Today is my mother's birthday. I sent her a special little gift that I found at Unique Antiques on Main Street in Henderson. It should arrive in her mailbox today. I was going to post a picture of what I sent, but just in case anybody from my home town reads this and tells her what I posted........well, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it? So, I'll wait until she receives the package and then I'll post a photo to show you what "goodness" I sent along to her. In the meantime, I thought I'd share some "goodness" with one lucky winner in a "My Mother's Birthday Giveaway". Since she grew up in the 30's, I thought I'd share a stack of 30's charm squares ..............

There are about 155 charm squares in that stack. I started collecting them when 30's reproduction prints first appeared in the late 90's. I decided to fan them out so you could get a peek at what is in that stack. Here are the yellow, green and red squares................

.......and lots of blue, pink and just a few lavendar squares.............

And since I was cutting, I made sure to cut a set of 5" squares for me, too. :-) I already have 3-1/2" squares from a couple years ago and all of it will go into a 30's quilt that will likely involve Sunbonnet Sue. Anyway, I cut a whole bunch of those 3-1/2" squares and sent them off to my mom. It was when my dad was in the Care Center. I thought she might want to stitch as she sat with him but that last year she didn't really enjoy sewing. About a year after my dad passed away, she called one day to say she had been sewing those squares together. Some of you that read my blog regularly know that she made them into doll quilts. If you go
here you can see them. And then if you want a chance to win all the squares you see above, here is all you have to do..........
leave a comment and share a happy sewing memory. My mother doesn't have access to a computer but I'm going to print out the comments and send them on to her as she will enjoy reading them. Remember,
share a happy (or funny) sewing memory. That's all you have to do. Oh, and make sure there is a link back to your blog or e-mail so that I can contact you if you are the winner. Giveaway will end at midnight on August 31st and winner will be announced at noon on September 1st. :-)
Have a great day!!
Wishing you mom a very happy birthday! My happy sewing memory was when my little girls and I made our quilts together. They were 6 & 8 yrs. old at the time. We participated in a block of the month. Each month I would cut the blocks out for them and teach them how to sew them together. We all finished our quilts and they are happy they each made one. Those are wonderful sewing memories for me.
Susan, happy birthday to your mom. My birthday is Friday so I hope your mom gives me luck so I can win this prize.
My best sewing memory was actually learning to quilt. One of my students parents gave me private lessons and I was like a sponge. I wanted to learn it all.
Thank you for the chance to win.
so happy birthday to your mum from me too,and i would love to win the charms,happy stitching,susi
Happy Birthday to your mom!
It's hard for me to tell my son's quilt's story, but I try.
He was always(!) angry with me when I was sewing. Each time!
I have sewn a quilt to my daughter and everybody congratulated me and her of course because it was really good. After a few months my son came and asked me to sew a quilt to HIM (!). I have showd him some pictures and he chosed the style. He promised not to bit his little sister while I was sewing. :):) And he didn't bit her. :):) He is happy whith his new quilt but sometimes he needs his "original" blanket.
Happy Birthday to your mom!!! I have NO 30's fabric and have always admired it but didn't start collecting it yet, so it would be terrific to get those squares. As far as a happy sewing memory, right now it would have to be when little 6-year-old Jessi was sewing on my sewing machine (quite well) last week and stopped and looked at me with a big smile and said, " you don't have to do this by yourself anymore. When I am here, I will help you." That particular moment warmed my heart and will stay with me for a LONG time to come!
Happy Birthday to your Mum. My Happy memory of quilting is of my Mum whose died 5 years a go she was a master quilter and made many quilts. some of them where wall quilts and I have a lot of them on the walls in my home. seeing them every day keeps me close to her. She was the one who showed me how to quilt.Have a great Birthday. Englishteacup(Lynne)
Wishing your Mom a wonderful Happy Birthday!!!
My sewing memorie wasn't such a great moment then, but now I'm so glad she drove the point home. I was nearly 5 when I did my first embroidery, it was a littel bird on a branch with a setiment about friends. We gave it to my grandmother as a birthday gift, and it hung in her bedroom for nearly 40 years. I had to take lots of those stitches out, because it had to look as good on the back as it did on the front!!!
I am happy for those tedious and frustrating moments, because I have learned to make is a nice on the back as the front, and I am pleased when folks turn my work over, and two because I have that litle piece I made when I was 5 and it hangs in my sewing room!
Beth-Pretoria, South Africa
What a lovely prize - could you please count me in. I have always sewn since very young and one of my best memories is wearing some clothes that I friend and I designed and made ourselves aged about 12 years old. This was in about 1980. We sewed them on an old hand singer machine in her garden. My friend had 2 younger brothers and we would persuade them to sit and turn the handle while we sewed away. I really wish we had photos of what we made and wore - lord only knows what we looked like - lol ! Happy birthday to your Mum xx
happy birthday to your sewing (quilting) memory isn't really something that I actually quilted but it is about sitting with quilts that my grandmother made and talking with her about the fabrics she had in them...and actually remembering some of the fabric as being in clothes that she made...
Happy Wonderful Birthday to your Mom!!
My happy sewing memory is from my greatgrandmother. She always wore aprons (much like we are making today) to do her housework. I loved helping her while I was visiting. She often had her sewing machine on the dining rooom table and I loved watching the process. I was so surprised and happy one day when she gave me my very own apron to wear while at her house. That was back in the mid-60's, and I still have that apron. I will cherish it forever.
Thanks for the memory....don't forget to eat lots of cake and ice-cream on Mom's Birthday!!
