As mentioned in my previous post, I met two friends from a Yahoo group for lunch this past Friday. The group is called "Crazy About PinCushions". It's a nice friendly group for those who enjoy making pincushions. In the picture below you would think that we had all been friends for years but we had never met "in person". We decided to meet, though, when we discovered that we were all from Minnesota and lived within easy driving distance of each other. Our meeting place was downtown Henderson at 11:00 a.m. and here we are.............

That's Tammy in the center and she lives east of me. Marilyn is on the right and she lives west of me. I'm on the left and we met here because it was a "meet in the middle" sort of thing. Quite honestly, the three of us "clicked" within minutes. We enjoyed a good lunch at the Hogwild Eatery (those are "pigtails" on our plates, also known as "curly fries" in some places) and then just as we were finishing our lunch..............

well, we had seen these guys walking back and forth and assessing the doorway and pretty soon we found out why.........when they began moving this big refrigerator into the restaurant. We decided rather quickly that we should move since they were coming our way........and as I did so, I accidently snapped this picture of Marilyn. Yep, they were coming our way

and fast and we needed to move!! I still can't believe they got that thing in the door and around the corner right next to our table! It was time to move on!
Our plan was to go to my house and visit some more and then make a pincushion. Tammy had brought some "Show 'n Tell"...........she makes miniature quilts. And then in her basket were some pincushions she has made.
Then it was time...
We took a little tour of my sewing room and then gathered up the supplies - fabric, stuffing, beads, scissors, etc. - for a little project I had planned. I found these cupcake-looking containers at the Dollar General Store and thought they would make cute pincushions. We cut circles of fabric, did a gathering stitch around the edge and pulled it up, then stuffed the thing. I men
tioned to them that I had looked in my buttons for something that would look like a cherry for the top but hadn't found anything. Just then Tammy picked up my bag of beads and said "oh, like this one" and there it was a
round red cherry button - and one for each of us! We stitched the button in the center of the puffy cupcake and then glued it in the container.

Tammy is checking out various rick-rack colors for the icing around her cupcake.

And Marilyn wasn't sure if she'd add rick rack or leave it just as is. I glued large white rick rack on mine and I just realized I forgot to take a photo of the one I made. I will post it later. It was nearing 4:00 p.m. so we called it a day but just before Tammy and Marilyn left they took a peek in a couple of "thrift shop" bags I put together for them.

Tammy is smiling because there are birds on that egg cup that could become a pincushion. I think it was about a quarter. So was the candleholder and the tea cup. The little box with the tin lid was just 50 cents. It will be fun to see them become pincushions. We are looking forward to getting together again. Next time Tammy and I will head west to visit Marilyn so there will be more fun to come. :-)
And remember all those letters I mailed off for our family reunion last week? Well, I am thrilled because so far only two letters have been returned "undeliverable" out of about 90 letters sent. Now if even half those relatives come to the reunion, I will be thrilled!! I will be busy with details for the reunion in the next few weeks, so if I don't post, you can just know that I am working on family photo albums and history stuff for the reunion!
There's thunder out there. Sure hope we get rain!
P.S. My next post will be photos from "Quilts in Bloom" and pics of some of my Tuesday Crazies friends.
The smiles say that it was a fun day.
The cupcake pincushions look really cute. I believe that I could make one from your instructions. I will have to stop at a dollar store and look for the holders. I know that I have seen them somewhere!
I learn something new almost every time I read your blog, and I have fun at the same time.
You're so lucky, Sandi. I love meeting Internet friends IRL. Check out the latest entry to my blog and see #6 on my list. I was given the Kreativ Blogger award last week and you are one of the seven that I chose to pass it on to. Have fun!
What fun Sandi! Wouldn't it be neat for all bloggers who live near each other to get together like that every once in a while? I think it would make our friendships so much more real.
Love the cupcakes!
What a fun day! So glad that you were able to meet with your online friends. And what a cute CUTE pincushion you gals made.
What fun to actually meet people you have been chatting with online. I have some close quilter friends who I met online years ago. We still meet once a month to sew and quilt.
Looks like you had a wonderful day!
Oh what fun! It's so nice to meet people and know you're going to get along because you've already 'clicked'. I would love to meet some of my bloggy friends, but most of them live south of the border and I'm in Canada. Maybe I need to go on a U.S. tour. haha.
I love your cupcake pincushions. What a great little project. I've also seen those made in teacups. Very cute!
GREAT cupcake pincushions and I have those SAME little containers from Dollar General. you GLUE the whole pincushion into the container so it stays put??? the way....if I ever win the big Powerball lottery (which, I must confess, I rarely play), I am going to organize a big get-together with myself and many of my blogger friends and YOU will be one of them, Sandi!!! (That is a dream of mine....wouldn't it be fun to actually DO that??)
What adorable pincushions and wonderful ideas for more!
Love the new header, before I forget to say that. Fabulous quilt. What a sweet day with good friends. So many of us are meeting up and I think it is a great idea.
It is fun to meet people who you have had in contact online with so long. I love the cupcake pincushions.
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