I happened to mention the mug rugs to Janice, owner of Firefly*Quilt*Shop in Mankato and she thought it sounded like something that would work for favors for the spring retreat that she was participating in. So I made up a sample in batiks and she liked it. I proceeded to write up a pattern and made a storyboard of the steps required to make a mug rug.
Two things you need to know.......if you'd like a kit for this project, please contact the shop as they have kits for sale and, of course, you can use your own fabric scraps!! The other thing you need to know is that sometimes mistakes are made in measuring, and yes, I made one. I cannot tell a lie.........I made a big mistake in my directions. Well, maybe not that big but I was a 1/2 off and that's a lot in a tiny little mug rug!! The finished mug rug measures 6 1/2" x 10 1/2". I told Janice 6 1/2" x 10" which meant the backing piece in all kits she'd prepared (a lot of them) was a 1/2" too short. Janice was very understanding. I was willing to retype directions and reprint and restuff kits but Janice felt that wasn't necessary. So, I typed a correction for the storyboard and Janice planned to share the correction/adjustment with retreat guests when they were given the kits. I was so bummed that I made this silly mistake but it did highlight a couple things.........one, I should have had someone else follow my kit instructions first, then finalize my storyboard and instructions. And two, this is, after all, just a mug rug not a full-size quilt and it doesn't have to be a certain size. Not all of my mug rugs are the same size. Sometimes, it depends on the size of the scraps that I want to use. As you follow these directions, I'll share a step that shows you how you can adjust the size, especially if you are using some favorite scraps and don't quite have enough fabric.
Here we go...........
I created a large storyboard that I made from a large piece of posterboard. I took photos and divided it up into four sections. You can double click on these photos and read the test on the photos or follow the additional text that I am providing here. You can also choose to print out the photos as a paper pattern.
To begin, gather some scraps of fabric and a bit of batting.
The largest piece needs to be 6 1/2" x 10 1/2" for your backing and you will need a WOF/width of fabric strip that is at least 1-1/4" wide.
I cut some 5" charm squares in several colors so that
I could select the ones I wanted as I laid out my design.
Step 1. Choose one 5" charm for the flower. I cut a simple flower shape by folding a piece of paper. You can also trace a flower from a cookie cutter or a coloring book. Apply fusible web product to reverse side of fabric. Cut out your paper flower pattern and trace to reverse side of fused fabric and cut out your flower shape.
Step 1. Choose one 5" charm for the flower. I cut a simple flower shape by folding a piece of paper. You can also trace a flower from a cookie cutter or a coloring book. Apply fusible web product to reverse side of fabric. Cut out your paper flower pattern and trace to reverse side of fused fabric and cut out your flower shape.
Choose a 5" square, preferably green, for the background for your flower.
Iron the flower in center of the 5" green charm square. Refer to photo below.
Choose a small bit of fabric for flower center and fuse it in place. When flower is appliqued to charm square, you can go on to the next step.
Note: I prefer to add the outline stitches to the flower after the Cookie Coaster top is assembled.
Next step...........
Cut two 1-1/2" wide strips and two 2" wide strips from your choice of 5" charm squares. Sew together in this order............2" - 1-1/2" - 2" - 1-1/2" in a row. Refer to photo below.
The sewn strip set will be larger than what you need. Press the strip set and trim to 4-1/2" x 5". Look at the strip set in the photo and note that the side that must be 5" is the strip end side.
Note: This is where you easily adjust the size of your mug rug. If you have scraps that are only 3-1/2" long as I did when I was making my coffee themed mug rug, then use them. All you have to do is trim your backing to the correct size once you finish the top.

Sew the strip set to the flower square. This is now your Cookie Coaster top. You are ready for your WOF strip now. Cut two pieces that are 5" long from the 1-1/4" strip and sew one to each end of the Cookie Coaster top. Press.

Cut two 10-1/2" strips to the top and bottom of your Cookie Coaster top. If you used strips that were shorter than 4-1/2" please adjust strips accordingly. Also, double check this strip measurement as sometimes, depending on the seams, you may need more or less for this strip. Sew the top and bottom strips in place and press again.
When the top is finished, you can add any embellishement stitches. I did a blanket stitch by hand on my flower and center but you can also do it by machine.
When the top is finished, you can add any embellishement stitches. I did a blanket stitch by hand on my flower and center but you can also do it by machine.

