Brown Bear and I had a great time offering up gifties for my One Year Blog Anniversary. This guy has been around almost as long as my husband!! My folks got Brown Bear for Collette (our daughter) when she was little and he resides with me now because he reminds me of when my kids were young. Brown Bear always seemed like a boy bear and so I dressed him in one of the sunsuits I made for our son Devlin. Brown Bear is also featured in a children's story that I wrote and if I am lucky, one day I'll get it published. Anyway, he borrowed my birthday tiara because there are still birthdays to celebrate in our house. They all come packed into about two months out of the year and the bulk of them come in June! Today, Flag day was my dad's birthday. I'll be posting a bit about him later on today. Tomorrow is my son-in-law's birthday, then right after that is my husband's birthday, then my son's girlfriend's birthday and then the first part of July is Devlin's (our son) birthday!! Wow! That's a lot of birthday cakes and celebrating! Unfortunately, we don't all manage to get together on all of our birthdays but the one time of the year we do get together is Christmas!!! That was my dad's favorite holiday and he could hardly keep a secret so on more than one occasion, we knew what Santa was bringing. :-) I am planning to get a head start on some Christmas projects in July and you know the stores will be having Christmas in July sales, too!! So, here's what Brown Bear and I have cooked up for you.............

See that pile of fabrics? Well, there are about a hundred different Christmas prints there (from my personal stash) and I am going to be cutting them into piles of 5-inch charm squares. I'll make one pile for me and one pile for you! All you have to do is leave a comment on this post. There is only one enter this drawing you must have left a comment at least once during my Eight Days of Prizes for my Blog Anniversary. So, if you left a comment during that time, add your name now to this post and here's a bonus................the drawing will be on Independence Day, July 4th and if you are so inclined, you may leave your name once every day between now and that day (and only at this post) for lots of extra chances to have your name drawn. My husband likes his duty as the number drawing man, so go ahead and give him lots of names to dig into and maybe you can be the lucky name he draws. Any questions, just pop me an e-mail and I'll answer promptly.
Time for lunch......
1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»Sandi, this looks like another fabulous giveaway. As I said on the previous post, you are a very generous lady. Thank you also for sharing the story of brown bear. Good to know that he holds special memories for you. Have a great day. Winona
Sandi, you just keep giving. I do read your blog everyday and sometimes check it more than once a day as you have a habit of sneaking things in! Margie
Well, you and Brown Bear are very generous! Christmas fabrics... I love Christmas! What were you planning to make with the charm squares?
Let's see my fortune!
Sandi, am I not insatiable?:):)
Did you write tales? It's interesting!
Please count me in! I Love Christmas and making things for Christmas. I have a really nice pattern for the squares that was the first runner I made in class. This is entry # 1 generous of you!!
I love Christmas fabric. Brown Bear has been very busy lately too.
And yet another great giveaway! Please count me in :-)
Hi Sandi,
What a lovely giveaway you are having! Again! As I didn't win any of the other giveaways I'll try my luck with this one,
Lotta in Sweden
Sandi, you are very generous. Again a giveaway. Allthough I felt very lucky I just try again.
I hope you enjoyed your lunch ;).
Greetings, Willeke
How generous, and how appropriate! I have spent the past few weeks cruising through the online fabric stores looking for just the right fabrics to use for some Christmas gifts that I am making. The charm squares would make some lovely little bags for some beaded ornaments that we are making!
One change this year: Each handmade gift will have a heart sewn onto it somewhere. Why? Several years ago a friend of my daughter was losing her 4 yr. old stepdaughter, of whom I was very fond. The child's mother was moving out of state and taking the child with her so that she could qualify for government benefits. I had always been concerned that the mother didn't take good care of her because of drug use and more. I made her a fleece blanket for Christmas right before she left and put a heart on it. I told her that whenever she saw or felt the heart, it would remind her that I loved her even when I couldn't see her or hug her. More than a year later, she was allowed to come here for a visit with relatives and friends. I asked: Do you still have your pink blanket? Jade: Yes, it's on my bed (big grin). Me: Do you remember the special thing that I put on your blanket? Jade: Yes, a heart. Me: What does that heart tell you? Jade: That you always love me whether you see me or not!
