I said it would be a couple hours and I'd be back but I called my mom because this would have been my Dad's 83rd birthday and then, also talked to my brother............but I'm here now. :-) I told my mom that I had posted the story about the flagpole to my blog and she said there had also been a nice little piece in the local paper. :-)
It's time for me to give you an update on the quilt made for Emma's Hope fundraiser. I have thanked everyone who made a block(s) for the Emma's Hope quilt and want you to know just how much your time and talents were appreciated!
The large quilt made $400 at Silent Auction. This was not nearly the amount one might have thought the quilt would make but the good news in this ............ the person who bought the quilt has presented it to Emma and her family.
As you know, I chose some blocks for a small quilt that would go to Emma and I did that for two reasons..........one, while I noted in my first post that this was to be a fundraiser quilt, some of you thought the quilt blocks were going to be used in a quilt for Emma. And two, I had a hard time making a quilt that was just for fund-raising and wanted something that would go to Emma so I laid out all the blocks and the ones that needed to be in the big quilt just fell into place and the more personal ones just worked in the smaller quilt. The large quilt was then handquilted and bound. The smaller quilt is being handquilted by Esther, the lady who organized the group for the larger quilt. Connie, Emma's grandma is going to back the quilt with the small lap quilt that was received in the block donations. When that one is finished, I'll post a picture. I also will post a picture and the names of each person who made each of the blocks. I think I will get to that later this week.

I loved the end result of the large quilt. The pictures make it look good but when you saw it in person, it was truly stunning. I don't say this just because I was involved in the process. I am hearing this from people who saw it at the post office or at the fundraiser. I want to make this same quilt and keep it for my family. As I noted earlier, I never really made a quilt for my father. I still haven't finished quilting that race quilt for my husband. The last quilt I made for my grandson was his baby quilt and that was ten years ago. I have a small wall quilt I want to make for my daughter and one for my son that will have a music theme. I think it's time to make quilts for my family. I've been involved in many fundraiser quilts and I have found that a lot of work is put into them and they don't bring that much in return. This doesn't mean I won't make quilts for other folks. Nope, because I have already set the dates for our Sew and Share event - Oct. 19 & 20 - where we will make quilts for local families in need and also Christmas stockings to fill. Plus, I have baby quilts to make for my niece and my son's friend. And I just finished one for our new Pastor's baby boy. There was a baby shower at church this morning and I haven't seen so many cute little boy things in years (as in ten years since my grandson was born). Here's Joe, the new papa, and Pastor Brigit, as they opened the gift I made. They got so many lovely gifts! It took several trips just to get them from the church to the parsonage!

I would post a picture of the baby but I didn't ask permission so I don't want to do it without asking.

Here is picture of the quilt that I took outside yesterday afternoon. It's all flannel pieces and then fleece border and backing. I took some detailed photos as I stitched it together and tomorrow I will do a post on it in case any of you want to try this. And then..............I am going to begin taking you through block designs so that I can make my own red, white and blue quilt and you can, too. I'm giving the quilt a new name..........."Grace and a Prayer" and on Wednesday, June 18th I'll present the first blocks and some variations of blocks so that we can make a nine block wall quilt or a lap quilt or a really large quilt. Gather up some red, white and blue fabrics (and I opted for some green and purple, too) and get ready to quilt along with me. And if red, white and blue aren't your colors, choose ones that you like but I do think that keeping the colors to three or four makes for a more attractive quilt. I'm going to make a nine block wall quilt first, so that I can finish it and take it to the Care Center in July and then I'll also be making blocks for the larger quilt for my family. I will be offering some block patterns and those will be posted in my
SeasonsBOM Yahoo group. If you are not a member, you can click
here to join. All block designs that I give instruction for are blocks that are in the Public Domain and/or my original designs. I have a cool design for a heart that used stripes so be sure and have some stripes in your fabrics.
So, now the day is almost over and I have just a couple more photos to share. I have never posted as much as I did today, but I had loads of stuff to share. I took a break and ate lunch out on the front porch. I took my "front porch basket project" (this Thimbleberries runner will get done by the end of the summer!) and stitched for a bit after I finished eating.

Here's what I would see when I would look up from my stitching. It was just an incredibly beautiful, warm summer day!!!

Even Kaiser, the wonder dog, was enjoying the scenery.

Yes, it was a fine day and it sounds like there will be more of this weather the rest of the week. There might be some thunderstorms but the rain is needed and so it will be welcome. That's all for now.
Very nice quilts and I find the action with the Emma`s quilt so good.
The quilt for the baby is super colored.
And I love that photo of the double-rainbow !
Hope my English is good enough to say the right things-
Greetings from Germany
Absolutely stunning Emma's quilt. So inspiring!
Thanks for sharing.
Loved all your blog posts this weekend!!! Oh, yes...and PLEASE send some of that nice summer weather HERE (where it has not been very summery so far...which is highly unusual for this area....*sigh*)
Wow how wonderful that the quilt was presented back to Emma's family. It sounds like you have LOTS of quilt making in your near future LOL.
You are making me tired, bless you, you are so ambitious. You did a wonderful job with Emma's quilt. I also thought it would bring in more money, maybe we can do something again in the fall for her and her family
I, too, thought that the quilt would sell for more, but perhaps that is unrealistic with most people's finances pinched by the recession. That can make a big difference at a silent auction where people aren't identified as bidding or not. My best wishes go to Emma's family. I hope that the warmth of the physical quilt is matched with a warmth from our efforts.
You did a wonderful job combining a group of divergent blocks into two harmonious quilts. Do you have training as an artist? Kudos to you, Sandi
love the little quilt...the colors really set it off
Funny you should say that about family quilts vs. other quilts. My daughter graduated from high school and I have only just started her graduation quilt. It is sometimes like the shoemaker's family having no shoes. Emma's quilt is really stunning. And the journey is quite a story.
Thanks so much for sharing. The quilt is so beautiful!
The quilt came out beautiful! I love that the quilt was given to the family. So awesome!
The story of what happened to Emma's quilt makes a good "Rest of the Story". How genorous of the purchaser. Your Dad's story is very interesting. In fact your BLog is one of the very best! Sarahe4e
Thanks for all you've shared this weekend from the Country Mouse to a baby shower, Emma's quilt and Flag day. I love the idea of Flag Day we do not have day like that in Canada.
I think that quilters seem to be very giving people and much of their work is donated to others.
Thanks Sandi for posting the update on Emma's quilt. I was very touched by the purchaser presenting the quilt to Emma and her family. It never ceases to amaze me the generosity of humanity. This has been quite a story from the seed you planted for this project to it's fruition.
God Bless!
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