Everybody was hard at work at their sewing machines...........

I wasn't making the project the gals were working on as I just wanted to relax and do handwork. I brought along my wooly pincushion project and when I finished it, I was "happy as a clam". I celebrated with a glass of milk. Love it with ice so I was twice as happy.

My happiness was short-lived, though, because I just wasn't happy with my stitching project. I spent almost two hours stitching what I hoped looked like corn in full bloom but to be honest.......it looked more like a bloomin' cactus! I got up on Wednesday morning and looked at it and knew I had to rip it out and start over. I decided to try to salvage the piece and it didn't turn out to bad...........
However, here's the new pincushion base that will go off to Brenda at PumpkinPatchPrimitives in tomorrow's mail and this time the cornstalk actually looks like corn I saw in the fields along the road!

I'm the nightowl in our group so just before midnight I was cutting and piecing a project from Pat Sloan's Sweet Liberty fabrics............. 
I'm only giving you a bit of a peek as you won't see the finish for at least a couple of weeks. Now that I'm back at home, I have a pattern to write this weekend for those snowy designs I created from the QuiltMinnesota fabrics for FireflyQuiltShop.

My happiness was short-lived, though, because I just wasn't happy with my stitching project. I spent almost two hours stitching what I hoped looked like corn in full bloom but to be honest.......it looked more like a bloomin' cactus! I got up on Wednesday morning and looked at it and knew I had to rip it out and start over. I decided to try to salvage the piece and it didn't turn out to bad...........

I'm the nightowl in our group so just before midnight I was cutting and piecing a project from Pat Sloan's Sweet Liberty fabrics.............
and then...........
I cut out the pieces for a project from that Summer Solstice charm pack that I received in a contest at RJR Fabrics.

I'm only giving you a bit of a peek as you won't see the finish for at least a couple of weeks. Now that I'm back at home, I have a pattern to write this weekend for those snowy designs I created from the QuiltMinnesota fabrics for FireflyQuiltShop.
Okay, so that's Day One at Sue's Retreat........sometime this weekend, I'll share Day Two. You'll see the finished projects the gals made and the goodies that we found when Sue took us to her favorite fabric places!
Have a great Friday!
Oooo lovely fabrics, I think I have some of the blue & red one :0) What a wonderful time everyone is appearing to have!!
WHEW...another post of yours that leaves me feeling as if I need a nap!!! LOL I really enjoy reading of your adventures and you had some good ones this week...from visiting the variety store to visiting Sue's place with your fellow "crazies"! Thanks for sharing.
What fun Sandi! Can't wait to see the bags those ladies are working on! Milk with ice? Interesting, but you sure looked like you were enjoying it! Also looking forward to seeing what you make with that Summer Solstice charm pack. I still haven't opened mine. Love your corn...very cute!
Love those fabrics...gives me the itch to go shopping! have to try to conserve though, for our little groups trip in Nov. Looks like you all work hard and have fun! Enjoy your time together!
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