Wednesday, January 6

Vintage Christmas Card January 6, Epiphany, 2021

This card is perfect for this day........ 

The Three Kings who have followed the star. 

This day, January 6 is known as Epiphany which is a Christian celebration of the arrival of the Wisemen. These three Wisemen/Kings had traveled to Nazareth to see the baby Jesus. 

One of my favorite Christmas carols is "We Three Kings". I can hear this song sung by the deep rich voices of the men in our church choir. It's an old hymn witten in 1857 by John Henry Hopkins, a rector at Christ Episcopal Church in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The Three Kings brought gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. I always wondered about the last two gifts. Well, my husband found a gift item in the National Geographic catalog..... a gift item that contained three little boxes, one with gold, one with Frankincense and one with Myrryh. I didn't have to wonder anymore. It was probably one of the most unexpected, thoughtful gifts that Steve has ever given me. 

This is almost the last Christmas card I'll share this 2020/2021 season. I have one more card to share tomorrow, January 7. Then on the 25th of each month, I'm going to share a vintage Christmas card up until we come to December again. Keeping the spirit of Christmas all .... year .... long. 


anonymous quilter said...

Thank you for the beautiful cards each day. Yes, let's keep Christmas peace going all year, so thoughtful.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I love that song, too.

"Peace can be found in the piecing of a quilt."
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