And the winner is
Heather of ..........
A~Country~Girls~Quilting~Adventures!!!!! I've sent her an e-mail and await her reply. Thank you to each and every one of you for all those comments. I wish I could send you all a gift! Your favorite treats made me hungry for sweets and reminded me of some that I haven't had in popcorn balls. :-) I'm planning to make some for a Halloween treat! Again, thanks everyone for your comments. I answered a lot of them but never got to all of them. Please come back and visit again!

Welcome to my blog! This is my favorite season of the year. I love all the colors, the sights, the sounds, the scents that say "Autumn". To celebrate, I have prepared a pumpkin full of autumn print charm squares that I cut from my fall fabrics while at my retreat last weekend. It's just a simple little item for my giveaway but ....... what you see above isn't all you'll get in the winning package. That's right............ there is a pumpkin filled with charm squares for a lucky winner, but ..... I will have to pack that pumpkin in a special size box and I might have to tuck some other gifties in with the pumpkin so that it arrives safe and sound at the winner's door. There might be chocolate packed in the box or a sweet scent to light the night or some sewing treat. There will be no tricks, though! I love to send off fun surprises and I love gathering treats, so leave me a comment .......
on this post only.........and tell me what your favorite autumn treat or food is. That's all you have to do for a chance to win my giveaway! Please remember that you must have a link back to your blog/profile or include your e-mail address. If there is no way to contact you, your name will not be included in the drawing. Comments will be accepted from 1:00 a.m. CST on October 1st through 6:00 p.m. CST on October 15th. The winner will be announced at 9:00 p.m. CST on October 15th. Oh, just a couple more things................One, you do not have to have a blog to participate. Two, I will ship International. Three, I will not accept any anonymous comments. Any comment left on this post must contain name and e-mail address or link to blog/profile. If you have a question about any of this, please pop me an e-mail.
Be sure to visit all the blogs that are participating in the
Fall~into~Fall~Giveaway! Click that link or click on the scarecrow on my sidebar. The link will take you to a list of all the fun blogs that are offering sweet treats for some lucky readers! A big
THANK YOU! goes out to Debi for organizing this fun event!
Have a Happy Fall!!!!!Sandi
P.S. Look for more retreat photos and samples of the candlemats the gals made at the reatreat in my next post on Saturday. :-) Edit: Retreat photos will be posted on Sunday. :-)
1 – 200 of 443 Newer› Newest»What a cute little pumpkin!
My favorite food in fall season is freshmade pumpkin curry soup.
I'm so torn - there's too many foods that I love. Last year I made butternut soup from scratch and served it at thanksgiving, this year it's been apple oat cake. For our anniversary (october) we go on a Great Pumpkin Hunt at the local orchards and always stop for a cup of apple cider and and apple fritter. I think its the combination of scents and experience that I love so much.
Oh, the treats of fall... this year we have discovered the serendipitous combination of apple and Bartlett pear pie... warm and ala mode, of course. Happy fall!
My favourite is pumpkin soup - although we don't celebrate autumn in the UK in the same way you guys celebrate fall
My favorite treats for fall are pumpkin cookies!
My favorite treat for autumn is pumpkin pie... Trish
I love the colours of the fall season ! The last recipe I made with pumpkin was pumpkinlasagna. mmmmmmmmmm greetings from liesbeth
OH my goodness..this is adorable! For Fall the favorite treat is just about anything pumpkin to include pie, bread, muffins, look what you did...I'll have to bake today!! Be sure to check my giveaway as well.
We don't have seasons like you do in Sri Lanka but I do like pumpkin soup. That is the only thing I could think of with pumpkin!!!
Thank you for being so generous and sharing.
THank you for the chance to win. I love pumkin pie, spice cake, carrot cake and apple cider.
Pumpkin pie is my favorite but candy corn comes in second. Love the pumpkin you are giving away.
I love that pumpkin, Sandi! Fall fabrics are great, orange is my favorite color. Thanks for counting me in.
How charming! I love autumn, and autumn colors, don't you? mary6850 at
Anything apple or pumpkin since they are so prevelant at this time of year!
