Last month at the Kindred Kwilter's meeting I bought a kit from the evening's vendor, Firefly Quilt Shop. It's called the "Ten Minute Tablerunner"...........

I thought I might make it before Christmas but realized that it's been sitting on my machine for days and it will not get finished at my house before Christmas this year. However, the instruction sheet says......"Enjoy or Share with a Friend!" Guess what? I decided to share it with a friend, one of you. Leave a comment on this post to be entered in the drawing to win this kit. There is only one rule for this
must be a follower of my blog. I have not been very good at answering comments lately, so
this giveaway is open only to those who already follow my blog. I wish I could send a little gift to everyone who is a follower but that's not possible. There's a bonus for
those of you who regularly follow my blog. If you have commented anytime since Dec. 1st
your name is going in the drawing for each comment that you have made. I will have my "Random Number Man" draw a name on Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m. CST and will announce the winner shortly after that hour.
Thanks for all your comments. I read all of them and appreciate every one of them!
been a follower for a long time thru bloglines, now also on your blog...
Merry Christmas! will be interesting to see if this is really a 10 min tablerunner!
I actually need a holiday looking one for my dining room table
decided to buy a few poinsettias this weekend for the table.
Your "Random Man" is my "good luck man". :):) (I hope)
I follow your blog and usually read on Google Reader. So even if I don't comment please know that I am reading.
I love that you have a "random numer man"....
Merry Christmas! Saw Stitchin by The Lakes Tutorial and have been meaning to try this - and a kit would make it even faster! Thanks for a chance.
I have been following you for quite a while but I'm a lousy commenter. ;) I appreciate the opportunity to win such a sweet give away, hope you have wonderful Christmas! ;)
Giggle.. Random Number Man... My man is just random.. and atleast he isnt just any random man! LOL. Great giveaway Sandi!
This is a cute giveaway - the fabric but also the reason for doing, just because it says to share with a friend :)
I've been following since a while back when I discovered your candlemat tutorial - I've made a couple for Christmas gifts. Thanks!
I'm a follower on Google Reader. ;-)
What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win it, and yes, I am a follfower. Merry Christmas!
I have been a follower for quite awhile. i don't often comment but do pop in to see what you are doing.
I follow you on yahoo and facebook.
Now I would love a pattern for a 10 minute table runner. My sister
makes table runners all the time.
A lot of them are for the entry way into her church.
Could you supply me where I could purchase this pattern?
Sandy K
I've been a long time follower :-) Love the little kit!
I'm a long time follower...but not much of a commenter... My New Years resolution is going to be more commenting!!
What lovely fabrics...
I've been a follower for a while! Thanks for the chance to win this cute table runner kit:)
A 10-minute runner sounds like a lovely Christmas gift right now. Every thing I do that SHOULD be 10 minutes turns into hours.... LOL I would LOVE a fast and easy sewing project. :)
I've been following for some time. I look forward to reading your blog! A 10 minute table runner...hmm...probably take me a week or two but the concept is lovely. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. Happy quilting.
I am a follower fo yours and can understand why there is a lack of time at this time of the year!!!!
Hi, Sandi: You KNOW I follow your blog, don't you? And I have from the beginning! I've made this table runner. 15 times. I made them for my mom's card-playing friends and some hostess gifts/December birthday gifts. If you add the buttons, it takes about 30 minutes. Otherwise, you could easily finish it in 20. And I didn't save one for me! Hope I win!
Hi Sandi! I am a follower and read you all of the time. Google reader is a good/bad thing, I'm not commenting as much as I used to. Thanks for the fun giveaway and I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas!!
I have been a follower for a long time and read your blog everytime there is a new post (I have you on my side bar so I can see when you post) I would love to be entered in your drawing :)
Hello Sandi, I'm already your follower, from a little while now, and I'd love to be entered in the drawing, please :)
I'm a follower and have been for a while now.
Thanks for the giveaway
Merry Christmas
I love the way you write and follow both of your blogs. Not sure if I left a comment in December, just know I read daily. Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas. I admit I am one of the followers who reads your every post but seldom comment.
Have to change that in the New Year as I love comments.
Whoever wins will have to tell us if it is truly a Ten Minute Tablerunner.
I am a regular follower...and would love that table runner kit
I can't believe you aren't going to keep it and make it for NEXT might look really good when your decorated house is seen in photos.....get my drift?? :)
I've been following your blog, Sandi, but sometimes have trouble sending my comments. Hope this one gets through. If not, I'll keep trying. Have a Merry Christmas. Hope to see you at the next K. Kwilters meeting.
