Today is Flag Day here in the U.S. and it was also my dad's birthday. He liked that a lot. He was proud to have served in the U.S. Army in the last year of WWII and so patriotism was high on his list. As already noted, my husband, son and son-in-law all have birthdays between now and the day after July 4th so I am always thinking red, white and blue for those birthdays!! I like the U.S. Flag. I think most of us like the flag of our country or our state. When my kids were little they played a match game that was flags of all nations and while it was a game they were also learning about other counties! This photo below of the U.S. flag was taken a couple of years ago.........

and I couldn't believe the double rainbow when I saw it. Fortunately, I had my camera and could take the photo. This flag flies in Henderson (MN) but one similar to this stood at the Care Center where my dad lived until he passed away. But the same summer I took the photo above in Minnesota, strong storms in Iowa blew down the flag pole at the Care Center in Iowa. Last year after my mother had gone through all the Sypathy cards for my dad, she decided she would use the memorial money for a new flag pole for the Care Center. My brother took my mom to a company where she could order the pole and it was delivered to the Care Center. I contacted a local contractor, Jim Arends, in Lehigh to see if he could set the new pole in cement. I asked him to let us know the cost to do the job and he said he would do it for free!! He couldn't get it in before the frost last fall but in early May he saw to it the post was in and ready for Memorial Day. Many of the residents of the Care Center got to watch as his son and crew did the work. And now the flag flies high once again outside the Care Center. The last task with the flag is a small plaque that my sister will order that will say "In memory.....Melvin Linn". I think my dad would be really pleased.

I thought I'd also share these two quilts I made a few years ago. The one above was made in 2000 and the one below was made in 2004. My dad liked both of these a lot and so did some of the other guys at the Care Center (I brought my quilts in a couple times so everyone could look at them).

Interestingly, I never made a quilt specifically for my dad although I made other things for him. He liked buying up the old quilts and for his own warmth, he preferred the fleece blankets that my mother made with the crocheted edges. I want to make a little quilt in memory of my dad and give it to the Care Center. Many a veteran spends his last years at the Care Center where my dad was and so others will enjoy it, too. I'll be back in a couple hours then to tell you about the quilt I am going to make in memory of my dad and will also give you the update on the quilt for Emma.
Time out for supper..........
You sure have reason to be proud. I am sure your Dad is smiling down on you and the Family. It is indeed a really nice story, thanks for sharing it with us.
What an awesome photo of the U.S. Flag with the double rainbow in the background. I have seen lots of double rainbows, but can never get a photo that clear!
Great idea to get a flag for the care center!
what a sweet story about your mom donating the money for a new flag pole. I know that the residents appreciated having the flag to look at and I know that your Mom felt good about doing something for your Dad. Happy Flag Day.
What a beautiful post...the sentiments expressed as well as the photos accompanying it. How nice that the man did the flagpole cement work for nothing.....his generosity is to be admired. I'm sure your dad will be very happy when the plaque is in place and he sees what his family has done in his memory.
We're so close to 4th of July. So I should be getting out my flag quilts. I usually do by flag day. I'm a little behind.
What a sweet story and I love your flag quilts. I made a table center-piece from yo-yos last year and a pieced table runner. I have made three patriotic quilts but I will probably be piecing along with you on the red, white and blue quilt as I have a slight head start since I made an extra block of each of the blocks which I sent for Emma's quilt and I have chosen a border fabric. Stars & Stripes Forever!!!!
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