I've used that heading before but it deserves repeating. Last year my friend Audrey gave me some fine rhubarb stalks to plant. The other day when I was in the back yard taking pictures of quilts and I looked over and "wow! look at that rhubarb! " I said out loud! Right away, I thought "Rhubarb Cobbler coming up!"

If you'd like the recipe for my Grandma Goldie's most excellent Rhubarb Cobbler then just go
here and you'll find the recipe on my post from last May. I had only been blogging for four days when I posted the recipe. I can't believe all that has transpired since then! I began blogging to help me cope with the overwhelming sadness at the loss of my dad and all the things that go along with loss. And I began blogging because I had wanted to for a long time and my son encouraged me that "mom, you can do this". That first day of blogging was May 26, 2008. That means I have a one year blogaversary coming up and I have to get busy and think how I will celebrate. I want to celebrate all the new friends that I have "met" and those who have tagged along faithfully as I learned how to maneuver in blogland and all the "ins and outs" of loading photos, setting up links, offering giveaways, all sorts of stuff. It has been such a fun experience and I am sooooo much smarter on the computer than I was a year ago and yet, I have soooooo much that I do not know and so there is more to learn!! So, I will put on my thinking cap and figure out how to celebrate and say thank you to all of you who read and follow my blog.
SandiP.S. That cobbler recipe is great with any kind of fruit and if you take it to a picnic, know that it will be gone before you get to the table to cut a piece for yourself!
I can recall lots of gardens had rhubarb plants when I was growing up. Your recipe sounds yummy. How amazing that you have only been blogging for not quite a year and have done SO much online already!
my grandfather had a patch of rhubarb and would always break off a couple of stalks for us when we visited him. yum!
I haven't had rhubarb in ages!!
only a year? You have done so much and given so much to an awful lot of people. WE should be giving to you, instead of you to us!
We just do not get that really good rhubarb like you guys do. I have tried to grow it here with not much success. I love the really red, yummy type.
Love rhubarb pie, cobbler, and jam. I have many memories of my grandma and mom making all of these. Mom still has a rhubarb patch and we still enjoy our favorites. Thanks for reminding me. (I mix mini marshmellows with the rhubarb instead of sugar)I can hardly wait to see how you celebrate your blogaversary......
I just checked on my rhubarb when I was getting the sheets off the clothesline and I think I'll go back and get some for this recipe. Thanks!
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