Early this morning I received a call with sad news. My friend, Cindy Mark, passed away last evening. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer only a couple of months ago and too soon, it took her life.
Many thoughts have been running through my head all day. There were things that needed doing but I had to push myself to get them done. It was later this evening when I sat down to read the post for today, Dec. 14, in my Daily Guideposts (2007 edition - a "hand-me-down" from my friend, Arline). I was surprised when it started....... "The death of a friend turned my world to gray"......... and that kind of summed up the way I felt. Except that the passage for the day, went on to say that as the rest of the day unfolded there were little kindnesses and conversations with other old friends which at the end of the day made the writer smile. And the same thing happened to me.......another friend called and we chatted and remembered Cindy, a blogging friend sent me an Angel card with a message that brought tears to my eyes, and my mother called to say she had won a quilt at a benefit for my brother's friend who is also suffering from cancer. I delivered a box of toys for kids in need at Christmas and I made plans to gather even more next year. Christmas cards from special friends came in the mail. I was asked to be a speaker at the Spring Extension Banquet and I replied that "yes, I would love to share my story and quilts." And so, life goes on. But I'll miss my friend. Even though we didn't see each other as often once I moved, we were still friends and knew that we would be friends forever. Cindy had a great laugh and she was a consumate believer in the belief that a woman could do anything she put her mind to! She often shared quotes at the end of her e-mails and one of my favorites was this one from Eleanor Roosevelt...........
Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.
It's one that I memorized.......that is until I had to type it so I had to google it to get it right. When I read the rest of the quotes from Eleanor Roosevelt, I found one that I feel summed up Cindy's attitude .........
You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.
I found two other quotes that are worthy of sharing.........both are from Eleanor Roosevelt......
In all our contacts it is probably the sense of being really needed and wanted which gives us the greatest satisfaction and creates the most lasting bond.
Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.
I recently had an exchange of e-mails with another friend whose name is also Cindy. We were discussing "joy" and how even in difficult times there can still be joy amidst sadness. I find joy in knowing that I crossed paths with Cindy and that she became my friend. I am a stronger, more creative person because of her encouragement. I came to know other people in the arts field that I would never have met, if not for her. I was blessed by her friendship and so were many others. My heart goes out tonight to her husband, Steve, and daughter, Kaite.
I am going to take a day to regroup and will post again on Wednesday.
Hug your loved ones and your friends........call them........write them.......let them know you care......