Here's what Mr. Claus aka Random Number Man got me for Christmas............
I have wanted this book for a long time but I could always check it out at the library so I never bought it. Then a few weeks ago, when I checked it out for the umpteenth time, Kathy, our librarian said....."you should really buy this book,'re about the only one who ever checks it out". I laughed. But I remembered and so I asked my husband if he'd go on-line and order the book for me. It could be a little Christmas gift while we wait to figure out the real gift he's going to get me which is a new computer. Ah, yes, my poor old computer is having some issues and soon it will be replaced. But, in the meantime, he wanted a gift for me so the book was it! I love this gift. I truly have checked this book out of the library more times than I can count and now I have my own copy to look at whenever I want!! I have several fabric dating books and other volumes for quilt and block identification, but this was missing........but not any more!
So, what did I get Mr. Claus for Christmas? Well, I had plans to present him with a quilted NASCAR quilt top that you can see in this photo. I made it for him about five years ago and thought about quilting it myself a couple years ago. Then I got the chance to have it machine quilted but then the quilter who was going to do it was too busy. So, I got the quilt back and was thinking I'd give it another try and do it myself before Christmas. Then I changed my mind again, and decided not to do that. I didn't want to mess up the top that I had spent so much time gathering fabrics for and then piecing it all together. 
Instead, I'm taking it to Luci who works at Firefly Quilt Shop and has her own long-arm quilting business, too. She's going to do the machine quilting on it and can have it done and back to me in time to give it to Mr. Claus by opening day of NASCAR in Daytona on Feb. 20. He is excited about this!! But, while he waits.....I made him two NASCAR coasters with some of the scrap fabrics from the original quilt top. :-) I have a lot of scraps left so I could make a whole lot of coasters. LOL!
Next post........."How not to make pumpkin muffins". :-)
I'm enjoying these days in between Christmas and New Year's.......doing some sorting, a teeny bit of cleaning, and lots of sewing. Going out today to get some goodies for New Year's Eve because the weather here is going to get wet, rainy, icy and who would want to be on the road in those conditions if you don't have to be? Yes, we will stay home and stay safe!
Have a good day!
Have a good day!
the books looks like a real find Sandi
I know you love that book, so I'm glad you have your own copy of it now! I had to laugh about the changing of your mind in regards to that quilt......"Yes, I'll do it"...."No, I won't do it"...."Yes, I'll do it"...."No, I won't"....LOL
I know Mr Legacy will love his quilt when he finally gets it. I can't tell the number of times I pull my book out. What a wonderful resource!!
That sounds like a great book, Sandi. It will be nice to have it to look through whenever you want.
Mr. RNG will love the quilt. Has he seen the top yet? I can imagine how excited he will be. I can't wait to see it finished.
I guess our current storm is heading your way. I would be staying inside with ice too.
Sounds like a really cool book! Happy Holidays!
My copy of that book is so old that it's from when Barbara Brackman was typing, drawing, copying and punching three holes and putting it in a binder. One of these days I'm going to order the computerized version from Electric Quilt so I can use it with EQ7. I have so many decades' old memories of choosing and drafting favorite patterns that she documented. You'll cherish that book for years; it's timeless.
It's a great book, Sandi. I'd bought it for myself last year. I rarely go to the library but should more. Love the quilt and coasters! He's going to love having it! My hubby watches Nascar, too.
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