Shortly after, Jade's stepmother asked me to put a heart on the blanket that I had made for her son. She is an Air Force mom, and the heart stayed with Darrin, now five, at his grandma's while his mommy was in Iraq (home safe in January). He smiles about the heart on his blanket, too!
This is one reason that I like to give handmade gifts. It shows the recipient that I care enough to spend the time, not just the money.
Well, I'm sure that I've gone on too long, but I can not figure out what to delete.
May the Lord bless each one of you.
Please count my in...again Sandi LOL. That's one type of fabric I have almost none of.
A great giveaway, you are very generous. Won of my favourites is xmas material I have some going back more than twenty years.Please coount me in the draw
You have the most incredible giveaways! Its amazing to me!
Congratulations to all your birthday winners!
Pick me, pick me :) I've left comments and I love winning stuff, but that hardly ever happens :( Love reading your blog, even if I don't win. Happy Quilting!
I would love the Christmas fabrics as my stash is quite low in them. Since you shared with us Brown Bear, I thought I'd tell you about Pizza. He was a stuffed toy chipmunk/squirrel(?)that us kids had. Pizza was a great friend, he slept with us, played with us and knew all our deep dark secrets. I am 53 years old and still have fond thoughts of Pizza.
karen in Indiana
You are so generous with all the giveaways. I'm so excited I won day #3.
I'd love to have some Christmas fabrics to work with during summer. We have a task from our quilt leader to prepare about ten blocks with a Christmas theme for a quilt we will be making when we get back after summer recess.
No questions from me! I got the message loud and clear...come back every day until July 4, so your darling husband can't help but draw my name for this wonderful prize!
Lots of happy birthday wishes for your family!
Hi Sandi
I think it's my lucky week as yours was the second prize this week! No harm in trying again! Christmas charm squares sounds very enticing! I'm just finishing illustrating a book this week for my studies, but I also would love to get it published!
Beautiful fabrics. They will make a really great Christmas charm quilt.
Very generous! Congrats to all the Blog Anniversary winners!
Very nice of you to share! good luck getting the book published!~
What a generous lady!!!! I adore Christmas fabrics and creating Christmas 'stuff'.
Wow, another giveway! I love seeing Brown Bear, you are very generous. July 4th is our anniversary, I understand the irony of independence day and all. It would make a nice anniversay gift... just sayin' :-)
Wow, Sandi, all those lovely Christmas prints. It was great to read the story of brown bear and congratulations to all the other winners.
Count me in, please. I'd love to share your Christmas fabrics.
I had to go back and make sure I had commented during that time! Although I follow your blog,I don't always post. What a wonderful give-away!
Sandi, it's a pleasure to meet Brown Bear and hear his story. I'm still learning this blog thiing and love your stories
Brown Bear is so cute! I had my oldest son's bear for years. When he(finally!) had a little girl of his own, I cleaned up Mr. Bear, attached a pink bow, and sent him to live with my granddaughter. Bears are made to hug!
wow, you are certainly in the giving mood! Might be my turn this time.
I'm a June birthday person, too, guess there are lots of us June "babies"!!! Count me in on this one...LOVE Christmas fabrics and have acquired a couple of new books with Christmas projects in them recently. You are very generous with your giveaways, Sandi. (Oh, yes...Brown Bear...YOU are generous, too!!!)
I'm back to earn extra chanses in the drawing. I'd really love to win those Christmas fabrics.
Lotta in Sweden
Isn't it amazing how we hang on to something of our children's just to bring up wonderful memories? Your Brown Bear story is so heart warming. Sarahe4e
I left comments on most of your past posts...please count me in so I can start a Christmas project, like right now!
Brown bear is cute!
Hi Sandi,
One more give-away is just too generous of you..and materials looking lovely. Thanks again...and count me in again. :-)
Congrats to all the 8 winners !
What a generous person you are Sandi - love your blog.
I enjoyed the story of Brown Bear. That would make a great children's book in itself! Brown Bear and your DH will have to take a well-deserved rest after all of these giveaways.
