Saturday, July 31
Back to the 30's.......
I wasn't planning to post this weekend but some of you really loved those blue and white fabrics pictured in my last post. It occurred to me that I should send you over to the Moda Bake Shop for a peek at the winning Quilt Minnesota Shop display. There was a contest for best display of projects with the blue and white fabric. Janice of FireflyQuiltShop didn't enter it but we both agreed that this shop really did an awesome job of creating a blue and white winter wonderland. Take a peek...... QuiltMinnesotaShopDisplayWinner!
Hope you are enjoying a great weekend! I know I am.
See you Monday.
Friday, July 30
It's a Fantastic Friday!
Now, I just need to pack some clothes and I will be ready to go. I'll be sure and take photos and have lots to share when I return. If you are new to my blog and want to see retreat photos from last year, just go here and here and here and here . It took me four days last August to tell you about a three day retreat. That's because it was sooooo much fun. Every year is different so I can hardly wait to leave. Kaiser and the husband are staying home alone. There are lots of leftovers in the refrigerator and a new supply of dog biscuits in the doggy jar, so they will be just fine. :-)
Now, the second reason that this is a fantastic Friday is that Quilt Minnesota, the statewide shop hop begins today. I stopped in at FireflyQuiltShop in Mankato earlier this week and here's what customers will see when they walk in the door................

Thursday, July 29
The Bagladies.......
I cut out fabrics for two bags while I was at Sue's but I just started cutting and figuring out what I wanted the bag to look like. No pattern for them ....yet, but when I get them sewn together, I'll be sure to share. :-)
Back to work......
A visit to Debbie's Quilt shop!
(and my apologies because Blogger is cramming these little photos all together and the words get hidden by the photos..........I loaded them the way I did in my old format but that doesn't work so well in this new template......too late to re-load photos...I'll figure it out before my next picture-loaded post.)
and, oh, my............
(I will be taking all my 30's to a retreat this's kind of a tradition. More on that after the retreat.)
So what was "up there"? It was Christmas upstairs!
Wednesday, July 28
Fabric shopping!
Monday, July 26
What's on the line?
While the quilt is actually quite worn, I don't mind. There are so many wonderful fabrics in it that it is fun just to study all the different prints and colors. Makes me smile. :-) And then I wonder who made it......were the fabrics from family clothing.........did the woman buy the fabrics......or did several women contribute to the blocks? Oh, how I would love to know the history behind this quilt and so many others. This reminds me that I should get busy and put labels on more of my quilts!
You may notice a bit of a change in my blog. I decided to try one of the new templates that blogger recently added. I think I like it. Also, there is a button for "Patches 4 Lissa". If you are a quilter and have a bit of time and fabric, you might like to add your block to this great project that Jane is coordinating. Click the button to learn more.
I had a busy weekend and never got the rest of my visit to Sue's posted for you all. That will come in my next post. Have a good Monday and a great start to the week! It's the last week in July!! Can you believe it!! One more month til September and cooler temperatures!
Friday, July 23
Tuesday Crazies Roadtrip.......
Everybody was hard at work at their sewing machines...........

My happiness was short-lived, though, because I just wasn't happy with my stitching project. I spent almost two hours stitching what I hoped looked like corn in full bloom but to be looked more like a bloomin' cactus! I got up on Wednesday morning and looked at it and knew I had to rip it out and start over. I decided to try to salvage the piece and it didn't turn out to bad...........

I'm the nightowl in our group so just before midnight I was cutting and piecing a project from Pat Sloan's Sweet Liberty fabrics.............

I'm only giving you a bit of a peek as you won't see the finish for at least a couple of weeks. Now that I'm back at home, I have a pattern to write this weekend for those snowy designs I created from the QuiltMinnesota fabrics for FireflyQuiltShop.
Thursday, July 22
On the road again .....
Many of the ladies in the group we're part of their active quilt group that has created numerous quilts for charity projects. Not everyone was a quilter but my program isn't really just about quilting. I share stories, read some of the poems I've written and intertwine it all with some of my favorite old hymns that I sing acapella. I love to sing the old, old hymns. :-) And I love to share the stories of my old quilts, some that came to me from family members and others that came to me because they needed to be shared with others and only the maker knows the quilts story.
I received several nice comments when the ladies came up to look at the quilts. Some were about the songs I chose and the special meaning they had to someone or to their mother, etc. Some were about quilts they had made or old ones that they owned and the story of how it came to their possession. I enoy listening to all of them! It makes me feel so good to know that something I do can make others smile with a pleasant memory. :-)
I've never done a "shout out" about my program, but I think the time has come to do so.......if you are looking for a program for your church women's group or local quilt guild, please e-mail me for further info (see my e-mail address in the sidebar on the right). I'd be happy to go "on the road again" and share my stories, songs, and quilts. :-)
Tuesday, July 20
Tractor thoughts......
First, though, I was planning to post some photos of last night's quilting program at Our Savior's Lutheran Church but after I got home and got all the quilts unloaded and put away, I was too tired to load photos and write about it. I have to be up early in the morning to head to Iowa for a day out with my crazy quilting friends, so I needed to get to bed. Didn't want to leave you without something to read with your morning coffee so I thought I'd post these tractors..........
Monday, July 19
What's on the line?
The feel of the two quilts is quite different. The green and white quilt is made of crisp white cotton fabric and bordered in white twill tape. The handquilting on this one is very fine, it's just that the green fabric has simply begun to disintegrate. This quilt is stiffer and doesn't feel quite so comfy.
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