Let the party begin!! If you follow my blog regularly, you already know that I really enjoy blogging. I like to write, love to draw designs, enjoy sharing what I do and the things I make and collect. I decided to take a look back and figure out how I stumbled into this blogging thing that I have come to enjoy so much. Five years ago, I had no clue what a blog was. I had only just begun to really use e-mail and I was still trying to figure out the "ins-and-outs" of that technical challenge. Friends at church, Dan and Nancy, were in the process of adopting a child and Nancy told me she had started to blog about the experience. I checked it out and found it interesting to think one would journal for all the world to see. It looked like something I would enjoy.
After I visited Nancy's blog, I began checking out other sites. I love to embroider and so I looked for sites that had embroidery designs. I found one that I repeatedly went back to.....
Cinderberry*Stitches by Natalie Lymer of Australia. I loved her blog because the photography of her designs and embroidery were like "stitchery eye-candy" to me. Her blog had links to other blogs with embroidery and quilting projects and it was like taking a trip without leaving the chair at my computer!! In one of my searches for embroidery, a site came up for a Yahoo Redwork group, so I clicked and joined the group. I was mostly a "lurker" in this group. I had trouble figuring out how to reply to messages, how to "chat" and so I just "observed". Now I look back and wonder, how could I make something so easy, so difficult.
In the Redwork group, I "met" Anna and she is one of those people who always have a lead on a great site or pattern. She was an introduction into the friendly world of blogging, yahoo groups and sharing on the internet. Thanks, Anna! And thanks to my mother who taught me how to embroider!
SO, with those stitching thoughts in mind, I present the first of eight prizes that I'll offer in my
One Year Blog Anniversary Celebration........

And here is my buddy,
Brown Bear, displaying what you could win
Two vintage Aunt Martha embroidery transfer patterns
Four skeins of my favorite floss for Redwork -
#'s 498 and variegated 115
Eighteen - 8 1/2" square red cotton prints by Mary Englebreit
and a package of Mary E post-its so that you can keep track of projects!
Now here is what you have to do for a chance to win:
1. Leave a comment on this post for this prize (there will be a prize each day for the next seven days and you can leave your name each day for each prize).
2. In your comment, please tell me who taught you to sew/quilt/embroider (whichever applies).
3. Be sure to leave your e-mail address or a link back to your blog. Comments will be deleted if there is no way to contact you.
4. This celebration is open to all bloggers everywhere. :-) I have chosen prizes that will fit in an envelope and will be less costly to mail, so I am happy to mail international.
5. You may begin leaving comments now! Last day to comment will be June 10th. I will tally comments and e-mail/post winners on June 14th.
So, start leaving those comments! Thanks to all of you that have followed my blog so regularly. I really, really appreciate it!!