And you, dear lady, also deserve a rest, but I suspect that a "rest" to you is not a nap but a chance to draw and get your ideas down on paper (or the computer).
I'll be here again tomorrow. Thank you.
I'm channeling good, sticky-finger vibes to your dear sweet husband so he will pick me for this great drawing...I'll be back tomorrow to do it again!
Whatcha got planned for your Christmas nickels? I'd love a chance on these too...thanks.
I'm back again and will be everyday....if I remember LOL.
Uh OH! You hit my soft 2nd soft spot with the Christmas Fabric....Sue's and Chrismas fabric...two of my favorite things. You are wonderful to give away all these great gifts.
Sandi, you are too generous! I just got caught up on all your posting and found Brown Bear and his Christmas stash. How fun! I'll be back every day - if I remember! I'm trying to start Christmas presents soon myself:)
Another day, and wanted to let you know I will be checking out your red, white, and blue quilt. Just what I need, another idea!
Oh, my! I have a real weakness for Christmas prints! I believe I left a comment on each of your days of celebration. How generous are YOU! Big hugs to Brown Bear!
Hi Sandi,
Back to leave another comment today. Thanks again for the giveaway, Susan
Sandi you are such a giving person. Thankgoodness Blog Anniversaries only come once a year or you'd run out of prizes. I'm so glad I posted on the other 8 days although I didn't win, it gives me a chance here again. Thanks so much
Rae Ann
Thank you so much for yet another generous giveaway. (I really enjoyed your giveaway posts and the stories behind each.)
Happy Birthday to all your family members. Although I may not leave a comment every day,I do read all your posts and find them very interesting. Congratulations to all the Blogiversary winners.
Have a great day!
I am back again for another chance at this wonderful fabric. Thanks.
Okay, Sandi, your 'touchdown quilt' description has me grinning from ear to ear!! I hear you. I'm hoping to tackle a couple of these myself soon. This quilt is very useful, cute and quick!
Here I am again! I take every chance I can to win this lovely giveaway,
Lotta in Sweden
Sandi, Another day, another chance. You really are an enabler you know. Just wish I could come up with clever ideas, but seems I need some other person's idea to make my brain start working!! Thanks so much for what you do.
Hi Sandi, you know how much I love Christmas fabric. Hope I win. Add my name. Thanks.
I love the idea of your 'Quibble'. I ahve some fleece I was using for the batting in a bisquit quilt. I think the remainder willl be the back of a 'Quibble' quilt. Thanks for sharing, can't wait for
parts 2 & 3. Susan
Hi Sandi, wow you are like us we have 3 BDay's in June. Mine is today. Thanks for doing this.
Hi, Sandi,
I am checking in again after reading the first day's instructions on today's post.
Thank you for your generosity with your stash and with your creative ideas.
daily entry!
Oh, dear....I got so lost reading all the more recent posts, that I forgot to come back here yesterday and comment, but I'm here today!!!
Oh my! I almost missed today! That's what happens when my husband works from home and I don't get my computer time!
See you tomorrow!
Back again! I love Christmas and would really love to win,
Lotta in Sweden
I am back again and want to win this fabric. It is 95 degrees here today - thoughts of Christmas may make me feel cooler - hope so!!
Back again, I think I missed yesterday...Oh well, I'll try to remember LOL
Crispy 3rd day of making sure I comment here!!! LOL
Day 3...I can do this! Those fabrics just look too delicious to pass up a chance for them, and I do so much need to expand my stash!
Love the new picture on your blog header!
Here I am again. Yours is the first blog that I read each day and the only one that I look for each day. There are a few others that I catch up on every so often, but yours is the best of the bunch and the one that I can not wait until catch-up day to read. As I typed that last sentence, I had a mental picture of the red ketchup as it oozed over last night's meatloaf sandwich at supper. lol
Sandi, Love reading your blog every morning with my cup of tea. Wish I had that gift to be able to write interesting things. Those little woolie buddies are so cute. Take Care
Sandi your generousity is amazing.
Thanks for the pleasure you bring me each day when I read your blog.
I love hearing about Henderson and Lehigh and your many and varied activities.