Thanks for the chance to win! Chocolate chip Oreo Pumpkin Cheesecake -- SOOOOOO yummy! Your header photo is just beautiful. So absolutely perfect for your blog.
Oh...homemade pumpkin nut bread is TERRIFIC! But I also once had a great pumpkin-peanut soup that was wonderful. Your prize package, as always, is super!
My favorite fall food is my vegetable stew with crusted bread and followed by an apple pie.
So cute! I really love Pumpkin pie. It's really a treat as we start into the holiday season. Thanks for including me in your giveaway :-)
We don't have a Fall season here :(
But I love the stuffed pumpkin!
Thanks for the chance.
fsarah09 at gmail dot com
I LOVE fall, it is my favorite time of year, unfortunately, it doesn't look very fallish where I live now.. so excited about another give away!
The plaid under the pumpkin is fabulous. The food of fall is so fabulous...but I think I have to choose apple strudel as my favorite. In fact I'm making it today! For us to eat during a conference tomorrow.
Has to be pumpkin pie!
I love surprises-what a fun giveaway-thank you. my most favorite fall treat is carmel apples with lots of nuts, and warmed apple cider
That's a LOT of charms, Sandi! My favourite fall foods would be homemade squash soup, my mom's stuffing at Thanksgiving, and a homemade pumpkin pie. Yum Yum. Thanks for the chance.
I kove to eat hot roasted chestnuts , getting burned finger tips , lol.
I love popcorn balls! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love all of the pumpkin flavored food out there. Ice cream, shakes, muffins, breads, they all appear at this time of year and are delicious.
I love the little pumpkin. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a nice giveaway.
Fresh apples in the fall can't be beat. Your fall fabrics are a nice giveaway. Thanks
I just love going to the orchard in the fall and picking fresh apples. Apples eaten right off the tree are so crisp and yummy. Then coming home and making apple crisp, apple butter, apple pie, apple sauce.....
Love Caramel Covered Aplles with Peanuts! Just picked upo a three pack from the grocery store yesterday. Thanks for the giveaway1
Sandi - you're always so much fun...
Do I have to name "just ONE" favorite food for Fall?
Okay, okay, twist my arm - it's CANDY CORN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love getting freshly made apple cider. Thanks for the giveaway.
Lovely give away.
I like pumkin soup very much.
Apple pie! Wonderful giveaway. Please enter me in the drawing!
So sweet, Sandi. You always do such a nice job on your giveaways.
I love the autumn colors too. My favorite snack would have to be candy corn. Guess I never grew up!
My favourite food in autumn is Norwegian apples. Nothing is better than that, and apple cakes made of these are just delicious. A little bit ice cream or whipped cream on the top makes it even better :-)
Thanks for giving me a chance to win!
Um, that would be candy corn and peanute. Love those charm squares
Thanks for the chance to win! I love hot vegetable soup on cold and windy autumn days.
OMGosh...such a lovely give-away! Thank you for your generosity. I do not have a blog or facebook (or even a cellphone heehee). Hmm, my favorite Fall food has got to be fresh picked apples from the bought apples just cannot compare, apple cider & fried cakes is tied with that I think. When I was little I would've said hands down candy corn! I could eat that stuff by the bagful ;P
Smiles, DianeM
Pretty stuff!! My favorite fall treat is something my mom makes, stuffed pumkin. It's just like stuffed peppers, except the stuffing goes in a small pumpkin and gets baked. So yummy!!
My favorite thing of the fall season is pumpkin pie!! Would love to win these adorable goodies!
Beautiful--what a great giveaway!
My favorite fall treat is breaking out the hot apple cider. And cozy socks! :)
Wonderful give away!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
I love the smell of apple pie baking!! The pumpkin is so cute
Pineapple zucchini bread - I grow lots of zucchinis in my garden & friends & neighbors alike can't wait for me to start baking with the bounty! My recipe makes 2 loaves so they all await their handout! Great idea for a fall giveawy gift - thanks.
I have 2 foods I love at this time of year. Apple crisp and baked acorn squash.
