There are loads of Block of the month projects out there so it occurred to me to wonder if there is a need for another one. But here I am and I am going to share these patterns that I designed for my friends who joined me at my church for Hearthside Quilters. We had so much fun that it would be enjoyable for me to go back through the blocks and recall some of the fun we had as I share the blocks with all of you.
This block of the month series is one I offered in 2003. I cannot tell a lie...........I never finished my blocks. Family health issues kept me hopping that year (as they did for much of 2000 through 2008) but getting together with my friends once a month was an escape from worry. For many in the group it was the same thing - an escape to do something we love - quilting and getting together!! For some it was the release of stress from work, kids, husbands, and for some, it relieved the worry of loved ones serving overseas. I would draw the blocks and got many started but it wasn't until this past year that I finished all the embroidery on the blocks. Now I am ready to sash them and put them into a full-size wall quilt.
If you decide to do the blocks perhaps you'll share photos as you make them. I could set up a Flickr group so that we can all see how differently we stitch and embellish each block.
The block for January is, of course, a snowman. My kids loved to make snowmen. Living in Minnesota there was, and is, almost always an abundance of snow. I got to wondering about who might have invented the snowman and so.......I googled it. Lo and behold, someone did "invent" the snowman. A dear man, Mr. Vernon Paul of Eau Claire, Wisconsin (another state with an abundance of snow) made a snowman for his daughter, Yetty Paul, that would frighten away the Boxing Day elves. This all took place in 1809. Believe it or not, the New York Times dispatched a writer to check out the "snow people" being made in the town and so the humble Snowman was born and provides us with an eternal sign of winter fun!!

Note: There is a reason for the words "Let it Snow!" on the pattern page. I'll tell you what those are for when I post the February block and give you more details on the quilt top.
At the first of each month, I will post a scanned photo of my block and the two pattern pages. As with other patterns that I post, if you cannot save the pages to your computer, just e-mail me and I will send you a pdf file. I would like to start a list of those that would like to receive the blocks and then each month, I can just send you the appropriate block. I will still post here on my blog but that way you will have the right file from the start. Please leave a comment on this post, with your e-mail address, if you would like to have the patterns e-mailed to you each month.
Well, I must close for tonight. I appear to finally be getting over my cold am consuming fewer cough drops, sneezing less, etc. I apologize for being late with posting about this block of the month but the cold just kept me in a fog and I really couldn't think well enough to put together the thoughts I've just shared!!
Time to turn out the lights!
hi sandi,
so glad your cold seems to be on the mend at last.
i'd love to receive your BOM patterns if that's ok?
thanks so much,
Hi Sandi,
Love the snowman. I'd also like to receive your BOM patterns.
Thanks for offering!
I would like to be on your email list as well.
walton521 @ gmail.com
Keep me on your list, too. Okay?? You did email me the first one in a pdf format the other day and I've already printed it out. (Of course, not sure when I'll start, but I'm hoping it won't be too long before I do it.)
Sandy, this block is so cute and charming. I would love to be on your list for this block and the new block each month. Please send to HookedOnNeedles@gmail.com
Thanks so much for your generosity!
Hello Sandy,
Can you also send me the pattern? It would be great. Thank you very much to charing this bOM:
Hi Sandi, Hope you are feeling a bit brighter and your cold is disappearing. I would love it if you could send me the pattens for your BOM each month....the snowman is very cute!!
Thank you so much, Cathy
Thanks sandi for so generously sharing your BOM patterns, I'll look forward to them each month.I was able to print the pattern from your Blog. Glad to hear that you are feeling more like yourself.
You are sooooooo kind! I am really looking forward to doing these. I would love to receive them each month...thanks so much in advance!
Mary Jo in Iowa (a neighbor to the south)
Sandi, hi
Thanks so much for offering your BOM to all of us online. I love your little snowman and would like to be added to your list of persons wanting to receive your files by pdf format. I just clicked on the email followup box for replies and hope that is sufficient for you to send them to me so my address isn't out there for everyone to see. Thanks again for this BOM and pdf email offer.
