"Quilts in Bloom"
Some of you may remember that last summer, I told you I would post photos of the quilt show that my friend Pandora hosted in her back yard. It was a fundraiser with all monies going to help abondoned African children. I never posted the photos as the day after I took these pictures, I suffered a herniated disc and back pain issues consumed me most of the summer. However, it was a lovely day at the quilt show and thoughts of it made me think that it was high time I shared these photos. There is more winter weather in the forecast for our area.......snow flurries and temps in the teens and twenties, but I am in serious need of some summer sun! You will see lots of it in these photos. The day was so beautiful that you will almost be able to feel the sun's warmth as you walk through Pandora's garden and view all the gorgeous quilts and flowers. Let the tour begin.........
When I arrived and parked my car, I saw this and said "oh, my!"

I paid my admission and entered "Quilts in Bloom".........

but I stopped first to say HI to Pandora and bring her a little gift of flower seeds in a planter. She has a green thumb and a sewing thumb. :-) She made many of the quilts on display and friends shared the rest.

There were so many beautiful quilts. I loved this one and seeing it hanging in mid-air with that blue sky in the background was awesome!

Pandora encouraged us to bring "garden/floral themed" projects. This one is like a garden in itself!

The path through the quilts took me past a few tables with lovely jewelry, scarves, and artwork. I found a lovely little bead bracelet that called my name that day. :-)

Quilts were tucked in everywhere. This one looked like it grew right along the fence!

Aren't Pandora's flowers beeeeeeeautiful?!!

I loved these so much, I took two pictures!

As you came around the corner into the backyard, there was a little "treat tent". I stopped for goodies, of course. :-) One of the items that I shared is the penny rug (a Ginger Sanchez design) hanging on the iron display rack.

Don't think this is the end.........oh, no, there are enough photos to share for the next four days. I'm going to spread it out so you will have something to look forward to! If winter must hang on outside, I will at least enjoy some sun and quilts via the computer. Have a good day ahead!
it is all so very very stunning!
Oh, Sandi! Thank you for the blue skies, green trees, flowers and oh my it looks so warm and inviting! (Inserting big sighs and ohs and ahs) Love all the quilts-must have been a wonderful time. :)
I loved seeing the blue sky and lovely quilts...just what I needed this cold morning.
Thank you, thank you for the big glimpse of warm weather and flowers, and I look forward to seeing the rest of the photos this week instead of looking at our snow. I will try to remember these lovely pictures while "opening wide" for dental work later this morning.
what a wonderful treat to wake up to this morning! i am in awe of her lily bed and her lovely flowers.
Wonderful pictures, looking forward to seeing more of them. What a fantastic idea, brilliant woman!
Oooo thank you for the eye candy this morning and how fun to know there is more to come. I vaguely remember warmth and sun shine LOL.
OH, Sandi...while I am not glad your health issue caused you to delay posting the photos of Pandora's wonderful show, I AM glad they are appearing right now when so many of us are in need of such HAPPY, SUNNY, BLUE-SKY, FLOWERY photos!!! I can't wait to see more. Did I see a lady playing music, too? Seems like a terrific time was had by all.
What a perfect setting for displaying quilts! Yes, I can feel the warm sun shining down.
Beeeeeeautiful! Thank you for brightening my day!! I am looking forward to seeing more beauties! LOVE IT!!
What a wonderful way to brighten my day. I had to stop and think where you are. You should be having snow! Then I read your post. Thanks for giving me hope that summer will come!
Oh my goodness...what fun!!!!
Beautiful quilts... sunshiny days... pretty flowers...
Thank you for sharing!
Sandi, thanks for the sunshine, the flowers and the quilt show.
What a treat on a cold dreary day.
Those quilts are most beautiful, my dear friend. Thank you for sharing. Happy Quilting!
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