Your Giveaway is something I would really enjoy. I have my fingers crossed that I'll be the winner. My favorite fall food is my homemade carmel corn. Thanks for a wonderful blog.
My fav fall treat is Candy Corn. Every year, I allow myself one bag, mix it with peanuts and enjoy! Thanks for offering such a fun giveaway!
Ah fall,, what a wonderful time of year, pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin sure to drop by for my giveaway..
thanks for the chance
Very cute! My favorite autumn food is the pumpkin bread, pies, pancakes,cheesecakes, and the pumpkin ice cream from Coldstone Creamery! So, the little pumpkin would be perfect!
My favorite fall foods include, warm apple anything. Like apple pie, apple crisp, apple cider. Oh now I want to go pick apples!
My favorite autumn treats are pumpkin bread and pumpkin pie. Which, for some reason, I only make in the fall.
Cute pumpkin!
My favorite fall food is apple crisp and hot apple cider.
I love this give away! And I love fabrics with fall colors and prints! My favorite fall treat is apple pie. Thank you for the give away!
OH CHARM SQUARES~~MY FAVORITE THING, I have made a couple of awesome quilts out of charm squares. Thanks for sharing.
Great giveaway! Pear Muffins are my favorite sweet treat in the fall!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Pumpkin cookies do autumn for me
I was just too late to participate, argh;..... I also love fall because of the colors, the temperature, and so on.
Lovely fabric, please count me in.
Your's is the easiest question I have seen so far. I LOVE pumpkin pie. Since I have been on Weight Watchers I don't bake or buy pies because I would eat the whole thing. But I will eat a piece when offered. ;-)
What a cute giveaway, Sandi! My favorite Fall treat is pumpkin lattes!
Very cute giveaway!
My favorite fall treat is candy apples, with either the traditional red candy coating or caramel coating...yum!!
Great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Cute giveaway! My favorite Fall treat is pumpkin chiffon cheesecake that my Mom makes ~ secret family recipe
I love autumn! It is by far the best season of year...and I love apples and pumpkin treats...pumpkin cream cheese roll is amazing! =)
Thanks for a great giveaway!
oh my .i think popcorn mom use to make them every halloween...
Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin pie!!! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I love the fall season the best as well and my favorite food would be the new apples that start coming out .Thanks for having the great giveaway.
I love the pumpkin and I love, love, lovvvveeeee surprises. You have such a fun giveaway....
OH favorite treat is Carmel apples, love making them with the grandkids.
my site
Love the pumpkin!
Once the weather gets cooler, I love hot chocolate (especially if there are cookies to go with it).
Thanks for a great giveaway.
My favorite fall food is pumpkin pie. Also on chilly nights a big bowl of soup with crusty bread.
marie in oregon
Pumpkin pie is our family's favorite fall dessert. My husband would take it any month of the year. kathryn dot laposata at gmail dot com
We're having a pumpkin festival at our church - pumpkin soup, pumpkin bread, apples, etc. But my favorite this season would be the apple pies!
Ooooooo....I love the pumpkin full of fabric.
My favourite autumn food is homemade pumpkin soup!
Great giveaway! Please count me in! I love pumkin pie!
Oh, what a tough choice! I would have to say, my favorite food would be anything I can create using the edibles I've harvested from my own garden! I made a veggie casserole with fingerling potatoes, peas, carrots, onions, baby carrots in a white sauce - served with red salmon I caught this summer - add a pumpkin pudding to that, and it's all good - yum! Thanks, Sandi, for all the wonderful treats you have for us!
Oh, I adore pumpkins. What a wonderful idea to fill a pumpkin full of fall fabrics. My favorite fall food is anything pumpkin, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Rolls, Pumpkin Cookies, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Pumpkin Bread.... Can you tell I am a fan of pumpkins? :)
Wow!! I can't believe there are 100 charm packs in there!
My favorite fall food. . .I really like pumpkin pie!
But I also love apple cider. I remember when we would go trick or treating and we would come home my mom would have some hot apple cider ready for us :)
Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Pie and more Pumpkin Pie.....
Thanks for the giveaway.
