Of course, I've squeezed in work on my crazy quilting projects and there was laundry and cleaning, too, but mainly we had fun!! :-) I will not get my BOM posted by tomorrow and so please bear with me, be patient, etc. and I will publish them next Sunday, March 8th and e-mail the blocks to all of you on the list. It's possible I'm trying to do too many things, but February is a short month so I'll blame it on that!! :-)
Saturday, February 28
A visit to the "Chipmunk Theater"
Of course, I've squeezed in work on my crazy quilting projects and there was laundry and cleaning, too, but mainly we had fun!! :-) I will not get my BOM posted by tomorrow and so please bear with me, be patient, etc. and I will publish them next Sunday, March 8th and e-mail the blocks to all of you on the list. It's possible I'm trying to do too many things, but February is a short month so I'll blame it on that!! :-)
Friday, February 27
The Big Snow
Busy hands today doing cleaning and stitching and typing. Tomorrow is all stitching. That is until my grandson arrives in the evening. My projects will go on the "back burner" while he's here and I'll get back to them on Sunday. We'll be crafting, though. Always do some project when he comes to visit, so we'll post pictures for sure.
Lights out!
Thursday, February 26
So you want a sneak peek.........
Wednesday, February 25
Good Monday, Great Tuesday!
Monday, February 23
Back again!
So what did I do in the meantime? Well, I shopped for groceries on Friday and thought I could beat the snow that was coming but not so......instead, I drove home in crummy conditions but was glad I went when
P.S. Did you watch the Oscars tonight? I thought it was the best in years!! Loved the song and dance numbers and the way they presented the best actor/actress and supporting roles with the past winners was really clever!
Thursday, February 19
Sending messages......do you get them?
Here's what I did....... I posted a comment on my blog in answer to something someone else had asked about in a comment so that I would be able to reply to my comment. I waited a bit and then I came back and clicked on that comment and up popped my profile where I could click on my e-mail. I clicked on it and up came the screen with the e-mail address in place and I entered "Testing" in the subject line and then a few words in the message body. Then I clicked send. A little bit later I checked my e-mail but no message was there. So, I tried it all again and waited a day. This morning, still no message. Now this could be because I am commenting on my own blog although I can send myself an e-mail from my own e-mail inbox so why not this way? The very fact that I couldn't do this, made me wonder if anyone ever gets the messages I send to them when I click on their profile. Could I have set something up wrong? Any thoughts would be really appreciated.
I think I may have to take a couple days off from posting and stitching. It appears that I have a case of "mouse-itis of the right armus" and also a case of "stitcher's elbow". Gee, can't imagine why I would have either one of those. LOL! Maybe if I lay low for a day and just relax, the pain will subside in my shoulder. Ibuprofen has helped and I am headed for the heating pad in a few minutes for some warmth. Poor Kaiser is also "laying low" today. He tripped coming up the basement steps this morning and must have pulled a muscle. Initially, he couldn't seem to walk - he sort of took two steps backward as he tried to go forward and it didn't work - and I had to help him gingerly get up the rest of the steps. He's okay walking but couldn't jump up in my sewing chair so I am almost sure that he pulled a muscle. I'll watch him and make sure that's all it is. In order to get into my chair, he sat in front of it and contemplated wanting to be there, then very carefully hopped up into my chair and is sound asleep there now. Guess we both need a rest!
Later, folks!
P.S. Another good phone call today plus a couple of nice e-mails from friends both near and far. :-) Perhaps later tomorrow, I can finally post what I found at the Thrift Shop last week plus after my dentist appointment yesterday, I stopped there again and found more goodies. Will also share the poster that my dentist gave me. "Ewe" may really enjoy this post when I get to it. :-)
GUESS WHAT? All three e-mails I sent, and the first were earlier today, just showed up in my inbox and all came in at 9:26 p.m. While that makes no sense at all, I am not even going to worry about it since at least the experiment worked and I know the e-mails do go out to those I send them to. Thanks to you all who offered thoughts on this one!
Wednesday, February 18
Crazy for Quilting!!!
Tuesday, February 17
Re: Seasons of the Heart BOM Files
January & February BOM files.........
Please note......I was not able to send files to the names listed below because there was no e-mail or blog to link to. Please send me an e-mail - click on my profile and you can click on the e-mail link - if you are still interested in receiving the PDF blocks via e-mail. Your e-mail address will not be made public as I do a "blind send" of the e-mail files.
Ginny, Sharleen, Carrie, Eleanor, Barb, Raglady, Evelyne, Heather, Kris B, Jan, Jersey Stitcher, Bonnieb, Quilt Garden, Pam, and Gloria.
Sunday, February 15
President's Day!
