The winning name is Jodi and she has been notified!
There's a party going on and if you all are followers of
Quilting*Gallery then you know that Michele is hosting another great blog hop event. This one is a celebration of
St. Patrick's Day and this little
leprechaun is dancing with
joy at all the great giveaways that are going on at oodles of quilting blogs!!! Just click
here and you'll be at Michele's
Blog Hop Party where you'll find a list of all those who are participating.

Would you like to know what I'm giving away? Well, I wanted to give you a pot of in a small pot filled with gold fabrics but I couldn't find a black pot. Sooooo......I went to my box full of thrift shop treasures that I use for making pincushions and I found this little ceramic basket. Then, I cut an oval of a pretty yellow cotton and I gathered it up with some thread, filled it with crushed walnut shells, then pulled the thread tight to secure the shells. I stuffed it in the little basket and trimmed it with a bit of vintage rick rack. I added three lucky pins like I do to all the pincushions I make. I don't know why, but it's just sort of a "
good luck" thing that I do. And speaking of "
good luck".........
All you have to do to win this little spring pincushion basket (and the lucky shamrock fat quarter that it is sitting on) is leave your name and an e-mail link (I must have it to tell you if you are the winner) and you must tell me the
luckiest thing that ever happened to you. That's all! You can begin leaving your comments now and a winner will be announced on the evening of Saturday, March 23rd. Giveaway is open to all wherever you are!! May the luck 'o the Irish be with you!!!
Sandi who has Irish roots in that gray hair of mine. LOL!
Giveaway is closed, winner has been notified!
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me is my Wife won a $4,000 cruise vacation from a work Christmas party. She was pregnant with our first and wanted to leave the party. You had to be their to win. When they got to the final few items she decided to get up and leave half way down the hall we hear her name on the final drawing and we got her to waddle up and get her prize.
When I was a college freshman, my friend stopped me at the door of psych 101 and said, "OK, pick out the man you'll marry". There were about 100 people in the room. I chose the man I would date 5 years later...and, the man I would marry.~
Lucy dufendachs @ juno (dot) com
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me is attending the party where I met my husband.
Looks like "lucky in love" is the theme this morning. :-)
I found a penny face-side-up, and everywhere I went that day I found lower prices, a missing piece of china, and a very old book of quilt patterns - what a great day that was! Thanks for the opportunity to win . . .
The luckiest thing was meeting my husband 30 years ago - without him I wouldn't have my beautiful children!
I was lucky to meet my best friend and my husband in the third grade. Now how lucky is that. He is still my best friend after 37 years.
Very cut pincushion Sandy, thanks for the opportunity. The luckiest thing that ever happened to me is that I won an iPad2 at a business conference.
The luckiest thing that happens to me was found my now boyfriend, in october my husband.
Cute cute cute Sandi! My luckiest day - I have had 2 - the days my 2 children were born. Not only were they lucky days, but they were BLESSED days. Thank you for making something so cute for us to see and maybe win.
the luckiest thing that has happened to me happened this week when our son came for a surprise visit. He moved to Charlottetown PEI and we live in Alberta ( about 4000 miles apart)
It is the best gift a mother could ever get.
your pin cushion is utterly charming-I love the little basket- I had not seen shamrock fabric.
Thanks for participating and for sharing in the fun.
Regards from Western Canada,
Happy St Patrick's Day. I think the luckiest thing ever to happen to my was meeting my husband to be! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Meu dia de sorte foi 1 de abril de 1978 quando comecei namorar com meu marido,e estamos namorando até hoje.Obrigada pela chance.
That pincushion is completely adoreable!
Luckiest thing that ever happened to me... hmmmm... Well, I'd never been to a casino before when my husband dragged me to one and I stuck $5 in a machine and max bet which was $2.70 and won $350.00. Being the nice person I am, I split it with hubby but I refused to gamble the rest of the night. I figured I'd used up all my luck on that one spin. LOL!
luckiest thing was meeting my husband.... *puke* so the 2nd luckiest thing was winning 100E with just a 1e scratch card last month :)
Hello Sandi,
Thanks for the St Patrick's giveaway. The luckiest thing is I have a beautiful family. Something money can't buy.
Happy days.
