, please contact the shop as they have kits for sale and, of course, you can use your own fabric scraps!! The other thing you need to know is that sometimes mistakes are made in measuring, and yes, I made one. I cannot tell a lie.........I made a big mistake in my directions. Well, maybe not that big but I was a 1/2 off and that's a lot in a tiny little mug rug!! The finished mug rug measures 6 1/2" x 10 1/2". I told Janice 6 1/2" x 10" which meant the backing piece in all kits she'd prepared (a lot of them) was a 1/2" too short. Janice was very understanding. I was willing to retype directions and reprint and restuff kits but Janice felt that wasn't necessary. So, I typed a correction for the storyboard and Janice planned to share the correction/adjustment with retreat guests when they were given the kits. I was so bummed that I made this silly mistake but it did highlight a couple things.........one, I should have had someone else follow my kit instructions first, then finalize my storyboard and instructions. And two, this is, after all, just a mug rug not a full-size quilt and it doesn't have to be a certain size. Not all of my mug rugs are the same size. Sometimes, it depends on the size of the scraps that I want to use. As you follow these directions, I'll share a step that shows you how you can adjust the size, especially if you are using some favorite scraps and don't quite have enough fabric.
Here we go...........
I created a large storyboard that I made from a large piece of posterboard. I took photos and divided it up into four sections. You can double click on these photos and read the test on the photos or follow the additional text that I am providing here. You can also choose to print out the photos as a paper pattern.
Step 1. Choose one 5" charm for the flower. I cut a simple flower shape by folding a piece of paper. You can also trace a flower from a cookie cutter or a coloring book. Apply fusible web product to reverse side of fabric. Cut out your paper flower pattern and trace to reverse side of fused fabric and cut out your flower shape.
Next step...........
Cut two 1-1/2" wide strips and two 2" wide strips from your choice of 5" charm squares. Sew together in this order............2" - 1-1/2" - 2" - 1-1/2" in a row. Refer to photo below.
The sewn strip set will be larger than what you need. Press the strip set and trim to 4-1/2" x 5". Look at the strip set in the photo and note that the side that must be 5" is the strip end side.
Note: This is where you easily adjust the size of your mug rug. If you have scraps that are only 3-1/2" long as I did when I was making my coffee themed mug rug, then use them. All you have to do is trim your backing to the correct size once you finish the top.

When the top is finished, you can add any embellishement stitches. I did a blanket stitch by hand on my flower and center but you can also do it by machine.

Final steps.......
If you have any questions, please e-mail me.
And ..........
if any of you can help me with the following issue, I would love to hear from you. Here's the scoop..........since switching to my new computer and Windows 7, I am unable to "cut and paste" in Blogger. This is proving very challenging. I cannot copy links and include them. I cannot type something in Word and then paste it to my blog. And for some reason, when I was half-way finished with this, it didn't save and all my typing disappeared. I was ready to scream!!!! This is only happening in Blogger, not when I am working on documents in other applications. Does anybody have any advice on what I may have done to cause this? It is really hampering my ability to create posts for my blog. Must get this fixed so I can easily do that tutorial when my GO!Baby arrives. It's due on Tuesday. I feel like a mother who has a baby coming and the crib isn't ready. I hope you quilter's out there know what I mean. LOL!
Friday, March 11
Mug Rugs from the Quilting Gallery Swap!!
When Michele offered a new swap at Quilting Gallery for mug rugs, I had to sign up. She used my coffee mug rug for the logo for the swap, too, so I felt I just had to sign up. :-) Believe me....no one had to "twist my arm". My partner's name was Terri of The*Quilting*Pirate . When I saw that, I went straight to my flannel scraps where I knew I had just enough fabric to make this................

When my swap package arrived last week, it had the most beautiful butterly and floral stamps on it and I could tell it had come from a distance. It certainly had! My swap partner, Cathy Bonnell is from La Reuion Island close to Madagascar!!! I had said I love pink and Cathy made these gorgeous pinkalicious mug rugs that are hand-quilted!! They are so lovely that even my husband was impressed! Thank you, thank you, Cathy!

Thursday, March 10
In the Mug Rug Mode and a little more......
So, what got me in the "Mug Rug Mode"? Well, it all started last fall when here in Blogland, everyone was making mug rugs. They were so cute. They had themes, were colorful, quick to make and useful!!! So, at Christmas I made a mug rug for my son's girlfriend, Stacia. It was similar to this one...........
Once I sent my swap mug rug off to Tennesse, I was still enthused about mug rugs and when Janice at Firefly Quilt Shop asked if there was some little thing I could do for a kit favor for a retreat she was going to..........I said yes and came up with this...............