Happy Birthday to your mom. I am a big believer in long birthday celebrations. And I can thank my mom for that. We always had two birthday parties when we were growing up - a kid party and a family party. She was always doing very special things for us even when it wasn't her birthday. I was 22 when she died and that night when we came home from the hospital there was a package at our house with something she had ordered for me.
Happy birthday to your mother!
One of my happy memories is the moment my mother let me use the her sewing machine, when I was about six years old. She was so afrayd! She didn't want me sewing one of my fingers!
Thanks for sharing!
Sandi, how fun to ready this post today, the post with the doll quilt was what made me follow your blog.
It pulled at my heartstrings, and reminded me of sewing with my mom, mom teaching me and years later going to quilt retreats and teaching others to quilt with mom & my sister.
I would be honored to win the 30's squares and maybe make them into to doll quilts for my two little grandaughters (heres to hoping they too will like to sew). Thank you for the memories and smiles.
I stayed summers with my grandmother who was a seamstress. I loved looking at her quilts and she would tell me stories about what the fabrics used to be in the quilt - her dress, her apron, dad's shirt, feedsack, etc. She would tell me how she would make my dad's coat or pants (during the depression) from other items. I used some of her hints when making clothes for my kids when they were younger. I inherited one of her quilts - butterflies- and am thinking of making one like it. She is the reason I love to sew now and also the reason I love 30s repros! - Cathy L (
I almost forgot a big Happy Birthday to your Mom! you have a wonderfull daughter.
Happy Birthday to your mom! CAn't wait to see what you got her...I'm such a snoop! :)
I am so glad my mom started me out with lacing cards! Remember those? That must have been my first encounter with sewing. Mom use to make clothes for my doll and once, I even got a mother/daughter dress. I felt so special to match my mom! THings sure have changed!
What a wonderful giveaway
My youngest DD just left for college and now she decides yes she wants the 30's brick quilt I offered to make her last year. so now I am on a mission to make the quilt before Thanksgiving! This would give me a wonderful assortment to add to the quilt
memory....making a flannel board for my girls to play with in the sewing room gave me many hours of sewing time while they played around with it for a few years
went from animals, to felt paper dolls, to alphabet/numbers they would play school....etc
they loved it!
thanks hadn't thought about that in a long time
Thank you for the chance to win!
I remember my mom teaching me to hand sew quilt blocks. However, I will never understand why she started me out with the dreaded diamonds!!!!LOL
Wishing your Mom and very happy birthday and another very happy year. A happy sewing memory was when I won a special award at our Guild quilt show. I made a Grandmothers Flower Garden mini-quilt out of yo-yos using a 50 cent piece as a template. The funny part was when two of my friends gave me a second award: real yo-yo!
Synthia (with an S)
Happy sewing memory-sewing with my son or daughter on my lap! She just wanted to be with me. He loved anything mechanical! Also just finished sewing a quilt top -a gift for my niece/goddaughter's wedding. Also sewing baby quilt and big bed quilts for the grandkids. Sorry lots of precious sewing memories.
I would love these 30's squares. i am collecting fabric to make a 30's quilt. My happy memories are learning to sew in 4-H as a young girl. I remember the sense of accomplishment it gave me. I didn't sew much after that until I had children. I remember being so proud of being able to sew dresses for my daughter. Often I would hand piece a quilt while nursing my babies. I would get plenty of cuddly time plus accomplish something else too. Now my daughter likes to sew too.
Happy birthday to your mother!
Happy Birthday to your lovely Mum . My best sewing memory is making up a stuffed toy when I was a kid . It was a deer in a kilt called "Hamish Mc Deer" and I was really proud of it , though it's falling apart at the badly sewn seams now ,lol.
Happy Birthday to You! It seems like I just wished you Happy Birthday, but it was a fast year ago. My first quilting class with ourbLakeside Ladies I brought with me the beautiful quilt my Dear Mom made for me. It was used a lot and the edges were beginning to shread. I was hoping someone would do it for me as I never quilted before. The teacher said. You'll be able to do it in no time. Well I just found material for the binding, cut it on Pats GO and its my next project. I will post pictures of before and after.
Happy Birthday to Sandi's mom! What a lovely idea, collecting birthday wishes to send. I'm making wonderful sewing memories this week. My aunt from Huntsville, AL, is visiting for a few days. Last year's visit resulted in her learning how to quilt; she made a potholder. Since then she's joined two quilting groups and has made numerous projects. So we've had two sewing machines set up at the kitchen table and have been chatting and sewing away! Wonderful memories in the making...
Just wanted to share this with all of you. On my Birthday I gave my Mom flowers. Some years a flower or two, some a large boquet, depending on how my budget was.The first time I did it she looked at me and said, its your b'day, you get the presents, to which I replied, it may be my Birthday but without you there would be no me. It really thrilled her
Happy birthday to your Mom. My happy sewing memory is both happy and embarrassing for all of us grand-daughters in my family because every Christmas our Grandmother always would make us girls cotton, frilly underpants.
Happy Birthday to your Mom.
One of my favorite sewing memories is when my step-daughter came home from college and asked me to help her with a quilt she wanted to sew for her boyfriend. She had one week to complete a king size Trip Around the World quilt! She didn't own scissors, let alone a rotary cutter & mat, nor did she know how to sew! I set aside my projects, created a barrier for my toddler (2 at the time), and helped. We had so much fun putting that quilt together. I am sure we looked like Lucy and Ethel to onlookers. I can still see that quilt laid out on my dining room floor.
Happy birthday to your mom. I hope her year ahead is filled with health and happiness.
Your 30s squares are gorgeous and would be perfect for that Sunbonnet Sue quilt we were talking about. What a nice collection you must have.
My best memories are of when I have shared the love of sewing with my grandchildren. It makes them so happy and makes me feel so great to be able to enjoy their pride at accomplishing it.
