Here's what I sent off (my partner has received it so I think it'll be okay to share)....... a little cupcake pincushion (that plastic cupcake comes in a two-pack at JoAnn's), a little bundle of spring fat-eighths and in the drawstring bag are about two dozen buttons from my vintage button collection.
I received from Carol, my partner, two fat quarters and those beautiful pieces of tatting that I will either use on a pincushion or in my crazy quilt blocks. That's Propbear doing the "show and tell". :-)
Last weekend, I got serious about sending out Valentines. Here's the result............
On Monday I took these 14 pink envelopes to Connie to mail. Can't tell you what is in them as then the folks they are going to would know what they are getting..............
With all that stuff in the mail, you'd think I'd be done sending off packages but not so. I just finished stuffing seven more little envelopes, some with fat quarters I cut from the fabric in the photo above and on the right, plus wool and other gifties. Then on Thursday, I'll mail a couple wintery themed packages, some patterns and I will have done my part to keep the post office solvent and support the economy. Not bad, huh?
I have one more "show and tell"........Denny from my "Wooly Buddies" group sent me this fabric postcard and the cute coasters and heart. I wasn't expecting anything so it was really fun to see the package in my mailbox.
I have shared a lot of fun with you and now I have a serious note to share with you. Last Friday when I took some of those packages to my Postlady Connie, she had sad news to share. Her little grandaughter, Emma, who is just seven years old has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. I am so sad for her and so, if you wish, please send comforting thoughts or say a little prayer for Emma and her family, too. I'll see Connie often and she will keep me updated. She's working on a quilt for grandaughter, Abby and when it's finished, she's going to bring it in so I can take a photo and post it here. She has to be the coolest Postlady ever!!
End of a long day.........almost tomorrow........
13 comments: are some kind of workaholic. Do you EVER sleep? I can't imagine how you get all that stuff done to send all those things out in the mail. I'm sure the post office loves you! (I feel so inadequate in omparison...LOL) On a more serious note, I'm so very sorry to hear about the little one's inoperable brain tumor. Maybe they can manage to shrink it enough to keep her healthy for awhile longer. I always feel, with kids, if the doctors can "buy time", a new treatment may come along that WILL help. I'll add her to my prayers. (I pray daily for several kids who have life-threatening health issues.)
Oh Sandi, how fun! Sometimes I think it's more fun to mail packages than to receive them. Just thinking about the person at the other end opening it and hopefully loving what is in it is exciting.
Another wonderful post! You are definitely doing your part to help the economy. lol I look forward to hearing more about this developing friendship with the lady at the post office, and will certainly keep little Emma in my prayers.
So glad you liked your surprise package. It was fun to send it - as one of the comments said - I find as much fun in putting packages together as I do receiving them. Emma is in my prayers and I hope they find a treatment for her. In the 80s my aunt died of esophageal cancer and two years ago my husband was diagnosed of the same cancer. Today, two years later, he is cancer free so that shows what progress they can make.
Your post put me in the mood to get ready for Valentine's Day. I love the cupcake!
You are AMAZING and so much FUN! :D look at all those WONDERFUL goodies!! i have been REALLY thinking about a giveaway too!
i am sending prayers to Connie's family! Have a BEAUTIFUL day! ;)
That is a lot of work, but it sounds like so much fun. We all need to help keep the PO solvent these days. I need to get more involved with the swaps.
Great job at keeping your Post Office up and running :)
I love seeing all that red goodness in one post. You have definitely been a busy person!
The phot of the cup cake on my blog roll begged investigation, it is so cute! Prayers and best wishes to little Emma
I would like to be included in your Block of the Month list. Please add my name and address to your list. Thank you.
What a treat for all of your lucky recipients- hmmm, what could be in those adorable pink envelopes??
The ladies at my post office know me by name....
In the spirit of giving you will certainly have a happy valentine's day. You will feel so good knowing that you lifted others. As I have loved you, Love one another.
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