It's late Sunday night and I am going to turn in soon. The day has been kinda crazy. It started off okay with plans to go visit my daughter and grandson but then the power went out. Don't know why........just poof! and it was gone. Luckily my husband's cell phone was charged because mine was dead so I gave her a call to let her know I'd be running late. Funny how something so simple can change plans. Taught me that I need to keep my phone charged and my husband is thinking he should have checked into a generator. I don't worry about power outages in the summer. They're kinda cool and usually go along with lightning and thunder and I enjoy both of those things. I get out the candles and a good book and I enjoy the quiet of a power outage. That is not the case in the winter!! In the winter, a power outage means - no heat!! And considering it was only about ten degrees outside, that is not good. It only lasted a little over an hour but it sure made me appreciate the electric company!! :-)

Actually, I left the house just before the power came back on. I headed down to see Collette and Jacob and there was no power outage in Mankato. We had a nice lunch at the Food Court in the Mankato Mall. I came bearing one last Christmas gift for Jacob. It was from my sister and came in a box she sent to me. I took a picture of the package because she wrapped it so cool! Those are little foam letters for his name and there are tiny little Christmas trees glued to the ribbon. It was almost to pretty to unwrap but Jacob did a good job of it and got to the toys inside. :-) We did a little shopping/looking in the mall. We found some good clearance deals on sweaters at Penney's and Jacob got a special treat so we had a good afternoon. Then it was off to the grocery store for me and I love to go grocery shopping so I enjoyed that, too! By the time I got back home the power was on and all was back to normal.
Speaking of normal.........the weatherman says that we will have some more normal temperatures in the next few days .... in the 20's ..... and that would be practically be a "heat wave" after all this "deep freeze" weather that we have had lately.
One last little that box from my sister was the book you see in this photo, along with a few other gifts.

She sent the book with a note that said "I usually treat myself to Christmas fiction book each year and bought this one and thought you might enjoy it because we had an aluminum tree". Well, I certainly did. It was such a good book that I shared a bit about it at Bible Study last week and now it will "make the rounds" of the group. Doris is reading it now and then it will be passed around. The author also wrote "The Christmas Quilt" and I have never read that so will put in a request at the library. Thanks, Judy!! It's just a very charming story so I can definitely recommend it. :-) I also read "Calico Christmas" and "Christmas in Harmony" between Christmas and New Year's and they were also good little books. "The Aluminum Christmas Tree" was my favorite. :-)
Time to turn in.........Another Monday rolls around and another week begins..........Have a good one!
ONCE in NJ we had a power outage in the winter...when there was an ice storm. It was NOT fun because of the lack of heat. It, too, only lasted a short time, but that was still too long for me! I love the way the package was wrapped for Jacob and your book looks to be very interesting. I will have to see if my library system has any of the books by that author. I always try to read a Christmas book over the holiday season, too. This year I read Twelve Days by Teresa Hill and enjoyed it immensely.
The wrapping on the package is wonderful, makes me ashamed of the very basic wrapping I did on my granddaughter's present. I'll have to do better when she's older LOL.
That was a charming way to decorate Jacob's gift. I see that your sister also has the creative touch that your mother handed down to you. You have also shown us projects with Devlin and Collette, along with artwork and crafts created by Jacob!
The earliest creative ancestor that I have record of is my grandmother, who died very young, long before I was born. About 1900, she was an experienced photographer with a darkroom in her home.
What a cute package!!
I know just what you mean about the power outage. We have a sump pump (with no battery back up) and during the last thunderstorm this past summer we had to get up every 4 hours to manually bail it out. Do you think we've learned our lesson and bought the back up? Nope!! We really should get on that...
Oh my! What a lovely blog you have! I have just (happily) stumbled upon a precious little place that could keep my very busy for a very long time. :)
A gold mine of inspiration! :)
What beautiful gifts! Luckily no power outages yet, and I am crossing my fingers.
Hi Sandi, hope your week only got better after the power outage! Last December, 2008, we had that big ice storm that left us without power for 3 days which meant no water, heat or light. It was quite an adventure, but every time the lights flicker this winter, the little ones start getting anxious about losing power again.
Your outing sounded lovely.
I'm just working on my post showing off all the goodies you sent me so I popped in here to grab your website address.
Enjoy your weekend!
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