My mother was the one that taught me the most about sewing. I was a
4-H kid as well, but Morm kept her eye on what we did. Maybe that is why we received blue ribbons at the fair. Morm sewed for myself and my sisters because we did not fit "store-bought" clothing and it was cheaper. She made our wedding gowns and 2 quilts for each of us. A niece's best secret during her senior year in high school was that she had a jack-in-the-box quilt her grandmother had made for her and as it wore out, Grandma kept repairing it. What an example for us all.
Thanks for entering me in the drawing. Cindy in Texas
Happy Birthday to your dear Mom.
When my granddaughter was about 8 yrs. old, she had disappeared into her room. Soon I noticed the quietness and that usually means someone is into something they should not be into. I opened the door and peeked in. She had paint, glue, thread with needle, scissors and her mother's scrapbag. She was industriously painting letters on a piece of fabric. I closed the door quietly and told her mother who went into the room and checked out the event happening. She came out grinning from ear to ear. My sweet GD was making her granddaughter a Quilt. I still have her attempt 20 years later. It is a treasure.Would love the squares as I have just the quilt pattern for them. Sarah
My first learning to sew with my Grandmother. It was a old fashion foot peddle machine at her house. That is when my love for sewing started. I love your giveaway and would love to win it.
Wishing your mom a very happy birthday!!
There are a lot of best sewing memories but one of them were when I made a jean dress to my niece!!Wow it was really cute!!She only was three years old!!
Happy birthday to your Mom. I miss mine so much. She could NOT stitch a thing, not even sew on a button. When I learned to sew, she was delighted, and we made an agreement. She would buy me materials to make an outfit for myself, and materials for an outfit for her. I had to make her outfit before I could start mine, but I loved sewing so much, that was no problem. When I got married in 1972, I made her Mother of the Bride dress, a la Maude. If you remember Maude's (Beatrice Arthur) style of dressing; it was a blue and green voile shirtwaist long dress with a tie at the neck and long sleeves. Worn over that was a floor length celery green vest. She was gorgeous, and I was proud.
Happy Birthday to your Mom. My favorite sewing memory was making my daughter's Halloween costumes. I loved taking apart my bridesmaids dress and without cutting any fabric, sewed it back together for my then 5 year old daughter. She was a purple princess and that dress made the rounds between all the other little girls in my family. Thanks!
When I was in sixth grade and my sister was in second grade, we decided we wanted to be in the fair queen pagaent, the night before. Instead of telling us no, my Mama stayed up ALL night sewing us two dresses to wear. That story still brings tears to my eyes. Gotta love those mamas. Happy Birthday blessings to yours!!
Wishing mom a very happy birthday, Sandi. What a lovely give away. Sewing memory or nightmare?? I was to hem jeans for my neice (many years ago!) at the same time was patching work pants for either my son or a friend and I use denim to re-inforce the holes. Found the perfect piece to fix this huge hole (would have just thrown out the work pants myself) Decide to get my neices jeans done at the while I was in the sewing room and hunted high and low for them. VOILA! there they are.... minus a leg!!! Yes, I had used my neice's jeans to patch a grubby pair of work pants. Then I hunted high and low for a new pair of the same model/brand only to find that they were discontinued. I did find a pair though to the tune of $70, gave them to my neice then told her the story. "Oh aunt Shirl, you got to be kidding?" As she is laughing... "I only paid $20 for them at a discount store, you could have made them into shorts for me!" Ahhhhh!
My grandmother taught me to sew when I was about 6 years old. The love of sewing by passed my mom, so this was a very special bond between us. I still remember all the tips she taught me and I had the best Barbie doll clothes. Thanks.
Happy Birthday, Sandi's Mom!
My grandmother used to sew new outfits for each of us for every special occasion, so she was my inspiration to start sewing my own clothes when I was in high school. By this time, she was no longer able to sew, but was always interested in what I was making. One day I came upstairs (she lived with us) and showed her the blouse I had just finished which was quite detailed and had lots of pieces. She took a good look at it, really inspected it, then looked at me and said..."very well done"! That was enough for me! She was pleased with my work. It meant her standards. I was happy!
My happy sewing memory is actually my Mother's. Now that I know how hard it is to find quality sewing time when you have children in the house I appreciate it more. I wanted to learn to cook when I was around 10. Mom left me in the kitchen with Betty Crocker to learn on my own while she went into the family room to sew. She was just close enough I could call out questions to her, but she could not see the mess I was making and spoil my fun by commenting on it. She enjoyed her sewing time and I learned to cook. A very happy memory for both of us.
Happy Birthday to your mom!!
For sewing memories, I have 2 that I cherish. One is when I was a little girl and I sat for hours cutting and sewing doll clothes. I made the patterns up as I went along. It was such a great feeling to do that! My other memory is only a few months old, but it is with me and my daughter (2 1/2 years old) sitting and making a pillow together. She pinned, sewed, stuffed and hand stitched the pillow. Seeing her excitement when the pillow was all finished was such a great moment!!
Happy Birthday to your mom!
My happy sewing memories came from my grandmother. She sewed by hand and made the pretties tablecloths and dresses. My grandmother had the pretties blue eyes and I can still see her with the needle in her hand. Those charm squares remind me of my grandmother's dresses.
May your mom have a wonderful birhday.
Birthday Blessings to your dear mother, Sandi! I have wonderful memories of my mother making a crazy quilt when I was a child. I remember helping her pick out the pieces of fabric and helping to figure out where to place them. I was the lucky recipient of that quilt. I remember it being the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
Happy Birthday to your mother!!! My favorite childhood memory is falling asleep listening to the sound of her sewing machine humming late into the night. She made many of my clothes and so many quilts.