I have been a follower of your blog for a long time and enjoy it so much. Thank you so much for a chance at such a great giveaway!
This looks great. Thanks for the opportunity. Just like Patchwork Jenn, I normally read your blog in Google Reader and have been doing so for a while now. I hope that I'm eligible.
Sandi, I know they lie when they say things like "10 minute tablerunner," or "quilt in a da," despite what Sue H. says. If it were true, my shelves wouldn't have legions of fabic and kits. Anyway, wishing you Merry Christmas. I made the duck panels you gave me into a pillow for my huaband. He loves it. Thanks again.
Sandi.... you never cease to amaze me with your prolific writing and activities on your blog. When I grow up, I wanna be just like you!
Happy Holidays
Carla Louise
I'm a long time follower. What would we do without our "Random Man"?
It would not be possible for me to make a project in 10 minutes but I sure would love to give it a try with the table runner. Thanks for the chance:)
I have been following and ENJOYING your blog for a while now. THank you for sharing your wonderful stories and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Thank you for this giveaway!
Been a follower of your blog for a long time now but rarely post.
I read both of your blogs daily and belong to both of your yahoo groups, but I've never been an 'official' follower. Now I am. Thank you for the fun little giveaway.
Cute kit! I am a regular follower. Don't know that I have posted much since Dec 1 but I do read your blog whenever you have a new post!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Sandy A
I think it's cute that the instructions say to "share with a friend" and generous of you to gift it to a follower. Just found your website and love your wallpaper it's very festive. Merry Xmas.
Gail :)
Been a follower for a while, love reading your blog, yours was one of the first I followed when I started blogging. Thanks for the chance to win, and more importantly have a wonderful Holiday Season!
Follow on your blog and enjoy your posts. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hey Sandi,
Thanks for sharing...hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
I have seen this table runner and the lady who made it says it really is a quickie, would be fun to give it a try. Thanks for thinking of your "friends" when you decided to give it away. It will be fun to see who wins.
I've been following your blog for some time and enjoy all the information you share! The fabrics looks so festive and I would love to have a new project!!
I've been following your blog for some time and enjoy all the information you share! The fabrics looks so festive and I would love to have a new project!!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:36:00 PM
Im a follower.....Merry Christmas Trish
Hi Sandi wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season.
I am a new follower, and love your site. Wish your family a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.
I've made the Ten Minute Table Runner pattern. It's wonderful! Thanks for sharing with us! Happy Holidays!
I have been a follower for quite some time now. Always enjoy your posts :-) Life sometimes just gets in the way of quilting and this time of year is always a crazy time. Merry Christmas to you, Sandi.
Well I have you on my yahoo home page so I think that is considered following you :0) Have a Merry Christmas. Sarah
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Love following your blog and being a part of your Yahoo group.
Looks like that will make a beautiful table runner for the holidays.
I'm a real newbie when it comes to blogging. Actually I've never done it before cause I didn't know how. I am a quilter and I love listening to all the advice that the quilty girls on Seasons BOM give away freely. If I win I will consider it a blessing, otherwise I just am happy with getting to know more quilters.
Great give away Sandi...hope all is well with you.
I have enjoyed your site for a while now.
I can,t believe how many things I have learnt from you Sandi. Your drawing is so nice of you to do.
The materials look so nice, but like some of the other coments--It would take me more than 10 minutes to do the pattern up.
Donna--aka wolf3349
I read your blog but don't usually comment!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Oh, I hope I'm not too late to comment and enter your giveaway. I am a follower. Thanks.
the table runner is cute looks very interesting would luv to make even if i am to late to enter
mary m.
I've been a follower of your blog for some time, but I'm not sure if I'm still signed on - can't see me! Love your giveaways, you are truly in the Christmas Spirit!
wow - what great fabric for a table runner : )
Merry Christmas! Thank you for the opportunity to win this tablerunner. I just love the fabric.
Hi Sandi, Merry Christmas to you and yours. I always read your blog, I don't always comment but I do gleam a lot of ideas from you. I don't think I can make the table runner in 10 minutes but would surely gave a good try. Thanks, HelenO in Id
Ja sou seguidora,mas não sou de comentar muito e sim visitar bastante.kkkk.Adorei tua ideia.Beijosssss
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