Kaiser also had a good weekend. I couldn't resist taking a picture of him sleeping in my sewing chair. He's too big for the chair but he loves it. It's meant to be a "boudoir" chair so it's just the right size for me since I'm short. Kaiser likes it because he can curl up in and it's warmer than sleeping on the floor. :-)
I'll be very busy this week working on details for a Crazy Quilting exhibit at the Scott County Historical Society. And then I am going to go one by one and review the BOM e-mail list. I know some of you did not get the files so I need to see if I left you out or if the e-mail is bouncing. I'll begin that task on Monday evening CST and files will go out to those who have requested them in the past week to ten days. Thanks for your interest and patience. That's all for this evening.
Have a really good Monday!!
A little change in plans............Sometimes things don't go like you think they will and that's what happened this morning. Won't be running those errands after all so won't be celebrating at JoAnn's today. It's okay as everything is just rescheduled to Wednesday. And, Sharon, if you're checking, I have to report that I am not a loser this week. I enjoyed every morsel of that Valentine dinner and lots of Hershey's kisses. Since they are almost all gone, I should be a loser by next Monday. :-)
Saturday, February 14
A little Valentine "eye candy".........
Here are two final photos of Valentine greetings that decorate my house. I made the velvet frames and then designed the cross stitch that is in each frame. This was in the '80's during my brief Cross Stitch period. :-) The little bears are available at Michael's and I just glued some of my little Valentines in their paws. The velvet hearts came from Target.
Thursday, February 12
There's a new bear in my life............
And today's project is a set of dishtowels. Last week I found these black and red cotton dishtowels at my favorite Dollar Tree store and picked up several red ones and the only black one to make up some decorative towels for my kitchen. The hearts on the towels are extras from a Valentine panel that I bought for another project. I used the same heart but stitched around it in different colors and added rick rack. This project was my "creative treat" after I did more sorting and cleaning in my sewing room and finally located some needed items to finish off a couple of other projects. If it sounds like I am cleaning and sorting and unpacking a lot perhaps I should let you know - and some do - that we've only lived here two years and in that time, my parents had health problems and then my dad passed away. Prior to that, if you've ever prepared a house to sell, you know that things have to go into storage. And prior to that our son had moved home and many things went in boxes so we could make room for his stuff. Soooooo, I am opening boxes, sorting and finding things that I have not seen in more than five years!! It has been interesting, to say the least!!
It's Friday the 13th today! That's great in my book......only one more day til Valentines Day!!!
Have a great day! Valentine memories coming up next post.
Happy Birthday Mr. Lincoln.....
It's called..............
When I was young, I learned to sew
and through the years, I grew to know
that love is sewn in all we do . . .
some days are bright, some days are blue.
Yes, our lives are like a tapestry. We know not what the scene will be.
Some days the stitches seem so fine and other days, they all unwind.
But as we stitch, we realize we weave a cloth,
that in God’s eyes is beautiful and true and soft.
And though we see the knots and tears, God sees the work, the love.
He cares.
He looks beyond our faults and knows,
that if not for thorns there would be no rose.
© 1997 - 2009 Sandra E. Andersen
Wednesday, February 11
Keeping the Post Office Solvent
Here's what I sent off (my partner has received it so I think it'll be okay to share)....... a little cupcake pincushion (that plastic cupcake comes in a two-pack at JoAnn's), a little bundle of spring fat-eighths and in the drawstring bag are about two dozen buttons from my vintage button collection.
I received from Carol, my partner, two fat quarters and those beautiful pieces of tatting that I will either use on a pincushion or in my crazy quilt blocks. That's Propbear doing the "show and tell". :-)
Last weekend, I got serious about sending out Valentines. Here's the result............
On Monday I took these 14 pink envelopes to Connie to mail. Can't tell you what is in them as then the folks they are going to would know what they are getting..............
With all that stuff in the mail, you'd think I'd be done sending off packages but not so. I just finished stuffing seven more little envelopes, some with fat quarters I cut from the fabric in the photo above and on the right, plus wool and other gifties. Then on Thursday, I'll mail a couple wintery themed packages, some patterns and I will have done my part to keep the post office solvent and support the economy. Not bad, huh?
I have one more "show and tell"........Denny from my "Wooly Buddies" group sent me this fabric postcard and the cute coasters and heart. I wasn't expecting anything so it was really fun to see the package in my mailbox.
Monday, February 9
It's okay to lose sometimes.......
Okay, Sharon, did I do my homework well enough to keep my place on your list?
Back to working on Valentines.
"Connecting Hearts"
Hearts have been on my mind all weekend. The local paper was full of ads for restaurants that are hosting special Valentines Day dinners. And get this - we are going out to dinner on Saturday night for Valentines Day, there is even a reservation and in 40 years that has never happened!!!! I mean, we've gone out to dinner but to know a week ahead of time that we're going is unheard of in our household. I hope we don't get a blizzard next Saturday.
