Just before dinner, though, there was a little bit of "show 'n tell". Sharon found these vintage afghans at that shop we found after we left "Main Street Cotton Shop". Arlis was driving and mentioned that there was a thrift shop. We all agreed it would make a good stop. We all found lots of goodies and mine will show up in a later post.
Just before Don announced dinner was ready, Stephanie finished this pink and white quilt top. You're right, she was working on a blue and yellow quilt but she also brought this one so when she tired of blue and yellow, she worked on pink and green. :-)
While we stitched in the basement sewing area, Bonny was upstairs cooking and there is something wonderful about the smell of good f
ood when someone else is cooking. We guessed beef, something with onions and then....................

The meal was excellent and dessert was a real treat ........... a chocolate m
ousse with crushed malted milk balls on top and a fresh strawberry. Fabulous!
Don read us the menu and we could hardly wait to get to the table. Dinner was pork with mushrooms and shallots, a delicious sliced potato concoction, corn on the cob and I forget what the salad was. I also forgot to take a picture of that divine meal. Don took this one of us as we toasted "Bonny's Retreat".
The meal was excellent and dessert was a real treat ........... a chocolate m
We wandered outside for a bit to walk off a calorie or two and to enjoy the fresh air and the sweet smell of the rain that had fallen earlier.
Then it was back to the basement for more sewing. My projects at Bonny's have all been related to three 30's fabric quilts that I've been working on for seven years. There is no rush to this. Part of this is thera
py as far as I'm concerned. :-) Anyway, I was ready to pin one of the quilt tops to batting and backing and Arlis offered to help. I was bummed because I seemed to have bought a really thick batt and wasn't all that crazy about it. We were almost done pinning it when suddenly I caught my hand in the batting as I reach to pin, and it separated. I had not fully unfolded the batting. No wonder it was so thick!! Oh, duh, how could I???? We all got a really good laugh out of this and everyone pitched in to un-
pin and then pin again til the quilt top was pinned right. With the quilt pinned, I can hand-quilt it while I watch TV (like Project Runway or Dancing with the Stars when it returns).
Then it was back to the basement for more sewing. My projects at Bonny's have all been related to three 30's fabric quilts that I've been working on for seven years. There is no rush to this. Part of this is thera
There was more show 'n tell and in this photo you can see all the little quilts that Laura made from the Halloween Sampler quilt I designed (go to my sidebar and click on it in my Tutorials). She's making one for each month and used some designs from my Seasons Block of the Month and others that she drew. They are "sew" cute that I want to make some, too!!! Oh, dear, another thing to add to my "to do" list!!
Only Sunday morning is left to share, but before I close this post, I'll share a picture of one of the flowers in Bonny's garden. It was dusk and the rain had just stopped and I wasn't sure the picture would turn out...............
but it did! I don't know what these flowers are but I think they are gorgeous. Wonder if they could be "captured" in a quilt block?? Hmmm, could be!
but it did! I don't know what these flowers are but I think they are gorgeous. Wonder if they could be "captured" in a quilt block?? Hmmm, could be!
Have a good Saturday!!
I'm sorry...but I also had a laugh about your unfolded batting....but nice that it happened where there were good quilting pals around to help fix the problem. I am loving those little quilts and may have to put them on MY "someday" list, too!!!
You are too funny, I would have loved to see your face when you discovered the mistake with the batting. Thank You for sharing your retreat with us, it sure sounds as if a good time was had by all. The Bed and Breakfast does a wonderful job, too bad you are so far away. Pat and I could use a week of being pampered like that.
What a fabulous retreat. It sounds more like a quilters TREAT :-)
I was reading my friends blog when I happened upon your post. The retreat sounds like it was so.... much fun. I have been to one retreat, at LBBC in Little Falls. What intrigued me was that I wanted to see where you lived, because the retreat sounded so cool. Needless to say I was surprised. My dad lives outside of New Prague. Happy quilting and I love your blog. Will your season BOM be available for a little while yet?
I just joined your BOM...It should be a lot of fun. I fell in love with the blocks!
That really does sound like it was fun.
wow,i sounds great...
your quilts are awesome...
You cannot go wrong on the best security systems
You did a super duper retreat! Thanks for sharing it with us.
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