Happy birthday to your mom, I hope she has a lovely day.
A happy sewing moment was last year. I was making some kitties for the stall of my DIL at a market, and 6 jr. old DGD Tessa stuffed the cats, on and off meowing while doing that. ;-), I could have sewn on for days! A picture is on my blog if you're interested.
Those '30 's fabrics are gorgious, I can 'see' them used for little summer basket blocks.
Thank you for giving a chance to win these.
Dutch hugs
Here's wishing your momma a Happy Birthday!! Memories of my mom are when she knitted and I'd hear the clicking of her knitting needles.
Wishing your Mom a very Happy Birthday, Sandi. How wonderful that you can share this with all of us. I miss my Mom, as she has been gone a very long time. I think my favorite sewing memories would be when I have taught a couple of friends how to quilt. It was great fun and they have really taken to it. What a joy it is to spread the quilting fever.
Happy Birthday to your Mom! It sounds like you're a wonderful daughter!
My memory is from when I was a little girl. When Mom had a quilt top ready the word would go out and on a certain day quite a number of the ladies in our small town would show up to quilt. Mom made sure there were always treats and provided a good meal at noon. I remember sitting under the quilt and watching the needles flash in and out and enjoying the emerging design. I also loved when they had to roll the sides up as the quilting progressed. I have done very little hand quilting, but I intend to try it in the future and I'm sure my thoughts will turn to my Mom and those other ladies quilting and visiting all through the day.
Happy birthday to your mom!
My sewing memories start early in life. I remember spending a summer away (when I was about 13) at grandma's, and she taught me to make a tied quilt (which my daughter now loves). My mother taught me to embroider when I was 6 and how to use the sewing machine when I was 8. My most happy sewing memory is making my own wedding dress 12 years ago and hand-embroidering mine and my husband's names and wedding date into the lining of the dress. I am so grateful for the wonderful loved ones in my life who taught me sewing and handiwork skills. Without their guidance years ago, I wouldn't be able to make my husband outstanding costumes to wear for various school functions or make lovey-quilts for my kids!
jaynabug @
Happy birthday to your mother! Mom's who quilt are the greatest! My fond memories are those of my mother hand quilting in her recliner and I'm hand quilting in mine. We would sit, talk, watch tv, and quilt. Peaceful and fun... I know she would enjoy making a 30s style quilt to reflect her birth decade. Thanks for this giveaway. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Wishing a happy birthday to your Mother!
My favorite sewing and I believe my first sewing memory goes all the way back to grade school. My parents had divorced the previous year and I was chosen to play an angel in the Christmas play at school, which was great until I realized that I had no one to make my costume. I was the only one without a Mother at home to sew an angel costume and my Father, who raised me, was the out-doorsy type, not the crafty type. But he saved the day by hiring a dressmaking neighbor to sew one for me. She taught me a few tips and let me help sew on the wings. Needless to say I was the best-dressed angel in the play! And my Daddy was my hero!
One afternoon (Post-depression era) Mom and both of us girls were taking out hems in our skirts to let them down. I said "Mom why don't we save all this thread we're ripping out and iron it and use it again"! My Mom laughed and laughed, saying "We're not that hard up."
I stripped this off a blog post from a week ago.
"When I was in Junior High, I was in 4-H for one or two years. During that time, I took some sewing lessons (My Mom was a sewer and quilter but she knew better than teach me herself. I was always stubborn when it came to lessons from my Mom). After that I mastered two patterns that I made over and over again - a blouse (crop top) and a pair of pants with a v-yoke that I loved.
As I said, my Mom quilted. I absorbed the basics watching her and that was it.
One day 90 plus degree, very humid day during summer vacation from high school (in a house without AC) I decided to make a 'quilt.' I went upstairs and pawed through my Mom's fabric and pulled out a bunch of flannel. I cut the squares. Laid out my design and sewed my blocks, then sewed my strips.
When Mom got home from work, she found me and my completed top. Mom didn't let me stop there. She made me buy fabric for the back (we used a blanket for the batting) and made me finish the blanket. I used it on my bed in college and we used for on our bed for awhile after we got married. Then it was used as a couch throw. It was used to protect the chairs from my oldest who was a champion spitter when she was nursing. Finally, I noticed it was beginning to get very worn and rolled it up and use it for decor.
When C was about 2 I got my own sewing machine. I hadn't sewn since HS. I decided to hem one of those pieces of pre-printed quilted fabric for my first project. It was a single panel with trains on it. Soon it became a fixture on the back of our tall armchair/recliner. It kept the back from getting soacked whenever I sat there with wet hair and protected the back from laundry (the chair is the perfect height and size for folding laundry, it is especially perfect for t-shirts). That poor little piece of fabric is frayed and stained. Time for something new to protect the back of that chair.
I've been saving jeans for awhile to make a blanket. My stash was out of control and so I dedicated a day to making my blanket. I am inordinately proud of myself!"
I like how meditative I can get sewing I find myself thinking different avenues while I feed a long hem into the machine.
My momma used to make all of my clothes when I was young. She hand-sewed them as she didn't own a sewing machine. When I was three years old she was making me a dress, and I was misbehaving because I wanted her attention. She drew a simple cat stalking a little bird on a piece of muslin, showed me how to do a backstitch, and let me embroider the whole thing by myself. Of course it took me several days to finish it, which gave her time to finish sewing my dress. From then on she would draw me a little something so we could sew together.
And my little kitten? She made it into a pocket and sewed it onto the dress she made for me!
For my first birthday after I got married she gifted me with that same dress framed in a shadowbox along with my little red patent leather mary janes that were my 'Sunday Best' shoes at the time. She also included a note telling me how proud she had been of my little embroidery.