:):)I've read the latest post! I would like to win too!!:):)
I like your humor,Sandi!:)
I like the quilt you've put in your header. It's finally been warm here for more than one day in a row. ('Here' is just a step away from Manitoulin Island, ON, Canada)Guess that means it's time to think about Christmas!:)
I really enjoy reading your posts and it is fun to try and get here every day to get another entry. Anyway, Hello, here I am again, Susan
Back for my daily visit! And one more chance to win,
Lotta in Sweden
It is me again---trying again to win these wonderful pieces of fabric. Hope you have a good day.
Increasing my chances !! One more entry for me...
Ooo do pick me up for this one. ;-))
Shrenika again!!! LOL
Good Morning Sandi, another day another chance! Thanks!
I hope that your DH is doing finger exercises to warm up for the large number of name slips that he will have to rummage through to find one with my name. This comment is #77, and we have almost two weeks to go! ha ha
Thank you for such a great giveaway. Your example shines for all of us.
Hi again, Sandi. Did I say thanks for the giveaway yet? Well I will again! I will also try to keep track of these great simple blocks you're making.
What great giveaways, you are so generous! Please put me in the draw, I would love to win these lovely fabrics.
Day 4 ... my husband was working at home all day and I was out all evening...almost missed my chance! Oh why do all these people keep leaving comments? Don't they know I need to win this fabric?
I'm back again! This is a great way to get many entries in your lovely giveaway,
Lotta in Sweden
Sandi, we can make a rhyme,
If you'll put my name in one more time.
And I'm back again.......what fun (and what a challenge to my old mind's memory to remember to come to THIS post after I read your most current one each day).
I am hoping this is the lucky entry - this is so much fun Sandi.
Well Sandi, you've kept us entertained and coming back for more chances for a week! I think some of us are almost desperate to take that fabric off your hands:) Enjoy your Friday. Gorgeous quilts today in your post.
Hey Sandi,
Been reading but not always good at getting my daily comment into the draw. The quilts in your last post are beautiful. It must be something to see them hung all around a yard. Susan
So here I am again. Put my name in. Someday I might win. Thanks. Laura
Just checking in this morning to let you know I'm still here. Take Care
Day 5 and I'm keeping my hopes up. I'll just pretend I'm your only fan! Now if only I could convince your husband to do the same when he picks the winner!
You're a peach, Sandi!
Sandi, I'll buy a new lollipop and let you lick it,
If you'll write my name on a winning ticket.
In case you can't tell, I am really having fun with this. I can keep a smile on my face most of the day trying to come up with another rhyme.
Thanks, Sandi.
Hoping to win if I come back almost every day!
Lotta in Sweden
Ok, so life keeps getting in the way and I forget to put a comment. I'll keep trying to remember LOL.
I think this is going to be lucky Saturday!!!
Day 6...I'm still here and keeping my fingers crossed! This is becoming a habit, so you'll have to tell me when it's time to stop leaving comments on this post!
Happy Saturday!
Just checking in this morning before I start my day! Think I'll spend it sewing!!
It's a rainy Saturday here. A good chance to comment again:) Thanks Sandi for being so generous.'s me again.......I need to put this post itself in a special place as I have to look harder and harder each day to find it!!! :)
I'm here again! taking every chance I can get on those Christmas fabrics,
Lotta in Sweden
Well it has been a lucky week or so for me! Since I left my post a week ago I have won another blog prize! Can I keep winning?!
I am hoping this is the lucky entry for your wonderful fabric!!
One, two, three,
Please send this prize to me.
Four, five six,
I've got pieces here to mix.
Seven, eight, nine,
I'll sew up something fine.
Ten, eleven, twelve,
Worthy of Santa's elve(s).
Can't compete with 'owl lady' today:) hoot hoot! Thanks again Sandi. Just figured out your in Pat Sloan's yahoo group as well. Looking forward to pictures from your friend's quilt show. Enjoy the first day of summer!
Another day and another chance. It is drizzling rain here today so a good chance to sew. Only one thing, it is Sunday and Grandmother always said "Sew on Sunday and rip it out on Monday"! Guess I'll take my chances. Take Care!