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me is met my husband on Internet too.. We met on MSN :)
Very cute! Luckiest? Definitely meeting hubby! Thanks for a chance.
The luckiest thing for me is my family - without them what would I have??
We won a huge sweepstakes drawing from Nokia that we didn't even know we were entered in (I kid you not). Enough to take our son and granddaughter to Paris and Alsace for a week (and we got to go along too). That will never happen again, but what a thrill.....
Luckiest day? Meeting my husband :)
Thank you for the chance to win
Happy quilting,
I won tickets to Riverdance, back when it was a new show! It was a fun time, because my husband and I could never afford "date nights" back then.
Lots of luck in my life..too hard to choose what was the luckiest. Surviving cancer? Finding my birth daughter? Having my dog Minnie given to me? Winning money in Las Vegas years ago so I could afford to get a divorce? See what I mean? Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm already a follower. Hmm lucky quilty thing happened to me in december last year, I went to a quilt show and entered the door prize, a week or two later this box showed up at my door step and I won this batik quilt kit with flowers etc. it was almost $200, I have not started it yet, because I'm almost 18 wks pregnant and next tuesday will find out what we're having, so if it's a girl, I'll make that for her.
I won a trip to Cancun...what joy and serenity...ocean, sound of the waves hitting the shore and absolutely fabulous weather...thank you so much for your generous giveaway...have a great day.
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was to meet my husband. Everyday has been full of love and luck since we married 28 years ago.
Luckiest thing would be meeting my husband playing an online game
Recent luckiest thing - bought a game at a thrift shop for $2 and then found out online it sells for $80. Thanks for the giveaway!
I think the luckiest thing that ever happened to me was meeting my husband on a disastrous blind date. Neither of us was interested in seeing the other again. We ran into each other months later and something clicked. That was 40 years ago.
I felt lucky last night when all of our kids and grandkids surprised us for our 40th wedding anniversary. staying married for 40 years is pretty lucky too:)
The luckyest day was the day my grandson was born. It was a hard delivery and he was blue. They took him and were trying to help him breath. I dropped to my knees and prayed my heart out for God to help! Just then he started screaming. I was lucky God was in that room that day. I love your pincusion it is so cute. Thank you for the giveaway.
That is an easy one.... ok, maybe not. There are quite a few things that make me lucky, but I guess the luckiest thing that ever happened to me is my husband asked me out. We've been together for almost 9 years now.
Wonderful giveaway - luckiest thing that ever happened was 17 years ago when my DearWonderfulHusband asked me to marry him. Judy C
Beautiful pincushion! Thanks for the chance to win it. The luckiest thing that happened to me was getting custody of my baby grandson!
the luckiest thing to happen to me was meeting my now husband
Oh yes, the luckiest thing must be when I got my children. Thanks for the chance to win!
I have to say the luckiest thing for me was meeting the person I have been with now for 26 years and hope to have another 26 years. Thanks for the giveaway and a chance to win.
Other than marrying my husband my luckiest thing is having 3 healthy children and 4 healthy and beautiful grandchildren.
I entered a give away on a blog and thought I was getting one fat quarter but because they forgot to send it when I contacted them they sent me an entire fat quarter bundle. I never get that lucky.
thank you for this chance, I can't remember about my luckiest thing, I just live day by day, I am lucky to be healthy and my family too. hugs
Cute pincushion!!! The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was meeting my Sweet Farmer!!!
The luckiest thing that has happened to me was meeting my husband. It has given me most precious asset - my beloved Family. Cheers, Karen
It would have to be meeting my sweet husband. I was working with a gal who was going with a guy who was a friend of my husband. If I had never gotten that job, well, who knows :-)
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me? My husband of 34 years asking me to marry him! hands down Second luckiest? I won a guitar in a contest a couple of months ago (I had forgotten even entering the contest!)
I'd love to have your pot of gold.Thanks for the chance to win. Lovely blog.
My luckiest day was the day I was born to a pair of great parents!
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was running into my husband again at just the right time in our lives where everything fit like a glove. We had known each other for 14 years but only as acquaintances. Always meeting up when in other relationships. He was into car shows and I had children and really not able to go run like he did. Then when we met up again he had settled down, was single and I was single as well and at a place where I was open to a relationship again after a nasty divorce. We clicked that day and haven't spent a day apart since. Now 12 years later, I feel so grateful for good timing!
