So, what got me in the "Mug Rug Mode"? Well, it all started last fall when here in Blogland, everyone was making mug rugs. They were so cute. They had themes, were colorful, quick to make and useful!!! So, at Christmas I made a mug rug for my son's girlfriend, Stacia. It was similar to this one...........
Once I sent my swap mug rug off to Tennesse, I was still enthused about mug rugs and when Janice at Firefly Quilt Shop asked if there was some little thing I could do for a kit favor for a retreat she was going to..........I said yes and came up with this...............
My sister's birthday was coming up on March 2nd, so I thought I'd make a little mug rug to tuck in with the little book and card I was sending her. Here it is...........
I had that all over print that I used for the backing and the other pieces for the mug rug came from this...........
I love to repurpose things and I have had this vest panel for ages and knew I would never make it and wear it. I made a similar vest panel years ago and it looked good on the panel but never fit right. This is not the first panel, I've "re-purposed". I have made totebags and pincushions, book covers, etc. from these panels. And I have several more of them in all sorts of holidays and themes that are never going to become clothing! I figure why not cut them up and put them to good use! I didn't use a pattern for the one I made for my sister, Judy. I just started cutting and stitching. I love doing that. It goes back to one when we were kids and played dolls and paper dolls and we had a great time.
Dorothy is a very dear friend and is a member of our Bible Study group. I've mentioned our Bible Study group a lot here on my blog. It usually meets Tuesdays, although this winter there have been a lot of Tuesdays when that didn't happen. Too much cold and snow! It's a group of six friends who generously invited me to join them not too long after we moved out here to Henderson. They have met for more than 25 years and I felt honored to be invited into their group. I have to be honest. I wasn't looking to join a Bible Study group, but this is more than just a study of the Bible. And yes, there is dessert and it's always good but there is a friendship and caring that makes the bond among these women a wonderful thing. As I said, I am honored to be included in their group. We share about our families, the fun times, the hard times, our health, recipes, and so much more. It is a very good thing. Right now, though, one of our group, Dorothy, is facing a cancer challenge that is not going well. Last Tuesday, we took Bible Study to Dorothy's house. Her daughter Pam gave us the "go-ahead" and we brought dessert and gathered to share time together. It was both a sweet time and a bittersweet time. We didn't do any study, we just enjoyed visiting with Dorothy. Her smile is the same but she's not got that same spunk we all know and love. I wish that something as simple as a mug rug could make it all better. My little gift seems inconsequential in the whole scope of things. But as I stitched it, I prayed for peace and comfort for Dorothy, just as many others are doing. She's one of those people that everybody loves. She has a wonderful sense of humor and amazing faith. She is taking this challenge far more gracefully than most of us would. I don't usually ask you all for prayer because we are all in different corners of the world and of different faiths or not. But I would like to close this post and ask you to pray for peace and comfort for Dorothy. I checked first before posting this so I have permission to share this with all of you. To read her Caring Bridge journal and see her smiling face, please go here. Blessings and many thanks to all of you!

After I finished the mug rug for Judy, I decided to make one for my friend, Dorothy. I cut more pieces from the vest panel, but I had to piece a block to get another little church. Then when I was done piecing, I realized there were letters in each corner from words on the vest. It looked kinda goofy, so I used my gel pen to turn it into two words and embroidered......."Blessings and Love".........
Love your mug rugs, and can't wait to see more! I'm in the mug rug mood too and have made a few recently. (See my blog) Love making them! :)
Great mug rugs Sandi!! One of these days I'm going to make some too :0) That Caring Bridge site is wonderful. I had a neighbor that used it before he passed away. A great way to keep informed without bugging the family with phone calls. He used his to let everyone know when he felt up to company and who he would like to see. I loved it when I saw "Hey, Chris & Bob, come on over!!"
Great mug rugs! And I love the way you used the panel.
And I will be thinking of your sweet friend.
This is a timely post. My friend was recently saying how she'd like to make a mug rug. I'm going to send her the link. They are lovely!
I just visited the Caring Bridge and have to add one more thing about your friend Dorothy...she is now inspiring strangers. Thank you for sharing her with us.
The mug rugs are adorable - I have a few small coffee panels that I have finally found a use for!
I just visited the Caring Bridge and have to add one more thing about your friend Dorothy...she is now inspiring strangers. Thank you for sharing her with us.
The mug rugs are adorable - I have a few small coffee panels that I have finally found a use for!
You know you can count on me to be including Dorothy in my prayers. The cancaer battle is such a struggle for everyone - her and those who love her.
Your mug rugs are all so sweet. They really are addictive.
I have followed Dorothy for awhile now and she truly is an inspiration. I don't know how she hasn't gotten discouraged, but this shows what a strong person she is. Your mug rugs are all very nice, by the way.
I will say an extra prayer for Dorothy. I made some extra mug rugs when I was doing the mug rug swap and they have come in handy. I had a dental emergency recently and I thought my dentist and his assistant went beyond the call of duty to fix my painful tooth. They each got a mug rug at my last visit..hopefully, my last.
Love how your re-purposed the vest panel, Sandi. All the the mug rugs are great. Thanks for sharing with us.
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