Momma passed away 18 months ago. I miss her so much. Please give your mother a Happy Birthday from all of us, and cherish every minute you can spend with her.
Sandi, a very happy birthday to your mom. I hope she has a wonderful day. I think my happiest sewing memory is when our youngest daughter, Hazel, asked me to help her pick fabric and show her how to make a baby quilt for our first grandson (her nephew). We picked out several pastel fabrics. She hand pieced nine patches. Then she hand quilted it. This took months for her to do. I think she was about 16 at the time. I oversaw the whole project, then sewed the binding on it for her. Her sister was so touched with that little quilt. She used it for their second child too and now has put it up as a keepsake. Awww, what a great memory. The sad thing is, that our daughter, Hazel, has never quilted anything else. LOL I think she burned out. LOL I would love to win these charms. Have a great day. Winona
Happy Birthday to your mom, Sandi!!
I love those fabrics! My daughter has been hinting for a quilt made from repro fabrics :)
My grandmother lived on a farm in Minnesota and she made quilts. She had a large quilt rack that hung from her living room ceiling year round and would be lowered when a quilt had to be tied.
As a little girl I remember the first time I saw her lower it.... Since it was always "there" I didn't realize it could come down from the ceiling :)
My dad's parents were dorm parents at the local junior college when I was just entering my teens. During the summer there were very few boys in the dorm, so my brothers and I got to play and watch TV in the community rooms when we visited. The summer before I started 7th grade Mom and I set up our sewing machines in the big community room which had long cafeteria-style tables. We laid out fabric and patterns on those big tables to cut out my whole school wardrobe. While I sewed my clothes, Mom stitched together my new winter coat. With 6 younger brothers, I didn't get a lot of one-on-one time with Mom. We talked and laughed while doing something we both enjoyed. Aren't Mom's great! Happy Birthday to your mom :D
Happy Birthday to your mom, one of my sewing memories was when I made a pair of pants that obviously didn't turn out because the crotch hung down to the knees, and they fit everywhere else but the crotch.
happy birthday mom, tomorrow is my birthday and i'll be 35....and so will you!! ;) 1930's repro prints are my favorite, I looked at some today but didn't buy. I've only been sewing/quilting about 5 years. Mostly everything I do is funny, as I'm self taught. I never knew until about a year ago how to sew binding on. That's pretty funny in itself. I hope you had/have a wonderful birthday. I know I will.
I learned more from my mother about sewing than from all my 4-H leaders and home ec teachers combined. Aren't mothers just fantastic that way?
My first memory of sewing was putting a running stitch around the curves of sleeves so Mom could gather the fabric. I felt so important, helping make the puffy sleeves for my blouses or dresses.
I didn't realize the quality of Mom's hand sewing until one year at the fair. The garments we 4-H members took to the fair were to be made entirely by us--except we could have somebody else make the buttonholes.
I sat quietly and listened as the judge critiqued my blouse aloud. It was ok, ok, ok, ok--and then she paused. She stared and stared at the buttonholes. She finally said "I wasn't sure at first, but now I realize the buttonholes are machine made--the stitching is perfect and too even to have been done by hand." Mom caught my eye and grinned and winked.
The judge was wrong. My mother had stitched every buttonhole by hand.
Happy, happy birthday to your mother, Sandi, and I'd be honored if I was the winner of the charm squares.
What a wonderful gift to your Mom, honor her like this. Happy Birthday to her! My favorite fabrics are the 30's prints, and have been collecting them for a long time. I finally started using them for some of my dolly quilts I sell on Etsy.
My favorite sewing memory with my Mom was her teaching me to do hand embroidery on a muslin dishtowel. When my Mom passed away, I was very fortunate to get a pair of unfinished embroidered pillowcases she started..finished them, and gave them to my daughter!
Thanks for helping me look back a bit..wonderful!
Happy Birthday to your mum, it's my mums birthday next week!! The charm pack looks absolutely scrumptious! My happiest memories are of teaching my oldest granddaughter how to sew and seeing the look of pride on her face when she made her first pair of pyjama pants.
Happy Birthday Sandi's Mom!!
One of my favorite sewing memories is when I was five I couldn't find my doll until I discovered it sitting on a box under the Christmas tree. My grandmother had sewn a whole wardrobe of clothes for my doll. The doll is worn out and collapsed from too many baths, but I still have some of the clothes. That Christmas was over 50 years ago.
Happy birthday!! Gorgeous squares, and thank you for hostessing a wonderful giveaway. I have very happy and fond memories of my mother teaching me how to sew on her old Pfaff...she bought it with egg and milk money. Now I have that machine...and it is wonderful!
My dearest memory is my grandmother teaching me to do chicken scratch on a gingham apron. Her eyesight was so poor but that did not stop her. Me made the apron entirely by hand and I still have it to this day - black and white large check with white chicken scratch. The stitches may be uneven but they are difinitely stitched with love.
Happy birthday your mother !
Good health and happiness
You are a happy man because you have a mum protect it and guard him very much because a god gave only one of him for us .
Two of his years were suitable for me unfortunately already big his deficiency .
Enjoy every moment with your mother. I miss mine. And we only get one mom. I'm amazed she wants to still sew. That is great therapy. Love the squares. They are treasures. My first introduction into sewing with my mom was ironing my dad's handkerchiefs when he was a policeman. While I watched my mom sew she would help me press and fold handkerchiefs. It was good for me and a good introduction into the sewing room.
Happy Birthday to your mom...and thank you for hosting the giveaway. I remember taking a BOM class with my mom(many many years ago)...since I hadn't really quilted that much, I soon grew tired of the process. My mom, finished all my blocks, had the quilt quilted and then gave it to me as a gift. Years later, I am totally hooked on quilting and I have my mom to thank for introducing me to it, even though I didn't finish my first one.
