Hexagons were abundant in a wide variety of Grandmother's Flower Garden quilts that were made in the 30's, 40's and 50's. Sure, there have been GFG quilts made since then in lots of colors and many reproduction prints but the quilts made during those decades were filled with feedsack fabrics and bits of clothing scraps and just spoke of "cheer". Someone once noted that women had to put some color and cheer into their lives because the depression and war years were so depressing. I suspect there is some truth to that and yet, the quilts that women made then are anything but depressing. I grew up in the 50's and don't recall that I ever saw a feedsack until a few years ago but I know the fabrics from them were in many of the quilts made by Grandma Goldie, Great Grandma Lillie, Aunt Marie and other members of the Ladies Aide Society. I think I've told you this before but I can see the white and pink painted cement walls in the church basement where the ladies set up the quilting frame and did their work and where church suppers and Bible School were held. It's a memory that can make me feel good just by letting it pass through my mind. :-) I hope that you have or are making good quilting and life memories. Sometimes there are some sad memories along the way but even those have some element of good in them. I was blessed to have my Grandma until her 90th year and my Aunt Bell, who raised my mother lived into her late 80's. And I am blessed that my own mother is still living and you know that because I head to Iowa on a regular basis to visit her. :-) We still enjoy shopping for fabric together and sharing stitching ideas and crafty fun!!!
As you can see in the photo of my block, I used buttonhole stitch around each hexagon after fusing the shapes to the background piece. You could also use traditional applique methods, too. No rules here, just be creative and have fun!!
As of this minute, fifty of you have joined my new group where I will be posting the PDF files for all future Seasons blocks. Please see my post from yesterday for all the details. I will send out an e-mail to all of you and the PDF files for this month and will be encouraging you to join the group. Creating a group where we can discuss techniques and I can easily load files that you can download at your convenience will be so much nicer. The response to this change has been overwhelmingly positive but I would appreciate any thoughts or comments that you care to share.
Have a good evening!
P.S. The Snowman block for May will be posted on Monday or Tuesday of next week. I also sketched the Snowman for June. They're both really cookin'! ;-)
I noticed your note on the sidebar, said you'll be outside taking more pictures of vintage tops. Please please do it, I'd love seeing. Vintage love in me is so deep, + antiques, all about.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I didn't know which blog of yours to visit, as you have so many. This blog is lovely. and I enjoyed the posts. I also do hexagon flowers, and really enjoy how relaxing it is. I am making a quilt out of large hexagon flowers.
Nice meeting you!
In Ireland
What a wonderful idea for the May SEASONS BOM! Thanks!!!
thank you so much for sharing! :) Have a WONDERFUL day!!
OMG! I just found my list of projects I wanted to do while unpacking and this pattern for a quilt was on there. What a coincidence. Sorry I haven't been around lately, moving, finishing school and the wedding from this past weekend have kept me stretched to the max, but I hope in the next day or so to get a chance to browse your latest posts.
Good for you. Love GFG quilts/blocks. I have 2 white snowball bushes. I love those. And we have plenty of racoons!
I'm always so envious of those who had such a great relationship with their quilty relatives. My only one was a great great aunt that passed away when I was young but I remember playing under the quilting frame on her front porch. I also remember her taking stitches out after the other ladies left and her saying "so n so quilted so poorly.....bless her heart" LOL.
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