Such a cute gift basket idea! And the fabric looks lovely... so exciting! Thanks for sharing with us :) My favorite fall treat is basically anythign with pumpkin... pie, pumpkin choc chip cookies, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin bread... mmm, love it all!
Love the pumpkin filled with goodies. My favorite fall treats are squash from the garden and also apple pie.
I love apple cider...thanks for the chance!
LOVE caramel apples rolled in fresh roasted peanuts. Make them every Late Oct for Halloween. I could eat them all myself!!
That is one cute pumpkin!!!!
Thanks for the chance to have him come calling bringing gifties!!
I think my favorite fall treat are caramel apples!
Great giveaway!
I love pumpkin bars, pumpkin cake and pumpkin bread! Yumm, so good!
Carmel apples!!! I love that autumn treat! (the pic at the top of your blog is simply precious!)
My favorite fall food? It would have to be my loaded baked potatoe soup because there's nothing better than hot soup on a cold day.
My favorite treat for the fall is apple pie. We have started picking our own apples and have been having so much fun.
I love pumpkin pie!
My favorite Fall food is pumpkin bread, but as I grew up in Louisiana, Fall or cooler weather also means that it is Gumbo time:)Thanks for hosting a fabulous giveaway! Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the chance to win. I love pumpkin pie.
I think fall must be every quilters' favorite season! THe intense colors; everything else that tantalizes the senses! In fall, all I want to eat are winter squash and peanut butter mary janes in the orange/black wrappers. I can't get enough of them!
freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net
That is an adorable pumpkin, especially with the fall colored charms inside!
My favorite fall food would have to be candy corn, but I eat so much at a time that it hurts my teeth (boohoo!). Outside of candy, I would have to say cheesy potatoes casserole... My stepmom would make that for us when the weather started getting cooler and it was always one of my favorites, and now I make an adapted version for my family
What a generous giveaway...please count me in :o) I love a hearty stew and homemade bread in the fall...yummy!
Love the fall fabric and that adorable pumpkin. FAVORITE FOOD--oh good grief, I could never choose!! It's all good! LOL
Hot spice apple cider! Yum :D
Great way to display your giveaway! I would love to win your pumpkin!
Thanks so much!
pumpkin ice cream...or egg nog ice cream...or just egg nog...
What a cute little pumpkin!
What a sweet give away Sandi! My favorite fall treat is caramel apples! They just say fall to me!
i love pumpkin pie, pumpkin cakes, pumpkin flavored cupcakes, pumpkin flavored anything.
thanks for hosting the giveaway!
songyueyu at gmail
Apple crisp made from apples fresh off the tree! Yum! Great giveaway, Sandi!
I love pumpkin pie!!! or other things pumpkin!! There are so many yummy foods this time of year! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Wow, 100 charms is enough to make something useful, hooray!
I love pumpkin pie for breakfast (it has fruit and bread and dairy, right?) and candy corn anytime!
Oh, this is too easy...candy corn!! Nothing like getting a sugar high from candy corn!
My favorite fall treat is "witches nail clippings." It may be called something else, but that is what it looked liek to us, so that is what we called it. It is simply candy corn and cashew pieces mixed together. The salt from the cashews mixed with the sweet from the candy corn is delicious! YUMMY!
Sandy A
scotty4me39 @ yahoo .com
Oh my favorite is anything pumpkin.
Sandi, I won the last giveaway for your retreat goody bag so I don't need to be entered in this one. I just had to tell you how adorable the prize is. What a wonderful idea for Fall decorating!!! OH and my favorite Fall soup is my hubbys home made chili with this great whole grain and sunflower seed bread we buy. Yum!!! Hugs...
Fall is my favorite season....I love the smells,colors, and cooler weather. I really like pumpkin pie the most.
Thank you for the generous giveaway! I would love to be entered. My favorite food in autumn is pumpkin! I love anything with pumpkin in it. I make pumpkin bread and cookies for my family. :)
Blessings, Jessica
(hope this goes through only once, blogger is not being nice to me all of a sudden. lol)
The cutest pumpkin! For me the biggest fall food treat is pumpkin pie! Oooohhhhhh, my mouth is watering just thinking about it!