My favorite sewing memory was my mother trying to teach me how to make an apron! She tried so hard and I wasn't very willing to learn! Now I wish I would have paid more attention!
Happy birthday to your Mum!
What a lovely giveaway ... please count me in!
My sewing memory is at the age of 9 making a needle case at school out of felt with a linen page inside ... and I still use it now everyday!
Heather x
Happy Birthday to your mom! My mom was a dressmaker and my parents owned a fabric store, so I grew up with it all. My happiest memory of sewing was when my mom taught me how to make a doll. She became my favorite doll of all, and I named her Adrienne.
Thanks for a chance to win. I will be making a circle quilt using
1930's fabrics so this is just perfect!
Happy Birthday to your dear Mom! My Mom only sewed to repair clothing. My Dad's Mom was the family seamstress. I remember wonderful times going with my Mom and Grandmother to the local store with the fabric department. My favorite clothing was always one of the dresses that "Big Mom" made for me.
I love 30's fabric and have many patterns using charm squares. Crossing my fingers ......
*Happiest of Happy and Healthy Birthday to your dearest Mother*
I really like your kind and sweet nature, Sandi. By the way, thanks so much for your nice comments on my photos♥
I'd like to do so to get framed my photos but our apartment is like an art gallery. There are lots of so lovely oil paintings that decorate the walls. Maybe when my eyes tired seeing them, I will be quickly changing the decoration:)
As for my photos, I made them with love! Brings a joy and delight. They are my way of showing how beautiful the world is -not only my living zone, and how lucky I feel to live in it:)
DO TELL ME PLEASE via e-mail or commenting on my page, which photo/s you like the most and your preferred size? I will make it printed and send off your way. With love from the heart as always, you know:) Looking forward for your answer asap.
Oh I'm so sorry times flies and I'm finally to be able to catch my reading after my holidays. Your article about the Tulipmat you presented me is left me speechless! Your all gifts nicely packed in the box made my birthday week. Wonderfully smelling candles and all others... will be treasured forever by myside. THANK YOU so much from the deep inside my heart, Sandi. Have a very nice day~
Happy Birthday to your mom!
My happiest memories were of my mom teaching me to sew. She had an old, green sewing machine from Czechoslovakia, that she bought second hand. Sturdy and reliable.
She helped me make clothes for my doll, and later, clothes for me.
I didn't appreciate the patience she showed me, until I was grown up, with a daughter of my own.
FUN....I need to make a 30's quilt.
What a wonderful way to say, "Happy Birthday" my favorite memory is of my Grandmothers 80th birthday. We had a huge party, family, friends, wonderful food and she NEVER stopped smiling the entire day ! ! It still makes me smile, remembering her that day !
Happy Birthday Mom!
Mine was on my Mom's 89th birthday when I presented her with a quilt. I made the embroidery blocks sew by my Grandmother into a quilt for my Mom and handquitted it. The look on her face will always be my best quilting memory!
Happy Birthday to your mom....would love to win the favorite time quilting was when my oldest granddaughter thought one of my first old patchwork quilts was so pretty she wanted it....that started me making all my grandchildren quilts six so far one more to go. Trish
I would love to win your fabulous give-away. It would be a great birthday present for me!
I can't sit down to sew without thinking of my mother. She had the patience of Job to teach me how to sew. I belonged to 4-H and sewing was such a trial for me. She made both my prom dresses and my wedding dress. I'm still not much of a sewer, but I love to quilt and she is always on my mind when I sit at my machine. I learned alot about life from her not just how to sew. Love you Mom.
Happy birthday to your mom and thanks for the great giveaway in her honor!
My sewing memory...I took Home Ec in high school and I needed to sew a garment. I chose a very ugly pinafore type apron thingy. The fabric I chose was horrid! Well, I could not sew a lick and this pattern required ruffles. I have no idea what I was thinking, but my mom could sew anything, so guess who made my pinafore apron thingy?? My mom. No worries, she received a good grade. ;)
Best Birthday wishes to your mom!!!! My best sewing memories are my the 4 days of my first workshop in a lovely castle with the fantastic German teacher: Dorle Stern Straeter. Everything was perfect, the women, the food, the weather - at that time I was mommy to 2 little once. It was my first time in years just for me!
Hugs Brigitte
Happy Birthday to your mom. What I only can choose on happy memory. Sewing with my mom is always fun. I love that she taught me something so practical. I remember sewing costumes for a period play we were in for our church. It was lots of fun. And of course the sewing didn't end when we arrived either, as we sewed more costumes when we got there. I think it is time for a sewing date with her. Though we do hit the quilt stores together often we haven't sat and sewed for a while together.
I hope your mom has a wonderful birthday. I can't wait to see what you sent her. It is hard to pinpoint one sewing memory but my mom taught me how to sew when I was pretty young and I still remember the skirt we made together. I also still have the barbie clothes she made for me that matched her own clothes. Now I sew with my own daughters.
A very happy Birthday to your mom! My sewing memory: My grandmother made me many beautiful dresses, I just adored them. I felt beautiful in each and everyone she ever made, my favorite was red with white hearts, the skirt was full, perfect for twirling! and had a beautiful matching sash. I begged my grandmother to teach me to sew. She tried, and tried and tried, she truly had the patience of Job. Thru the years she continued until I was about 24, finally it clicked and I have been sewing for the last 30 years. I do believe it is the most wonderful gift I ever received! My very first quilt was made from the 30's fabric it was a gift to my daughters 4H leader baby. She was so thrilled with it she entered it in the county fair without telling me and I won second place. Sewing is a gift that just continues to give and give! Thank you for the contest.