Hello Sandi, I love the little snowman block and would love to participate in your BOM for 2009. Please add me to the list to email the patterns to. Thanks. Winona
I would love to have the blocks sent to me at apluspalmer@aol.com. If you create a group, I would like to join that as well. Thanks for offering this!
Sandy: It's wonderful to have BOM's, doesn't matter how many are out there. People have different tastes, I love blanket stitch, so I'm going to make this series! Thanks so much. Rae Ann
I would like the BOM pdf files, please. Love the snowmen!
Waving hand wildly) I would love to do this block of the month with you.
Thank you so much for sharing your bom patterns.
Could you please put me on your email list for pdf's.
I can't get the ones posted sized correctly. Thanks again.
Hello Sandi, I love your blog. Please add me to the email list for BOM patterns. You're patterns are incredible. Thank you so much.
Hello again, in my excitement I neglected to provide you with my email address. Please send the pattern to dcg@nbnet.nb.ca
I hope your cold is gone. Please add me to your list to receive your BOM patterns and thank you for sharing them
Rita E in AZ
requilt (at) yahoo (dot) com
Get well soon! I'm holding off a cold of my own.
Please add me to your list of snowman lovers! ; - )
Hi Sandi
Please sign me up for the BOM patterns.
Barb in S IL
love the start of the block of the month. I live in Northern Ill. We see snow from Nov to March and sometimes can't see much beyond it. Loved it as a kid....dislike it as an adult as it is work
Love the snowman block of the month
Would love to be added to the list.
Please add me to your e-mail list for the BOM patterns :)
Thank you!
please add me to the list for the BOM volmom@verizon.net thanks
Your snowman is adorable. I would like to receive your BOM. Thanks for sharing! Tara
Thank you for this lovely BOM. I just love snowmen. Could you please send your .pdf's.
Hi Sandi, that's a lovely snowman. Can you add me to the email list please - ginger_curls@yahoo.co.uk
What a cute snowman. Thanks for the lesson on where snowmen came from ( I learn something new everyday !) I have saved the first pattern and plan on making this BOM ...it looks like fun :-) Thanks for sharing it with us !
I love the first block in your BOM. I'd really appreciate getting the PDF files for them.
Thanks so much!
grandma chicken in Indiana
Hi Sandi,
Would love to surprise two granddaughters with your snowmen blocks. Please add me to your email pdf list.
HI, I would love for the patterns to be emailed to me. The snowman is just darling. Thanks so much for offering this. Cindy Mott cindrip@yahoo.com
Thanks for your sweet offer. Please add me to your list to receive the BOM pdf format.
Thanks and a very happy, healthy New Year.
I'm from Wisconsin, so I have to love snowmen, don't I? I'd really enjoy receiving your Bom
patterns. Thank you, Jean
I would love to receive the BOM patterns in pdf format.
Thanks so very much,
I would be very happy to be added to the list and receive the pdf files. It is a real cutie and now that I am retired I have time to venture into other projects, as a break from large quilts. Thanks again.
Gladys Wahl
WOW..I am from Eau Claire and I didn't know that! Thanks for the bit of history and I love your snowman!
I would very much like to receive your BOM patterns... The snowman is delightful. Thanks for making them available in PDF format.
Hi Sandi!
Thank you for sharing your pattern with us.
Please, could you send the pattern to me too?
I tried to print it, but I had problems with the size.
The mail adress is: s.knott@drei.at
Thank you
Hi Sandi. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I love your new BOM. Please add me to the list of those who would like to receive the pattern each month. My email is set up to receive your mail. Thank you for offering it. Happy New Year!
What a wonderful site! Yes, I'd love to receive your patterns. I live in Central/Southern Arizona and we don't see snow!
I am able to save to my computer, but pdf files would be great! so please add me to the list. I love the snowman. I've been looking all season for a snowmen/women that I like. I must be fussy cuz this is one of the few I really like.
I'm new to your blog but would love to be put on the list for the BOM patterns .