Day 7...Father's Day. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Rainy and cold here in New England...not very summer-like!
Hi Sandi,
Here with another entry. This is a lot of fun and it will be exciting to see who finally wins the prize> thanks a bunch> susan
Whew...just made it for a Sunday comment.......didn't want to miss another day! :)
Now it's Monday and I'm here before I leave for an early-morning church breakfast commitment. Whew.......can't believe I made it here this early. LOL
Happy Monday to everyone - hope this is a lucky entry.
Day 8 - another rainy cold day here. Will we ever see the sun?
Those fabrics are looking more and more appealing!
it's time to leave another comment for the drawing. I tried earlier but it showed up with the wrong date,
Lotta in Sweden
Sandi, On your post today you talked about your family reunion. This brought back memories of the time I went to ours and took paper templates of a quilt pattern and had everyone sign one. Then later made a quilt by transferring them to the top. Would do it different now. This was the last time we all got together before Grandmother passed. Her block is in the center of the quilt. Take Care and have a nice day!
The cupcake pincushions you made are so cute! There's an addiction I'm trying to avoid!! But what a great excuse to hunt for odds and ends, and rick rack and buttons. Oh my!! Have a great day everyone:)
Guess I'll start off the comments again today! (Am I up earlier than anyone else here??? LOL...and this is LATE for me!!!)
Lucky Tuesday - hope it is anyway!! This is so much fun.
There were not many posts yesterday. I could never get my through in the afternoon. I imagine that others had the same problem. I will leave approximately the same post as yesterday:
Margie, my mother used a version of your grandmother's saying. She said, "Sew on Sunday, and rip out the stitches with your nose!" I would ask her how it was possible to rip out stitches with your nose, but she never had a good answer. Later in life, she decided that it was all right to embroider, crochet, or do some other sewing for enjoyment, but not to replace buttons, darn socks, or any other kind of repairs. I never saw any resulting damage to her nose.
Sandi, I will save today's bit of worse verse for tomorrow.
Day 9 - now that I am working on my sample for the quilting class at the library this summer, I am having all kinds of creative thoughts about what I would do with that Christmas fabric if I win it. Oh the possibilities!
Another day, another comment, hope this is the lucky one. Susan
Another day, another comment, hope this is the lucky one. Susan
Ooooops! I almost forgot to come here and leave a comment but now it's done!
Lotta in Sweden
Boy, I almost forgot to do this today. We can't have that now can we?
Never have won a thing, but always the first time.
Owl Lady--That is the first time I've heard anything near what Grandma used to say. I was little when she used to say this and didn't sew at the time, so don't know why it stuck with me.
Take Care All
I don't know why I keep forgetting to do this, I actually have a link in my favs but I think well I'll go do my Google Reader first and then forget LOL.
I made a special link to this post, too...otherwise I was having to scroll down the blog forever to FIND it. LOL
Happy Wednesday to all - another lucky chance to win - thanks Sandi.
I forgot to comment yesterday, must have been the heat!!! It's supposed to cool off today. Here's to Wednesday, and another lucky chance at your giveaway Sandi!
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
It would make me so happy
To win this giveaway from you.
I hope you are enjoying your reunion-readiness campaign. It is a pleasure to think of family members not often seen and the new babies. Having babies to snuggle and smooch is one of my favorite things. In fact, it tops "whiskers on kittens". haha
New day, new comment! And one more chance to win,
Lotta in Sweden
Going to do this the very first thing this morning so I don't almost forget again!!
If my math is right we are half way there, but then I never was that good in math.
Day 10 - I think this is my lucky day since I just found out I won two other giveaways, one from Lynette Anderson and one from Rosalie Quinlan! So could you just ask your husband to continue my lucky streak and pick me? I would really appreciate that :)
I have been speculating in my mind about what you will decide to make with your share of the Christmas fabric and about what I will make with my share. Why don't we make a pact to have a joint show-and-tell of our "charming" results?
Lucky Thursday entry - at least I hope it is a lucky Thursday entry!!
Here I am again........lots of us are working hard at this...aren't we? LOL
Day 11 - whew! This is getting exhausting! But well worth the effort ;) Hope you are doing better today Sandi.
