and look what I found.............

All I was doing was driving to the dentist and planned to stop first at the post office. I took the "Bottom Road" (called that because it runs along the river bottom) from Henderson to Belle Plaine. The road is also known as the "Scenic Byway" and it is truly a beautiful drive. You pass farms and trees, bends in the road, horses in their corrals, and then you drive over the Minnesota River. You pass a beautiful old Norwegian church and then I should have turned so I could stop at the post office but I drove a block to far and then took a right. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw this guy in his yard and I thought "that's a castle with a dragon on it" and down the street I went. I mailed my packages and figured I'd get to the dentist after I checked out the dragon. The guy was still is his yard working and I pulled up and complimented him on the piece. It's a large tree that was carved by Bob Halvorson and then the homeowner and his family painted it. I just thought it was the coolest piece of yard art that I have ever seen!!! Anyway, I asked the homeowner if I could post this on my blog and he said "sure" and so if you want to see this for yourself, just get yourself to Belle Plaine (MN) and take a drive down Cedar Street. I don't remember just where on Cedar Street but I don't think you'll miss this if you are driving by!
No need to describe my visit to the dentist. It went fine and I was outta there and off to the thrift shop. Pictures of that excursion tomorrow. Have a couple of pics to share before I post the giveaway prize for today.
Yesterday, I sent an e-mail to Natalie Lymer of
Cinderberry*Stitches to let her know that she had been an inspiration to me when I began blogging. I wasn't really expecting a reply but I just wanted to make sure she knew. Surprise! When I checked my inbox this morning she had replied and wrote "thanks for the lovely have made my day! Congrats .....Happy Blogday to you!" I thought that was really cool. She made my day! I had planned to post a photo of the needlecase pattern that she offers on her site and forgot it yesterday so here it is now.

I made it a little over a year ago and loved it when it was finished. You can make one, too, as the pattern is still on her site. Just go to
Cinderberry*Stitches and in her sidebar on the right, you will find the link to the pattern
"Springberries Needlecase".
Now it's time to post the giveaway prize in Day 2 of my Blog Anniversary Celebration!
Oh MY, that's something you don't see everyday! I'm so glad you stopped and took a picture of it. Glad everything went ok at the dentist *shudder*, I have to go next week.
That needlecase is so cute, I'm going to have to make it. Right now I'm using my old business card holder with a piece of felt in it. It's plain metal and has NO personality!
How cool is that? It's so much fun to find interesting stuff like that. Goes to show we should just slow down and take the back roads once in a while.
I might have to try and find that Dragon myself. Cool!
I have that needlecase almost done myself. I just need to put it together. I like the colors of yours.
How nice is that needlecase! Your post reminded me that I have a Cinderberry freebie in files on my computer. I am going to find it and work it up into a baby quilt.
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