Final steps.......
You are ready to add the batting and backing. Cut a piece of batting slightly larger than your Cookie Coaster top. You can pin or spray baste the top to the batting, then trim away your excess batting. Note: you are going to sew your top, batting and backing together as a sandwich and turn inside out. To make the opening area turn under nicely, I zig zag along a two inch area where I want the opening to be. This secures the batting to your top.
This is difficult to share in my photos. :-(
In the photo above, I have pictured my finished top with batting and the polka dot backing fabric that I used. Position your backing piece to the Cookie Coaster top, matching right sides of fabric. Pin together and then using 1/4" seam, stitch almost all the way around the Cookie Coaster top, leaving that 2" opening. Snip your corners carefully so they are not too bulky when turned inside out. Press and stitch opening closed and press again. You are ready to add a little quilting. You can stitch around the flower and also add a leaf shape in the strip area if desired. I did a "stitch-in-the-ditch" on my samples. I made several but did not take photos of all of them. The one below is trimmed in a slightly different purple fabric than the pieces I used for my storyboard.
cocoa, or coffee and cookie or biscuit to go with it! Enjoy!!
If you have any questions, please e-mail me.
And ..........
if any of you can help me with the following issue, I would love to hear from you. Here's the scoop..........since switching to my new computer and Windows 7, I am unable to "cut and paste" in Blogger. This is proving very challenging. I cannot copy links and include them. I cannot type something in Word and then paste it to my blog. And for some reason, when I was half-way finished with this, it didn't save and all my typing disappeared. I was ready to scream!!!! This is only happening in Blogger, not when I am working on documents in other applications. Does anybody have any advice on what I may have done to cause this? It is really hampering my ability to create posts for my blog. Must get this fixed so I can easily do that tutorial when my GO!Baby arrives. It's due on Tuesday. I feel like a mother who has a baby coming and the crib isn't ready. I hope you quilter's out there know what I mean. LOL!
I like the fabric that's used in the first picture very much. Could you tell me the name of that fabric? I like to use it for a real coffee-adict.
So glad you posted these instructions for a mud rug...I have been seeing them in blog land and had no idea what they really were...now I do. I'm going to share your post on my blog. Trish
Love mug rugs, so I enjoyed this.
Cute mug rug! You might want to download (free) Windows Live Writer. It allows you to edit and compose on your computer (offline) and then it will post it to blogger. It is very easy to use and makes blogging go quickly. I found it through another blogger who recommended it to Bonnie Hunter on Quiltville so you can go to her site to get more info if you want.
Love your Cookie Mug Rug. Thanks for the tute!!
Thanks for this - just love it.
Thanks for the detailed instructions for the mug rug, Stephanie! Easy to understand.
Wish I could help you with your bogger problem, but I used Windows 7 and blogger and have none of the problems that you are encountering.
I see someone suggested Live Writer. I did use that for a while but after blogger made some changes over a year ago I stopped because it became easier to use blogger.
The only thing I can think of is if you go into settings and then Global settings, is Updated editor checked instead of Old editor?
A great tutorial Sandi, a lot of work went into this, thank you :0)
You may want to go to Google Help to see if anyone else had posted about this issue. Sorry, can't help you.
Very cute, Sandi!! Now I can make some for friends!
A Very cute idea!! I love your finished mug rug!
Thank you so much for this tutorial. I still haven't made one! I promise myself that I will make this one. It is so cute!
Thank you for this, Sandy...love it!
I have Windows 7 on my laptop but don't use that for blogging.....so I'm not sure if I'd have the same problems you are having. GREAT tutorial, Sandi (as always!!!)
Thanks for the tutorial for such a cute mug rug! I'm not sure what causes your pc problems, the only thing I can think of is go into blogger settings to see if Updated Editor is checked... I had problems last year, but it worked perfectly after I checked UE. I'm still running on Vista, so no experience with Windows 7 and blogger.
Thank you. I've been waqnting to make some of these.
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