You all are making me smile when I read your comments. Dear Owl Lady is really quite the poet, isn't she? And, Mary Grace is quite determined along with Pat, Winona, Margie, Lotta, Annemarie, SarahVee, etc. It will be worth the wait. You know me......there might be more than one of these fabric packs when I get that stack cut into 5" charm squares. My leg is oh, so, slowly getting better. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts.
Sandi, I sure hope you are doing as the Dr. told you and that you are feeling better with each day!
What are we all going to do when the last day gets here? Is there an AAA anywhere for us and just what would it be called??
Take care Sandi. Yes we want to win:) I enjoy reading your pieces and wish you a speedy recovery.
Here is todays comment. One step closer to the drawing,
Lotta in Sweden
Here come the Friday commenters...looks like I may be the first one today.
It is Friday - hope it is a lucky Friday!!
It's Friday
What do you say,
Does Owl Lady want to play today?
Sandi's so nice
She just might think twice
And treat us All to a slice
Fat quarter, eighth, scrap or strip,
Any piece of fabric will make us yip
Yip, yip hooray for Sandi today!
Enjoy your day:)
Good morning Sandi, Hope you are feeling better and can soon post again! Wanted to get this post in before I left for the day. Yard Sale day and probably be to tired by this evening. Take Care and get well sooner!!!
Are you paying attention, SarahVee? Here goes:
We all share a hobby called quilting,
Whose axis in the universe has been tilting.
It went far away
But is now back to stay
With no signs in the future of wilting.
Sandi, we hope you are mending. Take care, dear friend.
Day 12 - Glad to hear you are slowly getting better...wish it were quickly though!
Saturday is here....and I know you have a visit from Colette and Jacob. I hope you are okay to go to the parade with them....enjoy their visit!!!
Happy Saturday to all - hope everyone has a good weekend.
A 'challenge' from Owl Lady won't go unnoticed:)
Brown Bear guards the prize
We post poems to pass the time
Til Sandi's 'you win'
Saturday Haiku, thinking of you, Sandi!
Hi again,
Here I am again with a new comment. Hoping to win,
Lotta in Sweden
This little rhyme appeared in many "autograph books" while I was in grade school:
II 4 me.
Good Morning Sandi, will post for today and really am missing reading your blog everyday. Hope all is mending. Enjoy your day and hope it is a great one!
Day 13 - Well, I'm not a very good poet, and I could never compete with the cleverness of Owl Lady, but here's what my own father wrote in my autograph book when I was a child..."May you be my first lovebug until the Mississippi wears rubber pants to keep its bottom dry."
Now I know that has nothing to do with anything, but the "autograph book" comment reminded me of it so I thought I would share it!
This shouldn't be a competition, just a way to have fun. I enjoy reading all of your comments and find it interesting what we are each reminded of as we read each other's message.
Mary Grace, I remember that one about the Mississippi wearing rubber pants. There were a number of others that were similar, but I can't remember any more at the moment. Please forgive me: It's 3:30 a.m, I've been awake since 5:00 a.m., and unless some of you are using really old pictures, I am old enough to be your mother or grandmother. If I didn't have senior moments, I might not have any moments at all!
I am going to hit publish before I realize how really silly this message is and erase it.
Happy Sunday, Everyone...and hope you have been enjoying a nice weekend with your daughter and grandson, Sandi!
It is Sunday and time for another chance at the fabulous fabric giveaway. Hope you are feeling better Sandi!
Hi Sandi,
Sorry you are not well. Hope you get better soon. Susan
Hee hee hee! You are all making me smile! This is good. I am still in pain. Had to go back to the doctor on Friday. More prescriptions for pain/muscle relief and then pain patches. Looking like a disc issue so am being sent to orthopediac surgeon next Wednesday. Ugh! More soon......
Sandi, It was so good hearing from you even tho it was a short message at least we all know you are feeling a little better. At least enough to leave us a message.
Have a nice rest of the weekend.