What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win. The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was moving away from the big city to live in a rural place. Oh and I won a car when I was 5. I "gave" it to my mother and never got to drive it myself, but it was something to be proud of anyway.
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was meeting my (to be) husband - at an Irish bar in NYC ! VermontPines at aol dot com
The luckiest thing that happened to me was when my "Husband" and his girlfriend at the time threw a Superbowl party and decided to invite me and a guy they wanted to set me up with. Instead, my husband realized he wanted to be with me and his girlfriend wanted to be with the other guy.
DH and I started dating in my junior year in HS, through college and then married!
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me is my beautiful baby girl.
swordfish4203 at gmail dot com
The luckiest thing that ever happended to me is that I met my husband when my best friend (who had a crush on him) introduced me to him. We have had almost 40 years together.
Hmmm.. the luckiest thing that ever happened to me... well, one day, out of the blue, I decided to check the classified ads just to see if there were any puppies that sounded interesting--- and there was a listing for sheltie puppies for $65, so I decided to call about them.. There were two puppies left, and we ended up taking the girl-- who we named Mandy, and she has to be the sweetest and smartest dog that I have ever owned! She is 10 years old now, and getting a little grey, and seems to get sweeter every day.. I love her so! And I just feel SO lucky that I decided to check the ads that day! :-) Thanks for the chance to win your pretty pin cushion and fat quarter!
My luckiest day was Feb. 12, 1978, when I met my husband for the first time. 34 years and three boys later, I am still so loved.
Luckiest thing: Having my beautiful daughter - 36 years ago!
nhsarab at yahoo dot com
My luckiest day was when my SIL asked me, "Can you make the quilt that is on the cover of this Better Homes and Garden Magazine?" I had never quilted before, but being proficient with the machine I said yes. From that day on I was hooked.
The luckiest thing I ever did was place a personal ad after my divorce. There were many "frogs" that replied to it, but I was lucky enough to pick the man that soon became my best friend and then my husband five years later. I'm so lucky that we met and so thankful for that personal ad. I'm also lucky that both of us had the courage to respond to it because otherwise our lives would probably have not crossed.
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was meeting/marrying my wonderful husband and having 4 great children. and now the grandchildren.
The luckiest thing ever to happy to me was to meet my husband when I was in college! 30years of happiness and counting! thanks!
The luckiest momoment in my is when I met my "Maine" man 25 years ago. Married life does have its up and down but I married for better or worse and I know he loves me so much. We have snow here in Sonora, CA. So, I am spending my day entering giveways, hoping to win at least one. I just love your ceramic basket and the green FQ. You're so clever.
Sandi T.
I won a starbucks coffee contest once. FUN, Thanks,
The luckiest day for me was the day I met Mr. QnQ....we met when I was only 15 and he was 17....4 years later was my second luckiest day and on May 23 we will married 42 years. Blessed with 2 wonderful sons and 3 beautiful grand peeps. Lucky in love...not so much in money or blog giveaways. Money can't buy love so I feel....I am the luckiest person. Thanks for the chance to win!
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was when my DH won a car with a lottery ticket.
The luckiest thing that happened to me recently was winning a gift card at quilt club.
Nancy R.
The luckiest thing that happened to me is I married a wonderful man who has been there for me through many ups and downs. He is my rock!
Winning an AccuQuilt GO a few years ago -
The luckiest thing that could ever happen to me is I married a man who loves me and I love him. Then I feel darn lucky to be able to live where I live, and be able to pursue my hobbies with a passion.
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me, is my children and my Husband. I am a very lucky women. Thank you for the chance to win!!!
Adorable little pin cushion, thanks for the chance to win.
I would have to say the luckiest thing that happened to me was meeting my hubby and then having my 2 children and then the 2 grand kids.
The luckiest thing that happened to
me is marrying my husband, my best friend. We met in 1st grade. I moved away in 3rd grade, and moved
back home in 9th grade. We graduated high school together, and
then we both moved away to go to
separate colleges. Twenty years later, we both move back home, run into each other, start dating, and
get married one year later. We have been married for 9 years!!