Hi Sandi, I agree that I don't need another BOM but who can resist snowmen?! Please count me in. Jan
someone mentioned your BOM for 2009 on her blog, and thats how i found you :)
sign me up please...and thank you!!!
I would loveeeeeeeeee to have you send me your cute little snowmen each month.I used to live with lots of snow but now we are in N.C. so I don't get the real thing. Linda
I'd love to receive your patterns for BOM. The Jan snowman is so cute!!!!!!
Hi Sandi!
I bounced over here from Mary Grace's blog! What an adorable little snowman! I would love to receive the PDF file pattern of the January block, and put on your email list for this BOM.
email: mbpk (at) mts (dot) net
I thank you in advance, and shall be back for visits! 8-)
Happy stitchings!
I love Snowmen! Even though they are made of snow they just give you a "warm fuzzy" looking at them. Please put me on your list to receive the BOM. I'm looking forward to making these blocks. Thanks for offering them.
Hi Sandi,
Id love to receive your pfds looks soo cute
HI Sandi,
Please count me in on your BOM. My email is playa@sympatico.ca I don't know how fast I'll be doing the blocks but they might just be a complement to my calendar quilt. Thanks for sharing. Could you please email me the pdf for this one?
Please add me to your email list for the PDF sent to my email.
Thank you for your generosity!
Sandi, I'd love to get your block of the month. I was just checking up on you---and here you are starting up the New Year with more fun. Angie cedarchestquilts@aol.com
Hi Sandi, what a beuatiful BOM! I would like to receive the pattern too. Please send it to me in a pdf format. Thank you so much!
I would love to receive your BOM patterns in pdf via e-mail.
Thank you,
Jan in TN
That looks like a real fun BOM. I would be delighted to receive the file in pdf form.
OOps, I had a senior moment.
Hi Sandi,
What a cute snowman - thank you for posting him. Could you please sent me your other BOMs (pdf) when posted - Bonnie in hot and sunny Queensland, Australia (where it never snows!!)
Hello Sandi,
I would love to join in and get the patterns. Your snowman has cooled me down already a scorching hot day here in Australia.
Sandi -
So sorry I didn't leave my email. Here is the email tlbrenda@aol.com
Thanks again for your wonderful generosity
This is going to be my first year of doing BOM. I feel that this will become one of my new addictions. Like I need another. YES, I do need more of these kind of addictions! Please send your wonderful patterns my way. rsisland @ hotmail . com
Sandi, I hope it's not too late to be added to your list for the e-mailed PDF file each month. I would love to make your cute blocks.
thanks, another Julie
Hi Sandi, I would love to have the monthly pdf files emailed to me. This is so cute! I hope that I am not to late to sign up. You should be able to get my email address from this comment.
I like the looks of that little guy, so if he's a representative of the rest of the BOMs, please count me in! I think I've gotten him saved okay to my computer, but just in case...
Heaven knows when I'll get to start on him, but I sure don't want to let this pass me by.
I'd love to have these BOMs Sandy. I think you can get my e-mail from here but just in case: mbushretired at gmail dot com. Thanks! blessings, marlene
If I'm not too late to join in the fun, I'd love to have the emailed patterns, too!
heathermhaapoja @ juno.com
By the way, I LOVE your "Legacy of Stitches" poem! You are certainly multi-talented!
I'm enjoying your blog very much and would love to receive your BOM via email. My email address is
I'm up here in the frozen tundra of Northern MN and have just survived 87 hours of below zero temps - most of which were below -20. Yikes. Today was above zero and nearly everyone in this small town was outside. Thank you for your willingness to share your terrific artistic talent. Cathy
hi Sandi, Iwould love to get your block of the month, It is so cute. thank you Sharon hartelquarters@yahoo.com
Great pattern! Sign me up please!
Thanks, Karen
Hi Sandi,
love the snowman. I'd also like to receive your BOM patterns.
Thank so much
Margot from Brasil
Love the snowman. Please include me in the block of the month mailings.
