Quilts and hymns and a little bit of history was what I put together for our women's guild "Guest Day". It was easy to set up the quilts. It was harder to decide which ones I would bring! I brought quilts and quilt tops that had family connections and then some that my dad and mother bought at auction. I tied it all together by singing hymns that were written in the decades of various styles of quilting. I love the old hymns and they go well with the stories of the quilts for surely women both prayed and sang and sometimes gossiped or cried or laughed as they worked on their quilts.

In the middle of my program, one of the hymns that I highlighted was "Standing on the Promises". So I used that one for a "stretch" and had everyone stand and sing the chorus with me. :-) I loved combining my enjoyment of quilting with my love of singing. How I love to sing and especially acapella. I used to be a soprano and as the years have gone by, well, I can't hit those high notes anymore. However, when I sing without accompaniment, I can sing in the key that fits my voice and it works great!
Some of the quilts you see in the photos are ones that I have shown in past posts. I displayed my vintage quilts upstairs in the sanctuary. Well, except the one on the podium which is a doll quilt that I started in about 1973 and finally finished in 1998! It is one of my favorites!

I had quilts spilling out of laundry baskets and tumbling down the steps. Don't worry, I had white sheets underneath it all to protect the quilts!

And downstairs where we all enjoyed some scrumptious desserts, I placed a few of the current quilts that I have made. I also brought one of my favorite miniature scenes that I made in the 1980's and the little collection of miniature baby quilts that I made about the same time. It was a very nice afternoon and many of the ladies who came told me how much they enjoyed the program - even those who don't quilt!
Tired tonight, so it's lights out!
What a fabulous display Sandi!!! I knew it would all go well for you - and all topped off with desserts too - does it get any better :o)??
Joy :o)
Hello from Belgium, Sandi !
Congratulations, dear, your quilts are fantastic. I just fell in love with the one next to the Grandflower Garden, with hearts al around. Could you, eventually, share the block name and/or pattern ? I'd be so grateful.
THANKS, dear! ENJOY your sewing !
Friendly (((hugs))) & smiles from my little corner of the world,
What a Blessing to all you are! Love those tiny baby quilts, in fact love them all. Great job!
What a wonderful display of quilts!! I'm sure everyone enjoyed the program!!
I'm sure a good night of sleep was in order for you after that fabulous show. I know everyone must have enjoyed it.
All the quilts are beautiful...you are so lucky to be able to share all your treasures and talent with so many people...wish I could have been there to see them all in person....Congratulations....
Oh...I, too, SO wish I could have been there. That is an absolutely wonderful photo of you surrounded by the serenity of the sanctuary and the quilts!!! LOVE the miniature scene and those teeny tiny baby quilts. Those were some very lucky ladies to experience a presentation like that!!!
Thankyou for sharing your programme with us all. Your quilts are wonderfuland your church looks beautiful. If only we could hear you sing as well!
It looks like you had a great time with your presentation and a lot of beautiful quilts to show the ladies.
All the quilts on display are wonderful!
I love the mini quilts, Sandi. Looks like you had a great day. Glad you are getting back into things and able to combine so many of the things you love to do together!
Your collection of vintage quilts are wonderful. I love all of them.
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