My favorite Fall treat is pumpkin pie! Thanks for the great give away.
Such a cute fall giveaway. Thanks!
My favorite treat is carmel apples!
I love roasted pumpkin seeds! Thanks for the giveaway!
My Dad used to cook pumpkin and cherry pies....The Cherry is stilll my favorite!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Favorite Fall food is definitely Pumpkin Crisp!
What a cute giveaway!
It is hard to choose just one favorite food for fall season. I think I may need to say something with apples like pie or crisp! YUM!
Oh I think the very best autumn treat is caramel apples, hands down!!! Thanks for the chance!
Oh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!, your giveaway's gorgeousssssssssssssssssss, I'd love to win!!!!!. Well desafortunately we don't have fall season here :(, we only have 2 seasons, but I lived in the US for a little while and I have to say I loved the fall season, I only wish to live another fall season at least once in my life, I didn't like the experience, I ADORED the experience, also I adore the fall colors, the cold weather, and pumpkins and everything, I decorate my home as we were in fall, lol, your cutest pumpkin, fabrics and remain would be really helpful for me (yeah it's a hint, hint), well when I was in the US I remember the pumpkin bread with whipped cream, soooooooooooooo good!!!!, and what about some apple pie?, gosh!, I'm craving now!!!!, wish I was there!!!
My favorite fall treat is apple pie, apple cider and apple squares.
My favorite fall food is all kinds of soups. I can hardly wait for the weather to cool enough to begin making soups! Thanks for the great giveaway
Treats for fall. Have so many I love. Warm Apple Betty with vanilla ice cream and Pumpkin Cream
Cheese Spread I make on a toasted bagel have to be two of my favorites!
your giveaway will be such a treat...hope I can win - my favorite part of fall is the colors and I do love apple cider
After reading some of these blogs, I had to go buy some candy corn to mix with peanuts. I think that's my favorite fall combination - YUM.
Ohhhhhhhhhh my favorite fall food is pumpkin pie - I'm dieting so I haven't had it in a VERY long time, but our Canadian Thanksgiving is coming up and I can't WAIT to have a (big! eeeeeeeeek!) piece of this delicious treat!
Hi Sandi, what a great giveaway. Would you believe one of my fav. Autumn meals is pumpkin soup!!!! closely followed by chicken and sweet corn soup. Thanks for the chance to win. Bye for now, Sandy.
Pumpkin anything!!! From soup to ravioli to bread to pie to ice cream to roasted seeds to...... If it has pumpkin, I love it. Followed by candy corn. Thank you for the giveaway.
I love those gourmet caramel apples (you know more candy, nuts and cookies then there is apple) Yum!
Oh my goodness! The presentation of your gift is too cute!
My favorite treat for fall is Pumpkin Pound Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting. I posted it on my blog this week if you are hungry for a taste of Fall!
Thanks so much!
Lovely giveaway. My favourite is pumpkin soup.
I have two: pumpkin doughnuts and caramel apple sundaes! YUM! Thanks for hosting a giveaway!
Thanks for this chance to win, it is a wonderful giveaway...
who can't use 100 charm squares.
favorite all time...pumpkin pie with cool whip
Fantastic giveaway!
My favorite fall food is pumpkin anything, pie, bread, bars. All good. oh.. and apple cider to chase it down.
My favorite treat this time of year is anything with Pumpkin. Pumpkin bars, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin cookies, can you tell I love it? Thanks for the chance to win, I hope you'll stop by my giveaway as well. Happy Blog Hopping!
Pumpkin Pie!!! Is there anything better??
CUTE basket and lovely fabrics. Thank you.
This is a charming gift! Thanks!
What a great pumpkin basket! I don't know how I can pick a favourite fall food. I love all the vegetables that are freshly harvested - carrots, potatoes, beets etc. I also love the wild berries, cranberries and mossberries. And if we're lucky enough to get a moose I love roast moose heart. Then there is Thanksgiving (in October here in Canada) with turkey and pumpkin pie. Yum!