Thanks you, Ronnie
Hi Sandi,
I'm soooo glad I found your blog! I have been away from quilting for a long time and have been searching for something inspiring (but not overwhelming) to get back into it. Your BOM is perfect! Please add me to your list.
Hi Sandi,
I would like to receive your BOM. Thanks so much for sharing.
Cindy F
cinmfoster at aol dot com
Hi Sandi,
I just love snowmen, and this one is adorable. Thank you for sharing. Please add me to your BOM mailing list. I look forward to see what is coming next.
Thank you,
I was unable to print your pattern. Please add me to your pdf list. Thanks.
Hi...love your snowman and would love
to receive your other block patterns.
I'd like to receive your BOM patterns as well.
In Sweden we have a BOM challenge that I will participate in with you BOM.
Hi Sandi!
I like your's snowmen. I'm must do them to next winter. Hi is so cute. Can you send me your BOM in PDF-file to me are you nice I have trobble to get in him in the right size.
Thanks for charing your lovley snowmens.
Asa from sweden
I love the little snowman and would like to have the patterns as PDF each month.
Thank you for sharing,
Lotta in Sweden
Hello- I just found your BOM thru Victoriana Quilt Designs newsletter. I love snowmen so the January block is great. I would like to have the patterns sent to my email each month: tegens@charter.net
Love your blog too - added it to my daily blog reading list.
Thanks so much. annmarie
I would love to receive your BOM patterns. My email is
Denny Shaw
From a fellow quilter not so far from "Eau Claire," WI. Would love the snowmen BOM, have snowmen wallhangings up from December through February.......
Debi F. from Phillips, WI
Just discovered your cute BOM! I would love to receive a copy every month. Thank you so much for offering :o)
Love your snowman and would love to receive your BOM patterns. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Sandi,
Love the snowman. Would also like to receive the BOM patterns each month. Thanks so much for offering them.
I would love to receive your BOM . thanks for re-issuing them
blog: lqs-ohmy.blogspot.com
I received your email with the January Snowman BOM and it seems to be just perfect. Thank you so much, this is going to be a fun project and I'm looking forward to the rest of the year. Cathy
Hi Sandi....just discovered your blog and LOVE it.....would like to receive the BOM patterns....tried to do the save to pix file but did not come out clear enough.....Please add me to your monthly list....Many thanks
HI, Please add me to your BOM list. this sounds like great fun.
Hi Sandi. I would like to participate in your BOM. My email can be accessed by this posting I believe. Thanks
What a wonderful pattern! I would love to receive it too each month, if I am not too late. Thank you for your generosity.
I just posted a picture of my finished block over at Needles and Pens. Such a cute pattern, Sandi! I look forward to the next one. ;o)
I love snowmen and would love to receive your BOM. Thank you.
I would like to receive your BOM patterns.
Thank you,
I live in Ma and love your bom. Thanks for sharing.
I would love to receive your BOM patterns. Awesome!Thank you!Joanpounder@pie.midco.net
My e-mail addy is pounder@pie.midco.net
Thank you for sharing!
can I still join this BOM ...I discovered it today and It looks very nice
Hi Sandi,
I've just found your BOM coming via Victoriana Quilt Designs list. I like the snowman.
Please may I join in. My email addy I prefer is: lisa72@webmail.co.za
Thank you
South Africa
I would love to do your BOM. I just finished a masters program and have time to do what I want now. My email address is
Thank you,
Hi, I'm a little confused. I downloaded your BOM for January and thought I could do the same the following months. Was I supposed to sign up for it? If so, my e-mail address is carolld@havilandusa.com. Thanks. I love your stitchery and am looking forward to the others.
oh, please can I also make your sweet quilt. please send me also the news.thats will be a fun work!
happy weekend elfriede
GoodMorningSandi, Love your Snowmen BOM. Please include me in it. It will be a great addition to my Snowman Collection. Thanks and Happy Quilting. NanaBarto@aol.com
Hi Sandi,
I love snowmen, and your block is so cute. I would love to receive the rest of the blocks. I love block of the month because I always have a fun project to do.
