This post is's a greeting for Dorothy, one of our Bible study members so I took this picture to send her way and say "Hello!"

That's Arline on the left, then Doris, Joanie (standing) and then Diane. We were also missing, Carolyn, who usually comes with Arline but unfortunately she is in the hospital. We're hoping it's just temporary and that she'll be back next week. We were happy to get together as the weather has caused us to cancel the past two Tuesdays. It was pretty cold outside but no ice or snow to keep us from getting about. We had a wonderful visit and then our brains were challenged by the study book we are using. We miss Dorothy and hope she can join us again soon!!!
Before the ladies arrived, I was doing some last minute stuff and moved this tabletopper from my dining room table to the coffee table. Had never thought about putting it here until I just sort of tossed it on the table and realized I really like it better on the coffee table than on my dining room table!

Today, I am going to sew and also work on Christmas cards. Oh, and I'm going to make fudge. I need to make some that will go in the goodie bags that are put together at church for those who are homebound. I just don't make it anymore unless I know it is going to go someone else because otherwise, I eat it all. Just ask my son. ;-)
wow, the world is small, say "hi" to Diane too!
Your table topper is beautiful. I hope your friend will soon be well and back meeting with your group.
Love the table topper!! Ooooo from heaven LOL.
Glad that you were able to finally get together. I hope Carolyn is better soon.
Yum...fudge....I'd have to make sure it left here too.
Hope your friend gets better soon. Fudge!!! Can I come to your house and taste test for you? :)
I don't make fudge either...I'd eat to much of it to. Trish
I like topper on the coffee table. That is a very nice photo of your friends, too. I hope the others are back with you soon. Oh, said the "F" word, didn't you??? FUDGE.......*sigh*
You are always so busy! Your house looks beautiful and that fudge sounds yummy.
Hi Sandi, I know what you mean about your "fudge" situation... It's the main reason I haven't started baking yet... if I made them now, we wouldn't have any cookies left in the house by the 24th!!!
Fudge Fudge did you say Fudge? I love fudge. We have a REd Barn here in town that sales homemade icecream and home made fudge so I do not have to make it and I can only purchase it occasionally cause I LOVE FUDGE. Happy HOldays and may your days be filled with love and joy.
The table topper is just wonderful! Looks like everyone had a wonderful time!
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