Tuesday, March 8
Good things come in big boxes!
Now here's good news number two. Last Friday, I got an e-mail that my blog is going to be gifted with a new arrival........a GO!Baby from AccuQuilt. That day, I had been out all day running errands, and a doctor visit and grocery shopping and when I finally got to reading my e-mails, I was so tired that at first, I didn't realize what I was reading. And then, I sat up and yelled "Yesssss!!" and I had to run downstairs and tell my husband the good news. He was happy for me but was more interested in his TV program. I ran right back upstairs to reply to the e-mail but then I waited til yesterday for a response to my reply. I didn't want to share the news if it wasn't for real. But it was for real and so then I had to choose three dies that I wanted and would use with a project on my blog. It was easy to pick three. However, I picked about ten times three so I will be doing some shopping because I want that little GO!Baby to have lots of "outfits" to change into. :-) You'll see what three dies I finally settled on when I share my project. And what fabric do you think I will be using for that first GO!Baby project? Why I do believe that I will be stitching up some "Sewing Room Social" right here in my sewing room! I wait expectantly for another box to arrive at my door and so while I wait..........I'll get to the next item I plan to blog about and that is Mug Rugs. Back soon with photos and a tutorial for the mug rugs or Cookie Coaster as I have called my version.
Have a great day!
Monday, March 7
What's on the line?
I hope my tulips made you smile at the thought of spring. And that's because if you are waiting for spring to arrive, it's only a thought because winter is hanging on like frozen sheets on the line! LOL!
What other news do I have to share...........
Well, some of you are quite interested to learn how I found the owner of the Bible. It was a tip from reader, Sarah, that I search the wife's name. Don't ask me why but I never tried that. I was always in search of the man's name and there's another thing I didn't try......I got a disconnected number message for the phone numbers I tried and I made an assumption that meant the address was also not good. It is never wise to assume anything. Long ago, my boss, Gary, told me that. Oh, I should have remembered that........because a note to the address might have solved the mystery a good half-dozen years ago. I can't fix that, though, so I move forward and will be returning the Bible to it's rightful owner. I like to think I was it's caretaker because here's a really interesting part of the story..............I've told you the Bible was in the desk that I had when I worked in the office at Murphy's Landing and when it was not claimed, I was told I could use it. So I took it home and I have used it. A few years later and I was no longer working at Murphy's, there was a fire and the office burned to the ground. Had the Bible been left in that desk, it would have burned, too. But it wasn't in that desk because it was with me. And soon it will go back to it's original owner, something that would not have happened had I not kept the Bible. :-)
Okay, so more news...........
This past weekend, my husband and I did some housecleaning furniture moving. Geesh, are we getting old or what? Thank goodness for Danny, a friend, we could hire to help move the old living room furniture to the basement. After that was done, we vacuumed up a storm. Then we were tired. Yep, getting old. :-)
On the fun side of things.........all my new computer stuff is in place and I can load pictures so I will finally get a mug rug/cookie coaster tutorial posted. And I have some wooly tulip themed projects to share and then there's a table runner project I'm working on that I think will be ready in early April. Now that all the computer stuff and the house project stuff is out of the way, I am planning to sit down today and make a list of the posts I need to do to catch up on things planned/never posted and things planned/to be posted!
There's also some fun going on in my Season's BOM Yahoo group where we are having our first swap and can you guess the swap item?..........a mug rug, of course. Some of us participated in the swap hosted by Michele of Quilting Gallery and it was so much fun, we got members in my group excited, too. There are fifty swappers participating and once again, I think the most fun thing in this is thinking that all those swap packages are criss-crossing their way across the country and around the world spreading smiles and friendship. Just too cool!
Last news.........actually I can't tell you yet but I have some really good news that is such good news but I'm not sure it's real yet so wait til tomorrow and I should know by then. How's that for getting you to come back and find out what I'm talking about?
See ya tomorrow!
Saturday, March 5
I'm not getting lazy....
Have a good weekend everyone!
Tuesday, March 1
Help me find the owner...........

I found the Bible in the bottom drawer of the desk I was given when I went to work as Assistant to the Director at Murphy's Landing back in the late 1990's. It's a living history site that is now called "The Landing" and is owned by Three Rivers Park District in Minneapolis. I asked a couple of co-workers who the Bible belonged to and was told it had been around for some time as someone had left it in the Bloomington Ferry Church on site. No one had ever called looking for it and it's owner was a mystery. I was told if I wanted it, to go ahead and use it. And so I have. It wasn't quite so worn when I first found it although it had been scotch taped on the side so it's first owner had used it well. The owner also wrote in numerous places in the Bible and the frontispiece has this inscription...............

I started searching for Christopher Roberts almost immediately after I found the Bible in my desk. I didn't find a Christopher Charles Roberts in the Twin Cities. A local radio announcer did some searching for me but he couldn't find the right one. I took the Twin Cities phone books and started calling people with similar names and no connections. I even did some on-line searching but never found the right one and, in fact, there are way too many to start trying to contact every Christopher Roberts.
I figure this particular person is just about 60 years old. I'm just a wee bit beyond that and if this was my Bible, I would love to have it return to me. I don't know any other way to find it's owner - unless I hired a private detective and that's not something I can afford - so I thought I'd appeal to all of you. Tell me any tips you might have on how I can find the owner of this Bible. I know this has nothing to do with quilts or stitching but in a way, it's like an old quilt....pages are soft and edges are worn like the edges of a soft quilt. It's been well-used like an old quilt. It's comfortable like an old quilt because sometimes you open it up and the words you need to read are right there. And sometimes they are words that were underlined by the original owner, Charles. I really need to find him or his wife or some family member. The Bible needs to go home. Any help you can give would be wonderful!!
And, so, if this is Tuesday, it must be Bible Study today and that's where I'll be this afternoon. Sometimes, it's also "Tuesday Crazies" day. Either way, it's about friendship and sharing. I am hoping that through my blogging friendships I can find a link that will lead me to the owner of this Bible. I don't know why, but it has become really important for me to find him. Thanks for your help!
©SEA 2001-2018