Hey, I also very much like the next beam, the Snowman is so cute. I do not know if I have understood correctly, you send them mail, or they will be posted here on your blog?
Inge Greetings from Denmark
Hi Sandi
Luv the snowman! I would luv to receive the BOM patterns! I just found your blog today, but I will catch up fast! Thanks!
Hi Sandi,
Would like to receive your BOM patterns monthly. Thank you!
Hello Sandi,
Its a lovely pattern. I'd like to recieve it in my mailbox. Thank you very much.
Greetings Anita
I would love to receive the snowman BOM patterns.
Thank you so much
I would love to receive the snowmen patterns each month for the BOM
Thank you so much
I would love to join your BOM. Please sign me up.Thank You Brenda
I would love to join in this BOM. May I participate? Here ist my e-mail adress: cattinka@arcor.de
Thanks for sharing
Hi sandi,
I have never done a block of the month before. But I would like to try. YOurs is adorable. My email is treasa.hamilton@gmail.com.
Hi Sandi,
Would it be possible for you to email me your Red WORK VERSION I love stitching more than piecing.
PS LOVE MY Pincussion thanks again
Hi! Sandi,
I just found you and would love to receive your BOM patterns.
Hi Sandi,
Thank you so much for your generosity and offering this BOM. Please include me! KABnQltr@aol.com
Sandie, I discovered your site not long ago and I did save the first Snowman block to my PC and printed it of, but I would prefer to have a PDF file if you could be so kind as to send them to me for the rest of the BOM's. I love Snowmen too, and so does one of my daughters. I will be making TWO quilts from these little guys!
Thanks so much...happy to be on your site!
Hi Sandi,
I would love to receive You BOM patterns. I just love your snowman!
My sister loves snowmen stitchery so I would love to join your BOM. I plan to stitch her a wall hanging gift with your patterns!
Wow! 119 Comments! Do you have room for one more person in your BOM for 2009? I love snowmen and would love to receive your patterns. Love your blog too!
Thanks so much for sharing!
My friend Judy told me about your great site. May I receive your BOM too?
I would love to receive you BOM by email. Thanks so much for offering to send pdf's. I am delighted by your patterns and enjoy reading your blog.
I just discovered your lovely website and would like to receive the monthly BOM.
Thanks very much.
Ginny in Florida
I just found your lovely website and would like to be included in your BOM patterns. I would prefer PDF files.
I just discovered your blog and love what you have posted. Please add me to your mailing of the pdf file for your Seasons of the Heart. Thank you. Peg
Could you please put me on your email list for B.O.M.
Thank you for offering them
Lyn Smith
Please add me to your BOM list. I think it's adorable!
I tried to download your free BOM, but it wouldn't work properly. I'd love for you to send them by email as a pdf. Thanks so much. God bless.
Vivian Oaks
Beaver PA USA
I just found oout about yoiur websight. I would love to receive monthly blocks for quilts.
thanks again for this websight
Just found you on the web, love the snowmen. Please add me to Your e-mail pdf list
Already started the Jan. snowman, going to use then to make a quilt for my granddaughter so I donot want miss one
Hi Sandi,
I just found you web site. I would love to have your BOM. I am just beginning to quilt and your snowman looks like a winner to me.
thanks so much.
I just found your site and love your designs. Can you please e-mail the BOM patterns for the snowman and sesons? I am coordinator of a community group that makes and distributes quilts to foster children and seniors.
Hi Sandi!
It´s a cute snowman! I love your site and designs! Thanks for lessons...
Thanks for offering! Minie.
Hi Sandi,
I discovered your blog and BOM through the kindness of a fellow Cyberquilter on Yahoo. If it is not too late, I would love to be added to your email list for the BOMs. Abundant thanks. :-)
snowing and snowman I love winter Is soo cool to be on snow and playing around !
Vivienne westwood
laptops uk
Would love to receive your Block of the Month Patterns. My email is audreyostrowski@gmail.com
Thank you so much for sharing.
Love the snow. Count me in for the BOM.
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