Happy birthday to your mom. If she taught you to sew and quilt, that's a wonderful thing. My mother taught me to sew, and I love working on projects with her. We've made several joint quilts that we trade back and forth from year to year. I just spent a week with her, and we both love to just sit and sew and talk in the evenings. My husband has no doubt where I got my tendancy to always have some hand sewing to do as I sit and watch (really just listen) to TV. Best wishes, and thank you for the giveaway. Kathie L in Allentown
Happy Birthday to your mom!
My mom passed away last October and I have many fond memories of sewing with her. My favorite is when my daughter was born and she made her a handquilted baby blanket. I still have that quilt today. Another neat thing I can tell you about is my grandmother and her friends had a quilting bee and made this quilt. They hand stitched their names on it and the date for each one of the quilters. I found this in my moms belongings and now it holds a huge place of honor on my quilt rack!!!
Tracy Dawson
I love the charms and the picture of your family made me smile, especially your Dad's comment about his family. My grandma taught me to sew on her old treadle Singer sewing machine when I was 7. Years went by before I sewed again as we moved away. When I was 13 I asked for a machine for my birthday and for $25 my parents found a used one. I've never stopped sewing and have recently tried to teach myself to quilt. I love the 30's prints and have started a small collection for when I get really good :-)
Sending wonderful Birthday wishes for you mother. My mother isn't with me anymore, but I can't sew without feeling like she is with me. it's a wonderful legacy to pass on. My mother would sew for me from time to time when I was little...she said I always stretched her abilities with my choices. She taught me to sew when I was 10. I entered my first outfit in the county fair and won first place. After I had my first son, I found a beginners quilting class that stretched out over a 4 month period. My mother, my Aunt, and myself took the class and it was so wonderful having those 2 ladies to myself for those evenings. My mother continued with quilting for many years and made beautiful quilts which I treasure. I set quilting aside for quite a while (never stopped reading, learning, enjoying) to chase boys, work, build houses etc. But I'm back to it again, and always have my Mom with me in spirit.
Happy Birthday. One of my best quilting memories was making a quilt with my grandmother. She had made a bunch of hummingbird blocks and I helped her finish them. Then I did the layout and sewed them together and she and her quilt group quilted it. It is still my favorite.
Happy Birthday to your mom! My best sewing memory... it is hard to pick because it seems I have been sewing all of my life! I guess making all of my own clothes when I was a teenager. I think back at some of those creations and shudder, and now some of those same style prints are back! It is like a trip down memory road when I go to the fabric and clothing stores! I only do quilts now... too hard to fit this chunky body for clothing.
Happy Birthday!!
I remember going to stay with my grandmother in the summer. We would walk over to JC Penney's and look through all the pattern books.. We would then buy lots of fabric and she would replicate all the dresses in the pattern book...without using a pattern. She was amazing and I didn't appreciate it then...
Happy belated birthday! It was our 20th anniversary, too!
My funniest quilting memory is when a couple of friends and I got together in Chicago to quilt and have fun. I kept asking one of the girls about her turtle quilt she was making for another friend. Only thing was, it was FROG, not a turtle! Even tho one of the other friends kept correcting me, it took a long time for me to catch on. The quilt was named "A frog named Turtle" because of that! We still laugh about it!
Thanks for the chance to win. I love these prints!
Sandy A
Happy Birthday to Sandi's Mom! I hope you are having fun reading all these comments. My Mom didn't sew much, but she had a sewing machine to make easy things like curtains. I started using it to make doll clothes and discovered that I really liked sewing. My first item to wear was a terry beach jacket that my girlfriend and I made together. We didn't know much about following a pattern and I cut the back piece at the fold (where you aren't supposed to cut) so it turned out too small. My lifelong love of sewing continued from there. In recent years, I've tried my hand at quilting and love it.
Happy Birthday to you Sandi's mom, and may you have many more. I learned on an old treadle machine my mom kept in our bedroom. But by that time she had so many kids she no longer had any time for sewing as she had to get a job to feed us all. But at least she kept the love of sewing going, just as I am doing with my grandkids.
appreciate the photo of your family. My mom used to make look-a-like clothes for her and I, and sometimes even matching shirts for my dad and brothers. She was the one that taught me how to sew, but mostly I remember the empbroidery. She would take a purple transfer pencil and have me trace a design, and then iron it to fabric, and I would stitch away. I recently found some of them when I was helping her clean out a closet...kind of crudely done, but mememories nonetheless. A very happy birthday to your mom.
Hi! Thanks so much for this... I hope I win. LOL. One of my favorite sewing memories is sewing with my grandma. We still do it sometimes. I love doing it! And our first quilt was a doll quilt - our second was a wall hanging with 9 blocks - ALL by hand! I'm talking everything - quilting, attaching the binding to the quilt, tacking the binding down - EVERYTHING!! The weird part is that we both have sewing machines...
Happy Birthday wishes to your mom! A funny memory is from teaching my daughter to sew. Two summers ago, after she turned eight, she begged me to show her how to sew, and I finally relented after deciding what a good starting project would be. I had a lot of strips of fabric left over from a baby quilt, and let her choose strips to practice a straight stitch. I showed her how the edges had to line up, and put tape on the machine for a guide, then told her to put her foot on the pedal slowly and gently. She got situated, and then asked "Fire in the hole?", her way of asking if she should get started. I wouldn't have put it that way, but okay. :)
I remember when I was taught to sew in home ec class in junior high school. I made a skirt and a very cute turtle pillow. I remember very well how much I loved that class! It is a shame that home ec isn't a requirement anymore!
Happy Birthday to your mum...hope she had a lovely day, full of surprises.
