There may be snow outside your windows in many parts of the country but there is no snow in these pictures! Just imagine yourself here in Pandora's garden with the warmth of the sun and lots of colorful quilts to make you smile. And there is music playing!! Yes, Pat asked if there was someone that played music and the answer was "yes". This is Lisa at the keyboard and she plays so beautifully. She even did a request for me as I wanted to hear "Clair de Lune" and she very kindly obliged me. There was also a woman playing the violin earlier in the day. Truly, this is just a wonderful event!

I love that dragonfly quilt in the photo above (don't know who made it). I made the little quilt above that one. It's a Country Threads pattern and the words above the garden angels hat say....."I bring fresh showers for thirsting flowers". Thankfully there were no showers on this day.

I took pictures from different angles so this photo above is another view of the fence.......

and this view is along the back of the yard, just after you pass the fairy bridge. :-)

And here's another view of the purple quilt I liked so much. I love "Trip Around the World" quilts. Back in the 1980's I took my stash - at the time it was much smaller than it is now :-) - and I made six different, very colorful "Trip Around the World" quilts. Actually, I can't really call them quilts, as I made the quilt tops and then tied them so they weren't actually quilted. They worked quite well to keep one warm, though. :-)

Now this quilt is just awesome, wouldn't you say?!! It is definitely a work of art!

This one just made me smile because it's so bright and cheery!
Tucked in among her garden plants, Pandora has added some "garden works of art"........

If you double click on this photo above, you will see that the frames are done in a glass mosaic design. And the ones in the photo below are decorated with seashells that Pandora collects. It's just like the flowers are "framed" by the seashells!

Here's another unique way to display shells..........very clever, isn't it?!!

Pandora and crew hang clotheslines across her backyard for hanging the quilts. And they use her clothesline, too, and those pics will come in the next post .

Our friend, Sue, is on the left and is chatting with friends and visitors. Sue helped Pandora set up along with lots of other helpers. Sue made the star quilt on the left and also the "One Block Wonder"quilt that is right next to it. The One-block Wonder quilts are from a book by Maxine Rosenthal. Our "Tuesday Crazies" group got together and we all cut out a quilt. Sue, Pandora and Carol finished their quilts. There are a couple of us with "one block wonders in progress".
:-) The fun thing about these quilts is that you use one fabric and then by following the instructions you find the pattern repeat and cut your shops and then sew it together. That sounds easy but it's not quite that easy. The results are quite stunning.
I have two more posts worth of pictures to share. I like stretching this out as it has been a gloomy cold week here. All I have to do is look at that sun glimmering on the green grass in that photo above and I can feel the warmth. Oh, spring, please come soon.............
All for now.
13 comments: is nearly 3:30 a.m. here and I am wide I popped in here and am so happy to see these happy, summer photos. I love that metal sculpture in Pandora's garden (in the first of the garden photos). The quilts, of course, are wonderful. A friend has been searching for the right fabric to do a one-block wonder....and it is hard to find fabrics with a good repeat for that, it seems. Can't wait to see more of Pandora's show!
Thanks for the sunshine!! We got 10-15" of snow yesterday, rain and 40 degrees today.
Love all of the quilts, and your tied quilts are still quilts too! As long as they are loved, that's all that counts!
Lovely quilts!! What fun to get together with friends and share your creativity!!
Lovely pictures with a breath of spring. No snow here, but forecast of 35 degrees tonight! This Florida girl is getting really tired of all the cold.
What lovely quilts and I wish that I could have been there to see them all!
What a wonderful quilt show! It just makes me yearn for the warm days of summer. I love LOVE seeing the super work of other quilters.
beautiful quilts and an amg garden! thanks for the info on the one block wonder quilts. what an amazing assortment of quilts were hanging. that was quite a show!
It's hard to imagine there could ever be snow looking at those beautiful pictures.
Oh Sandi, I'm just loving this quilt show!! That Mariner's Compass quilt is amazing!!
Your pictures make me long for spring. I'm getting tired of the snow here.
as I look outside and its snowing like crazy so nice to see these beautiful quilts and the garden is just wonderful. Sunshine and flowers what a treat right now!
Wow, thanks for all of the great photos. It is a pleasure to see them.
Your quilts are beautiful.
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