With hearts on my mind, I thought I would share one of my favorite penny rug designs. I designed this one in 2004 and it's called "Connecting Hearts" (© 2004-2009 Sandra E. Andersen) and that's because all our hearts "connect", from family to friends to mom to dad to kids, etc. etc. :-)
Friday, February 6
Block of the month files sent..........
I was able to sneak in a little vacuuming and some laundry today and made it to the church women's guild meeting. Had an nice speaker, Katie Phillips from our local clinic who spoke of the "free pill" that we all have available to us that will improve our over-all health ............ it's "Walking"!!! Made feel like I wanted to get right up and take a quick walk around the block! It was a message I needed to hear as I really need to get up from this desk or my sewing chair and get more real exercise!!! After the program, that was when I came home and decided to exercise with the vacuum cleaner. :-)
That's all for now. Sleep calls.........
Wednesday, February 4
Snowman BOM 2009 UPDATE!!

I have the block for March "on the drawing board" and will have it ready for you and posted on March 1. All the future snowman blocks have been planned and each will feature a snowman and a saying/words appropriate to each month/theme. Additionally, in March, I will tell you what to do with the words that are included on the pattern pages for the original series. I will now refer to the original series as the Holiday Seasons of the Hearts blocks. The Holiday blocks can stand alone, but I will share my idea with you and you can use it or design your own setting for the blocks.
Note: If you signed up to receive the blocks via e-mail, I will be sending out the files tomorrow to the entire mailing list. I have a number of new names to add to the list and will get that done and then send off the files.
News from the North Pole!
Then again, maybe it'll be a little longer before it warms up in here......my husband reprogrammed when the heat will come on and he must have entered something wrong. Like I think he hit the "away" setting or something because when I went to check the thermostat is said "63" and it should read 68. Soooo, it's warming up now, but will take a bit. My sewing room is over the garage and I have to use a little heater in here as the cold just seeps in. Not ideal but it works. I love the privacy of the room and that I can leave projects about as I wish so I will not complain.
Tuesday, February 3
Remembering Buddy Holly.......
The album in the photo above is one of two Buddy Holly albums that were given to me by a friend. I think my friend had a crush on me but he was several years older than I was and I was interested in guys my age (it was the mid 60's and I was in high school at the time). He knew I liked Buddy Holly, though, and gave the albums to me anyway. One of them didn't survive Hurricane Camille in 1969 but this one is in fine shape. It's got all the best songs on it and was released after his death. You can hear most of them because my music today is songs from Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and the Big Bopper.
I think one of the most beautiful songs ever sung is Buddy Holly's "Raining in my Heart". Talk about a sad song. I practically cry every time I hear it. And it's not just the lyrics. It's that beautiful orchestra that is accompanying him. Listen to it carefully. Then there's "True Love Ways", a really beautiful love song. Both songs were recorded in 1958. He may be gone but his music still stands the test of time. Listen and enjoy.
I have an exciting afternoon ahead.........a visit to the dentist but I am going to make a stop at the local thrift shop so we shall see what fun things I find! I'll be back tomorrow with the snowman pattern for February and some tea and stitches and some Valentine fun and memories, too.
Note: If you are a Buddy Holly fan you might enjoy the following links:
Monday, February 2
Happy Groundhog Day!!
Outside my window right now, the wind is blowing at a good clip, about 20 MPH and the temp is only about 7 degrees above zero (and I see now that we are under a Windchill Advisory!). Was it only yesterday that I was talking about a winter thaw? Oh, my, how old man winter does love to tease us!! So in the spirit of good humor, I got this idea for my version of the groundhog. Of course, she would be a lady groundhog. I looked into my backyard and there were swirls of snow and bare trees. The clothesline I tied between two trees is still there but frozen stiff. But what if in the middle of my backyard there was gold........as in "Goldie the Groundhog". Sure enough, here she is..................

Note: Please do not lift, copy, etc. my sketch of little Goldie. In real life, Goldie was my Grandma and she would think this was so cute - as long as the groundhog stayed out of her garden, that is!! Artwork copyright 2009 Sandra E. Andersen All rights reserved.
Sunday, February 1
A "Rosy" start to February!
Today was the Super Bowl and, of course, one team and many fans went home happy and the other team has to begin thinking how they will get there again next year. I wasn't watching as I was busy doing some super-bowl plays of my own by rearranging my sewing room. Wow, I am really liking it! I've watched enough HGTV organizing shows that it's about time I quit watching and got to "doing"!!! Perhaps by the weekend, I can post the "after" pics and then I won't be so embarrassed when I also post the "before" pics.
That's all for tonight. It's Groundhog Day on Monday. Have a great day!!
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