I win a lot of things (I enter a lot of things, "ya gotta be in it to win it!"). One of the luckiest was when I won a computer, with everything included! Printer, etc. That was a looooonnnng time ago, many computers ago!
I met my husband the day I started my fist job, I would say my worst job ever! I only lasted there for 2 months but we have been together ever since and we have a 2 year old boy, so that wold be my luckiest day
It sounds corny but the luckiest thing that happened to me was meeting my DH and him falling in love eith me. After 15 years of being together, I am still amazed at my luck. Corny but true!
Luckiest thing would be like a lot of other bloggers, meeting my husband and having the chance to get married to him, which is already 20+ years ago!!!
My husband and children. Thanks for the giveaway.
Many lucky things over the years. Getting upgraded to first class on a flight from Boston to Denver. More recently, buying some Apple stock at about $225. It is now over $600. My husband getting in an auto accident only to discover a previously undetected aortic aneurysm. The pin cushion is lovely. Thank you for entering my name.
I don't know that I am all that lucky. But, I have really enjoyed all the inspiration I have gotten from the internet quilting community. It has really given me motivation for getting projects completed as well as trying new things.
Love the pincushion. i am really into them right now and have made and collected a few, so I really do have my fingers crossed here. The luckiest thing i ever did was meet and marry my BFF ' 29 years later, and 3 "adult" children( who won't leave home) and it feels like yesterday...
I've also been very lucky in love (married to my wonderful husband 29 years!), but in terms of prizes I won a sewing machine at a sewing and quilt expo in our area! Thanks for the chance to win!
Luckiest thing that happened to me is two beautiful children!!
What a darling pincushion!!! :) The luckiest thing has to be meeting and marrying my best friend, my husband! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great giveaway! :)
Thanks,for the chance to win! The luckiest thing to happen to me is marrying my best friend!
Luckiest thing? When my unexpected twins were born without medical issues. We seriously didn't know we were having twins until moments before the second child was born. Having not received proper prenatal care for twins, we were lucky, and oh so blessed the only issue was their small stomachs, and the need to feed them every three hours. They're both tall, healthy adults now. :) Quilted blessings, Nita nbeshear at yahoo do com
The luckiest thing is that I have three nice healthy children!
When I first started blogging a few years ago, I was very lucky as most people understand the word. I won probably about 75% of the giveaways I entered! My 'luck' has slowed down a big, but I still love entering! Yours is lovely, as usual!
All the other wonderful things in my life that some people would attribute to 'luck', I would call true blessings!
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was really the result of incredible kindness of a stranger...Somehow, when my parents were moving years ago, a box containing all the scrapbooks I had created throughout my childhood went out with the trash. No one knew--I thought rhe books were in boxes, safe and sound with the folks. One night I received a phone call from someone asking if I were the Beth who had a dog named Misty, went to Marina High School, had best friends named Brandi and Kim, had lived in Pocatello, Idaho...all sorts of random details. Turns out he had seen my scrapbooks stacked on the curb, thought they must be important to someone, and scoured them for details. He'd made calls, tracked things down, and found me! Can you imagine? I will never forget the kindness of that perfect stranger. Lucky, and so much more, is how I felt.
I feel so lucky (and blessed) to have a wonderful family and a gracious savior....Very cute pincushion..Thanks for the chance to win
I feel lucky that when I lived in Australia and felt homesick, I decided to learn to quilt. Quilting has changed my life.
As far as life changing, the luckiest thing that happened was the blind date I went on and ended up marrying my sweet husband. As far as winning a prize, I won a quilt once that was very cool. Thank you for the give away. Judy
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was marrying my best friend.
Debbie Hall
The luckiest thing that has happened to me was stumbling into a business venture that will allow me to retire in style in 2 years.
The luckiest thing that has ever happened to me is meeting my husband. We have been together since 90, and he is my rock. Thank for the giveaway!!
So sorry to hear about your health issues. I'm sooo happy they have all turned out to be fixable. RE: the spots on your lung: my brother-in-law and husband both had those. Luckily neither had to have biopsies--their doctors decided to "watch and wait." The spots on both their lungs disappeared in a few months--of course,they were both given rounds of antibiotics to knock out any infection there. My husband has severe COPD so we were quite frightened--as I'm sure you are. Not knowing and waiting are among the two worst agonies in life, I believe. I'll be praying that you heal quickly from all issues.
