No better way to describe today than the words "Sunny Day"!! After the long winter here, it felt like summer as we reached 60 degrees here in Minnesota! I couldn't concentrate on the cleaning and sewing projects in my sewing room because it was so nice outside. I kept thinking it was the perfect day to go to Toody's for an ice cream cone. Finally, I just decided "why not"? I made a quick stop at Bittersweet Coffee to drop off empty egg cartons and let Josh the owner, know that I'll bring a new quilt in for display next week. Then I went to the grocery store to pick up some ground beef for supper and a copy of the local paper. And then, I crossed the street to Toody's and ordered up a small Chocolate Almond Fudge cone and walked out into the sunshine and up the street to window shop in the windows of Wit's End Antiques. And then I noticed that a building that has been vacant is now occupied and filled with vintage goodies and there was a sign that said "open Friday". Hey, I'll be there!! I didn't think to take a picture as I was too busy eating that ice cream cone. Fully satisfied, I returned to my sewing room and got some work done. :-)
Only one picture to share today and I hope it makes you laugh or at least smile...................

I just had to share this. A few days ago, I was posting a comment in reply to one that Pat made on my blog and couldn't help but really laugh out loud when I saw the word verification that I had to type. Gee whiz, how did the computer know that "messes" described the state of my sewing room!!! Thanks goodness the rest of the house doesn't look like my sewing room does! I have several projects going at once and I am making progress but oh, what chaos there is during that progress!! LOL!!!
Back to the "messes"!!
Have a good day!
Isn't that 60 degree weather wonderful!!! We've had 60's for the last 3 days, now that I have the next 4 days off, it's cooling down and saying rain every day. I had told Bob that I was going to shampoo the carpet on the first 60 degree day....hopefully it will warm up the next time I have my long weekend.
I've had some really funny word verification words...I probably should start a list!!!
Sounds like you had a great spring day. Good for you. I love ice cream, especially the gelati's that are made from soft serve ice cream mixed with italian ice. Yummy! Happy Spring
We should have been having 60's here for a few weeks now...but rarely have had it. It's discouraging, but this upcoming weekend should be nice.
I know what you mean. I got nothing done yesterday because it was so nice outside. Well, that's not true. I weathersealed the new oak swing in our back yard! It is awesome and so pretty. And I found my suet feeders which were missing all winter and hung two of them out for the little birds. And cleaned up the summer kitchen so I can find things.....Hey, I really was busy and enjoying the sunshine, too!
I'll bet that you are loving the warmer temperatures.
Don't you just love the word verifications sometimes. I remember one for someone who had just had their first grandbaby and it was "blessed." I, too, took a photo of it as it was too perfect to pass up.
Quite often the 'word verification' has some sort of meaning to me ..... makes you wonder ... maybe the 'puter fairies are watching us LOL!!
Joy :o)
usually amused at what words the word verification makes.......
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