Another hot day here in Sweden and time to leave todays comment. Have a great day,
Lotta in Sweden
Day 14 - Sandi, so sorry to hear you are still in pain. These comments get better and better. Maybe you should extend the draw date for this giveaway ... only kidding!
Sorry Sandi to hear things are more serious than first thought. Rest! We can amuse ourselves here:) The competitive poetry contest? Silly! I love reading everyone else's comments - rhyme or no rhyme. Reason or no reason:) Write back atcha tomorrow!
It is Monday and here is hoping this is a better week for you Sandi - I feel so bad that you are living with this pain and uncertainy. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please take care.
Here is todays comment. Hope you get better soon!
Lotta in Sweden
We're all feeling sad
'Cause our Sandi feels bad.
Sandi, I am happy that you feel strong enough to send us a message. I know that hurting whenever you try to move is a big discouragement against moving. We are praying for you, that your doctors will find the right ways to help you and that your body will soon be improving so that you can resume your favorite activities.
Chin up, dear girl!
The 2nd Monday of our journey! Sandi we are all cheering for you. Hope everyone is enjoying the final week of the giveaway:)
Another day, another post. Pain is no fun and when it takes us from the things we love to do that makes it even worse. A couple of months back I got an awful hurting in my back just below my neck. It was over a weekend so stuck it out till Monday. Went to a chiropractor and I had 3 ribs out. Don't ask me how I did it, and I would love to know, cause I sure don't want to do it again. It took about 2 weeks of visits but It finally got better. The Dr. wouldn't let me sew for those weeks and that was not good. Toward the end when I got to feeling better I did sneak some sewing in. Do Take Care!!
Guess I got carried away with this post!!!!
Day 15 - it's raining here again! We've seen the sun for about a day and a half over the past 2 weeks! I've been doing more prep for my children's quilting class and dreaming about what I could be doing with all those lovely Christmas fabrics in a few months ... oooooh Christmas fabric! ;)
Tuesday is here and I feel lucky!
What do you think about my luck?
I think 'luck' is very festive. Like 'wish you a merry christmas' kind of luck! With packages tied up with string....some of my favourite things:)
How the time has flown by. We are down to just a few days left. I sure hope my luck changes (for the better). Would be nice to get a pkg. in the mail.
Hi all you lucky commenters! Keep it up. There are good things in store for you! I'm still in pain, although less than I was a week ago, and just can't sit long at all. I see the Orthopedic surgeon tomorrow and we'll see what the next step is. Do keep commenting! It will be worth it! I enjoy reading the comments as they brighten my day. :-)
Hi, still coming back every day for a new chance to win. I really hope I'm the lucky one,
Lotta in Sweden
Day 16 - and I almost missed it! Good thing I checked just one more time! Sandi, I hope your appointment with the ortho doc will be beneficial. You'll have to let us know how it works out.
Hoo-hoo to all of you,
I have good news and bad news: Starting tomorrow my DH will be on vacation until August 17th. That is the good news. He needs a break from teaching inner city middle school students -- mostly sweet kids, but many are "raising themselves".
Now the bad news: Starting tomorrow my DH will be on vacation until August 17th. Yes, he will be here every day for six and a half weeks to see how much time I spend sewing (and cutting and pressing etc.). It will also be harder to sneak more fabric into the house.
So, if you hear screaming and see tufts of silver hair flying into the air in the Kansas City metro area, you will know why! That will be me. If the tufts are mostly black with some gray, that will be DH.
Sandi, I will say extra prayers for you tomorrow with your appointment.
I'm here today too.
How are you,Sandi?
Wednesday is here and I will be thinking about you Sandi as you visit the orthopedic surgeon. I hope all goes well and that he will have the answer you are looking for. Prays and hugs to you.
Getting closer to the big day, isn't it? Only a couple of days left.
Lotta in Sweden
How I hope that when you see your Dr. today that everything goes well. Will have you on my mind all day. Please keep us informed as to how things went. Take Care!!!
AAAAAAAACKKKKKK.....that is the sound of me kicking myself.....because I missed commenting yesterday. *sigh* I really thought I'd done it first thing in the morning and now I see I didn't. *double sigh* Oh,'s another day, right? I hope your ortho appt goes well today, Sandi.