First let me tell you I am praying for nothing but good results for your health, it just has to be good! Please let us know once all of the results are back, this is the time when you need all of us praying for you, and I am one of them.
Your wonderful basket looks so cute, though I do wonder who it is that is hoarding that little pot 'o' gold?
My lucky day, hmmmmm the day my son came into the world. The best day of my whole life.
Thanks for participating in this latest Blog Hop party, fun, isn't it?
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was meeting my husband. He is my best friend and my quilting supporter. Thanks for being part of the Blog Hop Party.
I know my luckiest day was when I meet my Eddie and had 4 wonderful years with him before I lost him to Stage 4 Glioblastoma.... brain cancer. He was my best friend, and was teaching me how to quilt. We spent that last year together being each others rock and he will always be my lucky angel.
Thanks for showing us that pretty pincushion.
quercus0828 at yahoo dot com
The luckiest thing that has ever happened to me would be meeting my husband. It was a life changing moment for me.
The luckiest day for me was when I meet my Eddie. He was the most incredible man I knew & always had a smile to share,Love all of nature add traveled to do things like hiking,camping & kayaking, advice to give and talents he was able to enjoy (he taught me how to quilt) until 2008 when He was diagnosis with Stage 4 Terminal Brain Cancer and I lost him in Jan.'09. I thought myself the luckiest person to been able to spend the happiest 4 years that we was blessed with together.
Thanks for the chance to win, and share abit of Eddie with you.
quercus0828@ yahoo dot com
Hi Sandra - I just love that family picture of yours. I'm a pictur-holic. My St. Patrick's Day blog post has an old picture of our Irish family on it. I'll be putting up more stuff on genealogy as I go. My family website is at My luckiest thing ever was winning some prizes at our local quilt show. A quilt club member brought them to me and, after her visit, I joined the club and have been stitching happily ever after! Thanks for letting us visit.
The pincushion is adorable.
The luckiest thing that has happened to me is to find a wonderful god fearing man (actually he found me, lol)
We have been married now for 29 years and have two beautiful children, 28 and 25. I cant imagine life without him
quilting dash lady at comcast dot net
I remember as a teenager, I won a live rabbit at drawing they had at a credit union dinner. My parents were less than thrilled. We had a dog, so it was given to a caring member of our church who had pet rabbits :)
I think I won a autograph copy of a quilting book from last giveaway. Thanks.
The luckiest thing that happened to me was going on a blind date with the man I've been married to for 29 years next month. And then to be blessed with 3 great kids and 7 grandchildren. Who could want anything more? Thanks for the change to win your cute little basket!
The luckiest thing that Happened to me was the day I met my Beloved Eddie. We got to spend 4 years together before he was diagnosised withe Stage 4 Glioblastoma Brain Cancer in '08. He passed away Jan.'09, but he still in my heart,thoughts and my love. I considered myself very blessed for having known him and having the time together that we did.
Thank You for letting me share a little about him with you.
PS...I am new to the blogging world so I'm sorry if this comes though several times as I don't see my comments on the list. Is there a way of letting me if this came through? Thanks
oh.... I forgot my email addy. I'm the Eddie story....
My email is
quercus0828 @ yahoo dot com
Thank you once again for the chance to win.
What a cute pincushion. Like that you put some lucky pins in the inside. I was Blessed rather than lucky twice when both of my children were born healthy.
Thank you for your giveaway and a chance to win.
For the last blog hop I was actually lucky enough to win on 3 of the blogs. I did of course share with my mother who is also a quilter. Thanks for the giveaway it is such an adorable pincushion.
I love the give away you came up with very cute. A couple quick lucky moments;I met my husband of 20+ years on march 17 at work,a few years later won a signed Peyton Manning jersey with authencation and tickets to see Paul Simon at his concert.Thank-you for the opportunity and good luck all.Becky
I really don't believe in luck. I believe that you God has planned all for this to happen for you and when it does you are the "luckiest" person in the world.
I am lucky enough to wake up each day to meet the day healthy and ready to take on whatever comes my way. (Hopefully time to quilt!)
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