The wind is blowing at about 30 mph outside my sewing room window and if there were any tulips budding outside they might look like this one!! Surely spring will bloom soon!!

This is a simple design that can look so different depending on the color you choose for your tulip. If you want more than one tulip, add a couple and make it a "bunch". :-)

Here are the pattern pages..........

And while there is still some snow on the ground here in Minnesota, there are spots where some tulip bulbs are beginning to pop up next to houses and soon they'll be blooming all over!!

You can stitch the design above in Redwork or traditional embroidery, anything you wish. If you want to do it as an applique block, then use the pattern pieces below and back with fusible web to apply to the block.

Now, as promised in my previous post, I will be e-mailing the pdf files to those of you on my e-mail list. I received many new requests to be added to the list and will be sending to everyone who has e-mailed me since January. I will do a mass e-mail of these blocks in pdf file and then I will be contacting each of you individually to make sure you are receiving the blocks. This could take a few days as there are about 300 of you on the e-mail list now. I have had offers from two bloggers who have ideas on how to create a more efficient mailing list and of a site where I can post pdf's and you can go there and retrieve them. I have looked into this and will probably make some of these changes over the next few weeks. I have a very full plate from now til May 4th and so the blocks for May will not be posted until May 8th. Thanks for sticking with my blog. Keep watching as come mid-May I will be sharing my plans for my one year blog anniversary. Can't believe all that has transpired since May of last year!! What an interesting journey and so much fun!!
Speaking of fun, while I didn't go any further for my spring break than my sewing room, I did enjoy hearing about my son's trip to New York City. He designed some artwork for a CD cover for someone (sorry can't remember her name) and went to New York for the opening night of her CD. He and his girlfriend, Stacia, had a great time and it was fun to hear how excited he was to see the sights and sounds along Fifth Avenue. I was there 36 years ago at a time when we lived in Dumont, NJ. We took my parents in to see Times Square, the Statue of Liberty and more and then up to West Point. My mother still talks about that trip. Ya never know, someday I may get back there yet!
Time to fix supper..........
Later then....
Love your April blocks. I'm sure I speak for many when I say we can be patient each month until we get them. It is very kind of you to do these for us each it's not big deal if we need to wait a bit to get them. It's great that you can fit this fun (and free) stuff into your schedule for us at all!
Thanks, Pat! I love sharing the designs I draw! I just noticed my word verification is "messes"!! What a hoot!! That describes my sewing room!
Sandi, your patterns are soooo sweet. I was able to go to NYC a couple of times through my job and I was one of those that really didn't like it. I thought the people were rude and snooty, however, they make the BEST pastrami on rye that I have ever tasted. I even turned down going to the Tavern on the Green to go eat hot pastrami LOL.
I know I promised to send you an e-mail on the PDF site. I got called into work early so didn't get to it. I'll e-mail you in the morning.
oh how i LOVE your patterns! you are sooooooooooo talented!! Thank you so much for sharing!! Have a BEAUTIFUL day!! :)
The tulip is lovely as is all your work.
Cute patterns Sandi. I especially love the hopeful snowman. We got lucky with 8"inches in our forecast for Sunday. None of it stuck!
I haven't recieved the pattern for seasons of the heart yet. Sure would like to.
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