In just a few hours, autumn makes it's arrival here in Minnesota. The colors of autumn are just so glorious. Proof is in the color of those leaves in the photo collage above. I gathered those leaves in 2008 after a brief rain and then laid them in the grass and took a photo of each. I ended up with photos of about 20 of them and liked these six the best. Flowers in spring are vibrant and bright but what Mother Nature does to a leaf and the way it changes from green to golden or red or rust or a mix of all of them...........well, it's just glorious! I know, I already said that. The leaves are just beginning to turn here in our neighborhood and in a couple of weeks they should be pretty enough for pictures again. At least I hope so. Waves of heavy rain have marched across the southern part of our state and also brought wind and hail. It's really wierd weather for September!! Some trees may lose their leaves before they can turn naturally. In the southwest corner of Minnesota some communities are experiencing flooding. It's not exactly a good start to autumn. My grandpa always said, though, that you have to have good moisture in the ground as you go into winter so maybe that's what this is. I sure hope so.
The rain is expected to continue into Saturday so when we go off to our retreat at Villa Maria it will be very wet. We won't mind the rain at all as we'll be too busy sewing and catching up on news between old friends. All my goodie bags and favors for our guests/friends are lined up on my dining room table and ready to be loaded into the car. My daughter will be here at 9:00 a.m. Friday morning and off we go. I'll share pictures of our fun weekend next week. And my Monday feature....."What's on the line?" is also "going on the road". You'll see what I mean on Monday's post. :-)
Have a great weekend!
Be sure to check out the tutorial for my "Candlelight" candlemat. There's another tutorial coming next week that will use the 2" strips that I didn't use in the candlemat project. Isn't it amazing what one can do with a bit of fabric. :-)
Happy Autumn Sandi!
I was thinking of you and wanted to pop by and say hello. Your Candelight Quilt is gorgeous! I hope you are well and have a wonderful week/end!
I'm sure you'll have a great retreat. I'm sure your guests appreciate all the work you put into that for them. I was having trouble yesterday getting to your blog...don't know what was wrong...but it was pretty wacky for me and I never did get through to comment. It's nice of you to put the candlemat instructions up for everyone!
Have a great time at your retreat. I love the candlemat you posted yesterday, but like Pat, was unable to leave a comment. I found the PDF at Quilt Gallery, so it was finally easy to download it.
We are actually getting lots of pretty color this year. We usually have a hard freeze, a strong wind and no color at all. Have fun at the retreat!!
The colors of autumn are always my favorite.
Have fun at the retreat! I also love autumn and all of its colours.
Beautiful leaves! Our first day of fall, it was 92 degrees here! Hoping for more fall like weather this week- you beautiful red leaves really put me in an autumn mood.
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