Can you hear John Denver singing that line? Well, there was warm sunshine on everyone's shoulders during the day-long "Quilts in Bloom" event last June. If you are somewhere where it is cold and snowing, just think of that as you view more pictures from Pandora's garden......

You may remember that I noted in yesterday's post that Pandora and Crew strung clotheslines across her backyard to hang the quilts. And I said they used her real clothesline, too........and here it is in the photo above. Beautiful quilts lined both sides of the clothesline and at the end is one of my favorites...........

It's a snowman block of the month stitched and quilted by our friend, Sue.

Here's a view of the quilts on the other side of the clothesline.

And another pic of Pandora and Sue in front a very colorful quilt that just says "SUMMER"!

Snowmen quilts were allowed because they weren't real. LOL! Seriously, this is Minnesota where summer lasts only three months and winter lasts forever.....especially this year! Our friend, Kate, made this Redwork snowman quilt.

More quilts hanging on the line, blowing in the breeze. Sue made the star quilt and another friend, Carol, made the red and white quilt.

I loved these two quilts. The dresses quilt reminds me of my eighth grade graduation dress. Ah, memories..........

Just look at this idealic scene........ sunshine, quilts blowing in the wind, treats, beautiful music playing in the background, friends, gorgeous garden............I am soaking up the warmth just thinking about it!
Here's a close-up of the mosaic glass frames that decorate a spot in Pandora's garden. I want to try this in my garden.......that is when we finally plant a garden and some flowers. :-)

That's all for this time. I have just a few more photos to share in my next post and then this weeklong visit to Pandora's garden ends.
Have a good day!
thank you Sandi for sharing that wonderful day with us. Amazing what beautiful quilts were displayed and so many. Its a very nice idea
So enjoyable, wish I could have been there in person but you did a great job bringing us there through our computers...Thanks!!
I have to blend words such as fascinating, mesmerizing, stunning and enchanting as well just to describe your work.
I would be honored not only with a single visit but also with the possibility of having your name on our friend's group.
Regards - LLEAL
what a great way to spend an afternoon
looks like everyone is just enjoying the day.
beautiful quilts.
Let me in those photos!!!! :) Christine
Another round of beautiful quilts. I wish our 3 months of summer would get here LOL.
my favorite is the star quilt that Sue made. Beautiful setting to show off some gorgeous quilts.
What a nice way to display quilts, and a great way to spend the day! I'll be so glad when spring gets here.
Great pictures! I love how the quilts are displayed outside.
So many beautiful quilts!!!! The dress quilt reminds me of my 8th grade graduation too. Mine was a white eyelet with a green sash. We also wore white gloves.
I was intrigued by the one on the clothesline that looks like it is seashells appliqued onto it.
Such beautiful quilts, such imaginative and talented quilters! This week of pictures has been inspiring for me, with ideas running wild in my head. I am making a few notes.
Love that song, Sandi, and love all the beautiful quilts and that beautiful sunshine! It's snowing right now and COLD...but spring is coming!
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful event with us!
I could sure use some sunshine today...thanks for the pics
What a wonderful event...and ALL the quilts you showed are absolutely terrific. I'll be sad when you don't have anymore pictures to show us of this lovely garden quilt show!
I love the dresses! So pretty!
I have made that dress quilt before. It made me love doing dresses.
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