My favorite fall food is my mother's pumpkin pie. The crust is crunchy and the pumpkin is not too sweet! She uses packed pumpkin, not the pie in a can. Your giveaway is so cute with the pumpkin and charms. Welcome back from retreat as I look forward to the photos and stories. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com
My favorite extravagance to enjoy in the Fall is homemade Apple Betty....yum!! Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway!!!
My favorite fall food is pumpkin pie. Or pumpkin roll. Or pumpkin cake. Um, anything with pumpkin.
What a fab idea! I just love it.
Winning it would be even better.
I have always said that the inside of the pumpkin holds the best and this sweet pumpkin filled with a quilters joy if just perfect.
What a wonderful giveaway! Fall makes me think of pumpkins, and especially pumpkin bread and lovely pumpkin pies. Yum! :)
And what a cute little pumpkin you are giving away. Thanks!
My favorite autum trean is apple cider and apple cider donuts from my favorite cider mill/orchard. Yum!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the pumkin, anything made with it.
Great giveaway, I love pumpkins. Fall food favorite is definitely a nice stew with lots of veggies. Smells up the house nicely.
Sandi, what a cute giveaway! When fall arrives, it means soups and chili. I love these stick to your ribs dishes. LOL Have a wonderful day. Winona
Adorable pumpkin! Pumpkin pie will always be my favorite treat this time of year.
What a clever gift, and a good use for that pumpkin. Speaking of pumpkin, my favorite Fall food is pumpkin pie!
I love reading other comments...they are making me hungry!
I don't have a favorite fall food, but I can tell you I have very fond memories of long weekends with my grandparetns (so my folks could have a weekend together) where Grandma and I would make REAL (not canned) pumpkin pies. So every time I make (canned shhh don't tell grandma) pumpkin pies I think of those wonderful days.
My favorite fall food is fresh picked apples. They're delicious.
Home made stew with dumplings, love it in the fall! And of course I would have to finish it off with apple pie! Thanks for having a give away , Sharonj.
I love pumpkin chocolate chip cookies! Yum!
My favorites are pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting or pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Num num!
Fall is a wonderful time of year. Anything made with pumpkin pleases my tastebuds, with apple goodies coming in a close second. Also like chocolate candies wrapped in beautiful fall colors. There should always be chocolate at one's computer desk LOL.
What a fabulous giveaway. I love everything apple in the fall, apple crumble, apple pie etc.
At this time of year I enjoy caramel apples and pumpkin shaped candy corn (not at the same time though).
Favorite Autumn Treat- Definitely has to be Carmel Apples...the more carmel the better....oh yeah baby!!
Thanks for the opportunity.
I love pumpkin ice cream in the fall as it is yummy. I love the pumpkin.
I would love that stuffed pumpkin!! Thanks!!
Favorite Autumn hard! But I do love pumpkin bread warm with cream cheese for breakfast in the I am hungry! Thank you for the chance to win that cute "stuffed" pumpkin!
Very cute giveaway! I love pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Thanks for the chance!
Love the pumpkin with the charm pack! I love popcorn balls!
Pumpkins are so favorite treat is pumpkin pie with lots of vanilla ice cream and cool whip shared with my granddaughter...half for her and half for me!
What an absolutely adorable pumpkin filled with fabric. Thank you for the giveaway. And, the thought of chocolate or some other kind of special treat in the box just makes me more excited to favorite fall food is pumpkin dessert, any kind...pumpkin trifle, pumpkin cheesecake, the list goes on.
What fun, I love your little pumpkin and the fall fabric squares! It would look really lovely on my kitchen table! I love pumpkin bread and a hot cup of tea, yummy, yummy, good stuff in the tummy! Thanks for such a generous giveaway.
Yay!! Thank you for the giveaway!! -- Very Excited!
My favorite fall food is pumpkin EVERYTHING! Pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin PIE!!
My favorite fall food is blue concord grapes- they are only available for a few weeks each fall and absolutely love them. The other thing I love is all the beautiful fall colors- so many fabulous colors to be seen.
Have a great time meeting new blogs on the blog hop- Thanks for hosting such a nice giveaway.
Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,
My favorite autumn treat is pumpkin bread! Thanks for the chance to participate - I love fall and I love charm squares!
