with SNOW!! Mother Nature played a trick on many parts of the Midwest and dumped some snowflakes all over our lovely fall colors!! What was she thinking?!! I don't recall significant snow this early in the season. I think we ended up with about 3 inches but by the time I took this picture in the late afternoon all the snow had melted from the trees. I was so glad I did not have to venture out today!

Instead, I took care of some home and family things. One of those "home things" was making a call to tell the people who made my Shark iron that the darn thing died last night. Only four months old and I'm ironing my husband's shirts when it heats up a lot. So much that it begins to stick to the fabric and then it was sort of smoking, made a funny sound and the lights on the iron went out and it was done!! I couldn't believe it! Well, I should have as blogger Stephanie also had an issue with a Shark iron. She got a replacement. I gave all my info to some customer service rep who then assigned me a claim number and told me to call another number. That number is one where I was to leave my info and another rep will call me in 24 to 48 hours with info on how to handle this issue. Guess what, no phone call so far. I found this really frustrating, but luckily my inexpensive Sunbeam, which I had relegated to taking along to retreats, works great and I finished the ironing.
I needed to get my mind off everything so I took out my box of red, white and blue fabrics and I sewed up a block for my "Grace and a Prayer" quilt top. I drew out the crazy quilt block one night last week. I curled up in bed one night with sketch pad and pencils and drew a number of designs for future projects. Sometimes the ideas just come, and I have enough pencil sketches to fill a couple of notebooks. Hopefully, I'll actually make some of them "come to life" in fabric and thread some day!

This is my fourth block for my quilt. Since it's a patriotic quilt, I decided that everytime there is an official U.S. holiday, I'll make a block or two. Next time I post one will be November 2nd, Election day and that's going to be nine-patch variations. Then it's Veteran's Day on November 11th and I have a cool heart block to share for that day.
That's all for tonight. No time to share more photos. I'll get to them yet....just might be a couple of days.
Have a good day and I hope the weather is lovely wherever you are!
Aw yes mother nature is having a good ol' time this year. At least it warms up enough to melt the stuff and we don't have to shovel it.
Love your piecing plan for your patriotic quilt.
I hope the early snow some of you are getting is NOT an indication of a bad winter to come. I like your patriotic block......can't wait to see the others as you make them.
great idea for making blocks on holidays.....
Oh my, I can't say that I envy you. We were traveling back to Florida yesterday from SC and saw so many out of state tags heading south. It's a little early for the snowbirds, but I guess they are wanting out while they can.
I almost bought the iron when I bought the steamer. I guess it's a good thing I didn't.
The steam mop...well, I'd give it a 4 out of 5...still glad I bought it.
Looking for coupons to stick in my purse. We have rain all day in Northern Nevada. :-)
Love your block, Sandi. I love the snow too, but we haven't had any yet in my part of Ontario although I know its snowed further N.
I enjoyed seeing your patriotic block. I don't recall seeing the first three. Could we see those also?
I enjoy working with these colors too. There is a group in Florida working to make memorial quilts for the families of all American soldiers who die in Irag and Afghanistan. It's about time for me to make a few more quilt tops to send.
I hope that our snow is a long time coming. I would just as soon be a snowbird. However, my husband hasn't retired yet, and both of our daughters and our granddaughter live here in Missouri near us.
I - finally - have a browser that will let me leave comments.
Your blocks are beautiful Sandi! What a lovely patriotic quilt you will have!
oh I love this block! I really love the scrappy but planned look to it. And I love your new blog header.
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