So, after lunch we felt the need to get outside and walk off a few calories. We always take a group picture and decided that with the sun shining, it might be best to take it in case thunderstorms rolled in later on.
That's Marianne on the left, me, and Sharon. Seated are Laura, and Stephanie (they are sisters-in-law). Bonny cooks and quilts and she also seems to have a green thumb. These were too pretty ..... had to share........

And if you look really closely at the center of the picture will see a butterfly that kindly sat still so that I could get his photograph...............
Okay, so it was time to get back to sewing. Here's a peek at what we worked on...........
Sharon was working on a project that was a feature at a shop hop. You sew charm squares together into one large piece and then cut it into 3 1/2" squares "just so" and then sew them back together and you get this.............
Pretty cool, isn't it?!! I'm going to buy a 3 1/2" square ruler that I can mark permanently for this project and plan to give it try with a Fall charm pack that I bought a couple years ago.
Laura was working on a quilt for her son Andrew. It was a "Buck-a-block" project from a quilt shop that was near her home (it's closed now).
She finished all her blocks and I think Andrew is going to love this...........
She choose a beige mottled cotton that will look great between the blocks.
Marianne was the first to completely finish a project. She had embroidered this cute snowman before she arrived and added the borders on Friday night.
Then she realized she needed cording for the edge and thought she'd have to make a run to JoAnn's. Nope, I had some in my plastic bags, so on Saturday morning she added the cording, then the backing and voila! finished!!! If there had been a prize for first finish, she would have won.
Stephanie was sewing triangles for a large quilt. She sewed lots of triangles last year for a blue and yellow quilt and brought it back all quilted. I goofed and didn't get a photo of it (so Laura can you send me a pic of it?).
I played in my box of 30's fabrics and cut those squares I showed you in my last post and then I decided, I should actually make something I could finish. I decided to make a totebag.........
I've just barely made a start in this photo but I got it almost finished at the retreat. I just had to secure the handles once I got home. And once it was done, I thought.....hmmm,,, I think I'll enter it in the County Fair. And that's what I did. It was one of several things I took to the Creative Activities building at the Fairgrounds yesterday. Everything was judged that night, but I won't know until I return on Sunday if anything earned a ribbon. It's just kinda fun to see a critique of my work. :-)
Marianne was the first to completely finish a project. She had embroidered this cute snowman before she arrived and added the borders on Friday night.
Stephanie was sewing triangles for a large quilt. She sewed lots of triangles last year for a blue and yellow quilt and brought it back all quilted. I goofed and didn't get a photo of it (so Laura can you send me a pic of it?).
That's all for now. Dinner at Bonny's is coming up in the next post and it was delicious!
Have a great Friday!
Looks like a lovely place to be. Where is it?
What a great hostess Bonny is! I enjoyed seeing all the happy faces and wonderful projects & projects in progress!
What a fun retreat and the table settings are gorgeous. Every meal would seem like a party.
What a wonderful time you had...look at all those smiling faces :0) I think I would enjoy the no cooking part the best LOL.
Looks like so much fun. love the food and that charm square piece...
your retreat looks lovely...the food delicious, the flowers beautiful and the happy faces show what a great time you must have had
What a lovely retreat Sandi! Everything about it looks perfect!
So glad to hear what a good time you had and thanks for sharing what everyone was working on.I'm also a nightowl. Trish
Oh My Gosh!! Where can we find instructions for that neat charm square quilt that Sharon was working on?? Love it!!! Gotta make it!!!!
What a lovely retreat. I remember yours from last year (and the year before I think). Happy Times.
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