Favorite fall food.. tough one.. Love beef stew.. butternut squash soup is another favorite. :) Love all of the blogs! My email is :)
I go to your site almost daily and love all your work. My fav fall food after the pumpkin pie is apples. Love that smell
I love chocolate-chip pumpkin cookies! Especially the smell of them from the oven! And I am ashamed at the lack of Autumn fabrics in my stash.
I love pecan pie.
1bmore @ gmail . com
Pumpkin Nut Bread!!!! Absolutely!
This is the best time of year.
Cooking and quilting weather.
i have to say that cottage pie is a firm fave i really do love it so much a end of year yum!! thanx so much for the chance x
My favorite food? That was a tricky question. Tricky, because we don't use pompkins like you do here in Norway. Well then I have to say warm apple pai with ice cream Yummy......
I love the falling leaves, the beautiful colors and pumpkin pie.
ooooo that Pumpkin looks so pretty just by itself - and you say it has autumn fabric in it too???
At this time of year I've become addicted to candy corn -nigh impossible to find here 'down-under', but this is the first year I've not organised an exchange in time to beg for that sickly sweet product!!
There - you now have my weakness - do what you will.
Hugs! and thank you for this chance!
I love all the fall themed fabric!
My favourite is pumpkin soup.
Thanks for the opportunity in your drawing.
A big hug
Hands down, my favorite fall treat has to be Taffy Apples ! I only allow myself to eat two a year so I always look forward to this time of year. Madamquiltsalot ~ Linda
Oh goody Fall fabrics would be nice I'm starting a landscape quilt and fall colors would be good. Your quilts are so cute love the circle one. Linda
What a fun blog hop! thanks for the chance of winning. I am going to have to say my version of an apple/blackberry pie, is my favorite Fall food.
What a cute giveaway! Thanks for sharing, I love Fall! My favorite Fall food has to be a caramel apple, I love them! They are so sweet, I also love pumpkin bread!
Apple pie! I am going to be baking a few for the sale beneifiting my local fire house soon.
I love stuffed pumpkin, my mom slowly cooks ground pork then adds stuffing, after that it gets stuffed inside a yummy pumpkin and baked or pressure cooked. Think I need to go looking for a pumpkin for cooking :0) Thanks for offering this cute giveaway. Feel free to visit my blog the doors always open.....
Adorable pumpkin! My favorite fall food tends to change with my mood. I love apples, pears, cinnamon, pumpkin, the list is endless. At the moment I am thinking an overstuffed pie of apples, cranberries, pecans would sit the bill. Happy blogging!
WHat a wonderful favorite food this time of year is pumpkin out of the oven.
I really liked your header and your memories with that picture, that was so touching.
Thanks for the chance to win this great gift!
Ooh, this is so much fun. Not only do we get the chance to win something, we get to meet a lot of great quilters!
My favorite fall food is acorn squash. I know you can get it pretty much all year, but it tastes it's best in the fall! Thanks again and take care - Elizabeth:
Autumn is my favorite too!
My favorite treat is a caramel apple - not just for autumn, I know, but it sure reminds me of fall!
What a perfect fall giveaway! I love pumpkins, charm squares, and fall colors! My favorite food that we always have at the beginning of fall is warm apple crisp with vanilla ice cream. YUM! Happy Fall!
I hate pumpkin food so I am hoping apples count bc I love apple pie!
Lovely idea for a giveaway, very clever and very cute!
Favorite fall foods. I know this might sound odd, but I love all the fall vegetables, and I will be cooking them up in every imaginable way for as long as the season lasts. Everything from sweet potatoes and pumpkin to brussels sprouts and celery root!
Thanks for a chance to win your wonderful prize!
Fall is my favorite time of year. Maybe it is because I was born in October.
Candy corn, all flavors. Fall is the only time of year I eat it.
My favorite fall food is a halloween candy-the green apple sucker covered in caramel. I love, love, love those. Can't wait to see them in the stores each year. I think they are better than caramel apples. What a fabulous gift you have put together. Thanks
I love Fall and your give away is perfect!!!
My favorite treat is apple crisp!!
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