Hope your appt today is quick and to the point. Not too much waiting around. It's Canada Day so we've been out listening to live jazz, perusing local artwork and enjoying strawberry shortcake! If the rain holds off there's still bbqs, kids' games and fireworks. Red and white fun a little earlier than the red, white and blues!
Day 17 - I'm running out of things to say!
Sandi, I am still thinking good thoughts for you. I crossed all my fingers and all of my toes, my legs, my arms, and my eyes. I don't know if that helped you, but I had to go to the doctor myself today.
You know how your mother would tell you not to make that face because your face might freeze that way. . . . She's was right about that one this time. My DH says just smile and no one will notice. I guess that means that I always look weird.
Oh, well, just joking, of course. I am actually a contestment for Mrs. Missouri this year. My talent will be making pigs fly.
I'd better hit the button before the date changes.
Hi Sandi, hope you're feeling a lot better soon. Thought I should try my luck here again, although with 181 comments at the time of writing and very few being mine, I will have to very lucky! I still hope to win though! I just remember I must take a photo of those favourite blankets from my Grandmother. Maybe I'll go do that now!
Nice to hear that you are feeling a bit better, Sandi.
Lotta in Sweden
I'm glad you are feeling a little better and hope you recover sooner than later. It's no fun being sick! Susan
Hoping you are well enough to be back with us soon, BUT understanding that we need to be patient. feels like Friday but it's only Thursday. :)
More prayers for you Sandi - I hope all of these issues will soon be resolved. We are all thinking about you and wish you the best.
Hi Sandi. Hope you are keeping a positive frame of mind. Remember all the wonderful moments before and see through the pain to the ones to come. I wish you the best possible outcome. Cheers on Thursday!
Sandi, Was nice to hear from you, and hope you will be feeling a bunch better very soon. I know what it is like to not be able to do the things you love. Take Care
Day 18 - Sandi, keep your chin up! Hopefully very soon all this pain will just be a memory.
Knowing that you are a little better is the best prize of all, and that is one that everyone can win!
Wow, I guess I didn't read this right, I didn't know you could post everyday, but here is my second post/chance to win. I hope you are feeling better soon.
It is Friday - time to begin celebrating the Fourth of July. Hope everyone has a great weekend!! we are...nearing the end of this wonderful giveaway! Whew......some of us have worked very hard to remember to DO this every day (well...I did miss a day along the way, I believe....BAD PAT).
Day 19 - I better get this done early while I have a chance at the computer. My husband has been working from home so much lately that I have to take every little snippet of computer time I can! No complaints least he has a job!
Hope you are continuing to improve, Sandi, and get back to your old active self very soon. I hate to think of you being so uncomfortable as to not be able to do your handwork.
Am up early this morning and the birds are all singing so loverly out side. Is suppose to get hot here in Oregon again today, so am getting prepared. To all of you, "Have a very nice 4th and STAY safe"
Hi again,
a day closer to the drawing. Tomorrow is the day, isn't it?
Lotta in Sweden
Enjoy the red, white, and blue,
fireworks and family too,
I"m looking forward to the prize,
not so much the goodbye!
This has been fun - meeting online everyday. Thanks for getting us all motivated Sandi. Wishing you a happy 4th!
I have become so enamored with the Christmas squares that I may have to look through my stash and cut some or buy a holiday charm pack or two myself.
I mentioned earlier that we are making beaded ornaments for some of our Christmas gifts this year. I believe that at last count I need a total of 67 (families get one per person). Two squares would make one bag. I have lots of yarn or bias that I can run through the casing, and plenty of little "things" that I can trim with.
If I win, probably whatever project I am working on when the prize arrives will be put aside while I make some bags.
Tommorrow the latest day.
I'm in today.
I already commented for Friday....but I"m not sure if we are to comment tomorrow (since the winner is to be drawn tomorrow). I have to get up at 4:30 and be out of the house by 5:15 to go help sign in the vendors at a big art show our church has every year, SOOOOOO.....I won't be back home and online until the afternoon tomorrow.....guess I'll check then to see if we were to comment on Saturday, too.
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