Today, June 14th, was Flag Day but it was also always a special day because it was my dad's birthday. I'm reflecting a bit tonight and realizing that it's been ten years since he passed. Sure do miss him. He had the nicest smile and he just enjoyed visiting with folks, loved his kids (me, my sister, Judy and my brother, Doug) and loved his grandkids. And, of course, he loved his wife, my mother, Mary. When he passed, I was really sad and it was just a few weeks later that I started blogging. My son, Devlin, encouraged me that I could blog. He was right. I loved blogging and sharing my projects and doing giveaways. I didn't realize it, but it was therapy. My dad would have loved to know all the people I "met" through my blog! He would have enjoyed seeing the various projects I received in swaps and all the places where they came from. He enjoyed making things and always wanted to know the latest project that we were all working on. That little wooden teddy bear in the wagon is something he made many years ago. He liked to work with wood, my mother loved to sew and craft. And they taught us well!
For several years I was a very active blogger but then two things happened........my mother's health declined and my own health took a hit. And then joined Facebook and I began to chat there and pretty soon I couldn't keep up with both. My blog has been seriously neglected. I have tried to get back to regular blogging but it just hasn't "clicked" again. My mother passed in February of 2016. I was more comfortable with the grief process for my mother. She suffered a great deal in her last years. Dementia robbed her of the joy of many a day. I found peace when I knew she was at peace.
In the midst of all the things that went on in my life, I was always stitching or planning some stitching project. My mother taught to sew as a young girl and I have just loved it all my life. When it comes my time to go to a Care Center, I'll be taking needle and thread with me, maybe a small sewing machine. I remember a local lady that did that. Not planning a move anytime soon but we never know when our health will take a turn. And that brings me to another thing that I never blogged about. My health took a turn in November of 2017. I had been diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocyctic Leukemia in August of 2014. I was at Stage O and went for regular blood checks every three months. Things stayed pretty stable and then.....I went for a regular three month check-up in November of 2017 and all my blood numbers were totally skewed. I was anemic and didn't even know it. Seriously anemic. I knew I was tired but told myself I was "just getting old". Long story short, just four days later my doctor wanted me to start chemo-immunotherapy treatment but before I could even finish the first session, I had to have a blood transfusion. The next two months were kinda sketchy as I needed three more blood transfusions and another round of chemo. And just when things seemed to be looking up......I developed a hernia condition and treatment had to stop so I could have surgery. All I could tell family and friends was....."you can't make this stuff up!" After recovery from surgery, treatment began again and just two more sessions brought me into remission! Hallelujah! I was so thankful. Lots of prayers from family and friends, all so appreciated. During this time, our son-in-law was also undergoing cancer treatment. His battle continues and he is doing okay. My prayer is that he will soon get the same good news that I did.
So here I am tonight, just reflecting. I spent this day making a patriotic table runner. I'll share it when it's finished. We'll see if you can spot my piecing mistake. I decided not to fix it. Sometimes even mistakes are meant to be. It felt so good to make something quilty. I've done more handwork than machine stitching and it felt good to put my sewing machine to work!
Guess that's about it for now. I'll be back again......soon.
Sandi still stitching ..... still making plans ...... :-)