I just found your blog and the chance to win 30's I would love to enter your giveaway...just started collecting 30's fabric!!
An early stitching memory is making dolls clothes on my Nana's treadle sewing machine...thanks for inspiring me to have that memory today...Christine
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your mom!! I love 30's fabric! I never really thought I did until I went to an all-day Super Bowl Sunday guilt mystery day at a quilt shop & we made a tote bag out of 30's fabric.
I'd love to win this VERY generous giveaway. My favorite sewing memory is when I had a pair of cut-off denim shorts as a teenager & sewed a load of small fabric square patches all over the backside & got compliments just about every day I wore them.
-debby, Chester NY
Happy birthday to your Momma. My favorite sewing memory is sitting on my Nana's bed, and dumping out the button tin...looking and looking for just the right ones.... she taught me how to stitch them on to pieces of fabric...I still have some of Nana's buttons.
When I got good at that, she then taught me cross stitch...that is where my love of hand stitching every time I do any hand quiting...I think of her, and the most "peaceful" moments of my life.
Happy Birthday to your Mom. Neither my Mother nor my Grandmother sewed, but my neighbor did. I can remember her teaching me needlepoint and cross stitch. Not really sewing per se, but the point is that my neighbor was left handed while I am right handed. To this day I sew as a "lefty". Thanks for the awesome giveaway, love 30's fabric.
Happy birthday to your mother.I remember as I child, when my father's sister was sewing clothes for me and my brother (my mother was a knitter!!!!!) my aunt always had the pins in between her lips. I found that so curious, I was afraid that they should came in her mouth .She laughed at me and said that this was her way to handle them......
I missed your Mom's birthday due to my Mom breaking her hip that day. So a belated Happy Birthday to your Mom.
One of my fondest memories of a long productive sewing history was going to my elderly neighbor's home. She made aprons and sewed together strips of fabric that her husband used to make woven rag rugs. I usually would hand sew while visiting, creating doll clothes, embroidering table runners and who knows what else I made.
One day she asked me what type of sewing machine my mother used. I told her a Singer Treadle machine. Next thing I knew she was talking with my mother about allowing me to use the sewing machine.
That day changed my life. I think I was 8 or 9 at the time. I used that treadle maching until my Grandfather gave me a Kenmore Machine when I graduated from High School. No telling how many skirts, blouses, jackets as well as drapes, uphostery etc. I made using that old machine. I still have the machine, but I would need to really clean it and make sure the moving parts are oiled and work well before I ever tried to use it again.
This story also has a funny twist. My elderly neighbors had a son that I never saw. He was in the service and when we would pick him up at Midway Airport in Chicago it was always in the middle of the night and I would be sleeping. That man ended up becoming my Uncle after my parents introduced him to my "Spinster" Aunt at her 23rd surprise birthday party held in our basement about 50 years ago
happy birthday best memory is sewing with my grama i still have the picture of us in the first dress i actually did myself
I sew because of my Momma. She made clothing for me growing up, until I showed the desire to do my own. My first Easter dress I made was at 12 years old.
I remember her advice and patience, and tried to do the same for my daughter. Momma would say, "Put it down and walk away when you are frustrated. The solution will come to you as you think on it." And she was right! Sewing challenges are like a puzzle to me, and I enjoy finding the answers.
My mom passed her love of sewing onto me..when I was 6 or 7 she gave me a needle and thread and before I knew it was embroidering pillow cases...little daisies and baskets! Then I started making stuffed toys for my little nieces and finally when I turned 10 I got to use the sewing machine!!! I was in heaven! Turning 10 was a big deal because when I asked to use the sewing machine I was told that I had to be a big girl to use it...when I asked how big was BIG and she had said 10 years old!! I lived to be 10...and I have been sewing ever since!! ha ha
Thanks for the memories...haven't thought of that in about 40 years!! Love the give away...I would love to turn those little squares into some hexagons...very pretty fabric!! Thanks for the chance!
Wishing you mom a very happy birthday!
As a child I was always fascinating with sewing machines, but my mumm didn't sew , she was (and still is) a knitter. When I was about sexteen, I found summertime job and after working whole summer long while my friends where on the pool, I bought myself a sewing machine.And finally I've started to sew with a little help from Burda patterns.The first thing I've done was a blouse with two left sleeves , but I didn't give up. I'm still sewing more and more each day enjoying in it as I did on the first day.
Thanks for the giveaway, 30's are my favourite.
Happy birthday to your mam, and how sweet off you to share your charms. Have a nice day, Marjan Bonaire NA
Happy Birthday to your mom! My dearest memories of sewing was wearing the dresses (yes,including the ones made from feed sacks) that my dear mother made for me. Then I in turn made all the clothes for my children. Now I spend my time in retirement making quilts for my family. Getting ready to start one for a great-great grand for my granddaughter who is expecting. Time passes but the memories live on!
Hi and greetings from Albany Western Australia. The first garment I ever sewed was a skirt and I sewed the zip in inside out :( but I never did it again. Thanks for making this giveaway possible. Sam
Happy Birthday to your mom! My favorite sewing memory just happened last month. Me and mom signed up for a local sewing class and she was telling all the girls in there about something really silly she did. There was a bunch of us in there laughing and giggling.
I have worked from home the last 10 years and never got out that much. It was so great to be in the company of such great women, my mom, and having fun!
Birthday Greetings! Those 30 prints remind me of sewing with my grandma! she loved to sew for her grandchildren and great grandchildren! Thanks for a chance to win!
My happy sewing memory is finishing one of my first quilts for my first daughter. I am self taught and tackled a rather large project for my first quilt and she loves it!! Now on to my second daughters quilt..
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