When I was a kid, I collected Cracker Jack prizes. That was in the 1950's and the prizes then were really cool. One of those prizes is a tiny motorcycle that is less than an inch long and it has a working kickstand! I kept my miniature treasures in a shoebox covered with black and white floral fabric. When I got married, I brought the box with me. I still have it in another box in the basement. When our daughter came along, I made doll clothes for her dolls and then she was given a dollhouse from the 1940's that had belonged to her Aunt Linda. I began making furniture to fill the house. Then I made dolls to live in the house. I loved making tiny things so I began making miniature room boxes and scenes in plastic display boxes. I thought you might like to see some of them so here is one of my favorites.
The tree is made from chenille stems that are inserted into a balsa wood post and is between 6-7 inches tall. I made "t" shapes with the chenille stems in a variety of sizes and glued them into the post and assembled it just as I did my artificial tree at the time. The "garland" is a piece of gold chain and the ornaments are paper cut-outs and beads. The gifts surrounding the tree come from all over the United States. I made this scene in the late 1980's and was part of a group that exchanged our miniature delights. I wrapped all the little packages and by a process of weaving, I created all the little bows on the packages. All the items in the scene are on a 1" = 1' scale. I decided to share photos of views from all sides. The lamp that the tree is sitting next to is one of those small table lamps, only about 12" high. I love this little scene and all it's tiny toys. It's a tree that I never have to undecorate and so I can "keep Christmas all year long" with this little tree! Just "double-click" on the photos for close-ups of each view. )

ChookyBlue is wondering if anyone else has as many trees as Jacquie from
TallGrassPrairie. Go check her blog as she has 28 lovely trees in her "Festival of Trees" post. I am not sure I can come up with 28 but it might be close. By the time I get done decorating (around Valentine's Day at the rate I am going), there will be a tree in every room of the house. So, stop in and see how I am doing as I will post a tree a day and we'll see how many I have by the time Christmas Day arrives! Oh, and don't forget that you can leave a Christmas stocking memory or any Christmas memory on any post up to December 24 and you'll be entered in the drawing for my stocking filled with 24 fat quarters. Go
here to see the original stocking post. Tell your blogging friends as I love reading the memories that are being shared!!! And, by the way, if you follow my blog, you know that last Monday I was pretty blue but this Monday I'm not. Reading the memories boosts my spirits plus we have made some fun plans for a different Christmas celebration so the holidays will be just fine. I'll be missing my dad, but it will all be okay. In fact, I'll be thinking of him next week when I sing at the local VFW Christmas party. I guess they liked my rendition of the Star Spangled Banner I did for Veteran's Day and they invited me to come again. I even get dinner so I will in a way "sing for my supper"!! :-) My dad would think that is just great!!!
On the "swap front", I've received a couple more swap packages in the mail and sent some out but can't really share til they reach their destination and then I will share pics of what was sent and received. :-)
I mentioned in an earlier post, that I was going to set up a table at our local "Holiday Showcase" table and here it is. This is the first time I have set up a table at anything for more than five or six years!! It was fun and I enjoyed showing folks my penny rugs and telling them the history behind them.

This was more of a "let people know about your business event and say thanks" than an opportunity to sell event. I did bring some kits for my Christmas ornaments but sales were almost non-existent. Attendance was down at the event due to our cold weather and snow swirls, plus there's that gloomy economy thing at work. It was a horribly cold day but made warm by visiting with the folks who stopped at my table to chat. I was near an area that was not far from the doors so I was glad to get home to warm p.j.s and a hot cuppa my favorite Hazlenut Belgian Cafe mix. More snow has arrived today! And more is falling tonight!! So, I decided to make a change in plans..............Pictured below are the final stockings we made to donate to the toy drive and I planned to deliver them tomorrow. With more snow in the forecast, I decided to box them up and deliver them to a neighbor that will be helping deliver the toys. Now I don't have to worry about going out tomorrow. Thank goodness, it's just light snow, not the icy stuff that they are getting in Wisconsin and parts of Iowa.

The white stuff you see out my family room windows is the lovely fluffy snow that is falling. It's so pretty. Too bad, I can't say the same thing for the tired but evidently indestructible sofa we've had since the 1980's! Just realized, it's been around as long as my little Christmas tree! I'll never give up the tree, but I would gladly part with the sofa. Hee hee!
That's all for tonight. I'll be back tomorrow with another tree photo and story.
Stay warm and safe if you are where the snow is falling!!
WOW! You are wonderful! I love all those stockings!
Goodmorning - it is snowing here too, or was. Frosty and icy out this morning. The little bitty tree is lovely and really an art piece. I love it. It will be fun to see pictures of all your trees. I'm sure you have delightful decorations.
A memory to go along with your vintage memory of the cracker jack prizes - loved that by the way. When I was quite small we used to shop downtown in Reading. Reading was a thriving city in the 50-60's. Manufacturing was the heart of the city but by the end of the 60s many companies were pulling out and going elsewhere to make goods. Since then the city has sunk into poverty and crime - very sad for me to think that our very nice middle class neighborhoods are run down bad parts of town now. Anyway we used to shop downtown and there was a story called Pomeroy's. Out of business now. But it was kind of upscale. Mom did buy sale fabric there though and sometimes underware. I got my first bra there. Sheesh, but that is OT. Sorry. The store was large with floors of things like the old days. But the upper floors were unused except for freight by the time I came along. At Christmas their store windows were amazing. Just beautiful and glittering with toys and decorations. Every year mom would take me to Pomeroy's and have my picture taken with Santa. Up in the top floor every Christmas they would turn it into an animated Christmas land. It had elves and toys and Santa's workshop among other winter scenes and fun Christmas decorations. It was like going into a dream land. I was so excited to go and see that magical floor filled with everything Christmas. And that is where Santa was - in one corner of the display. I'll never forget the feeling of seeing all those wonderful lights and scenes. I'm sure now it would be very awful compared to things they have now but I loved it. Sadly as the city declined, so did Pomeroy's. It is torn down now. But towards the end of the 60's the Christmas floor got less and less until finally they stopped doing it. I was older by then and was ok with it. But what a fabulous memory that is for me. I wish I could go back and relive it. Majical! That is what Christmas is for children.
Thanks Sandi for all you do and for creating a post for us to relive memories.
What a lovely little tree! Must have been very tricky to make. It took a second or two to see the size of compared the the table lamp next to it. Very impressive.
What a gorgeous little tree! I would love to have a small tree like that in my sewing room. We moved into a new condo this year and haven't decided if we are going to have a tree this year or not.
I love the Snowflake Penny Rug. Is that your Pattern?
OMG I love that mini tree with all the detail. What a neat treasure that is.
And you've got quite the collection of penny's. Very cute.
Love the miniature tree and all the goodies. How cute is that...
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