Since tomorrow will be New Year's Eve, I decided I better get the photos from Christmas 2008 posted before the year comes to an end!! So here are some of my favorite pics from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day....................

On Christmas Eve our daughter, Collette, husband, Daryl and grandson Jacob joined us for dinner. Steve cooked up the ham and I made my potato soup and we enjoyed lots of other goodies along with it. Then we were off to church service at St. Paul's. Steve didn't go along so we told him he got to clean up! And he did! The weather was very crisp and cold but a really pretty night. The tree at the church was so pretty and I love the group singing of the old carols. I got to share music with a solo of "O Holy Night" and "Some children see him...". I especially like that last song as it's not a traditional carol but the words to it are so lovely and true.

There were pretty packages like the stack on the right that awaited us at home so Jacob and Collette delivered the gifts to each of us and the unwrapping began.
Kaiser didn't get a gift. Can you tell? He got some biscuits so he wasn't totally left out.
Collette and Jacob are reading the tag on this gift that says "For making Christmas memories". Inside I had packed three Snowman patterned soup bowls and matching mugs, a tablecloth, matching napkin rings, napkins and a really pretty ceramic holly patterned bell to use as a dinner bell. I told them to use it all for their breakfast on Christmas morn after Santa had come. And they did. Collette thought it was a cool gift. And Jacob got something called Magnextics (spelling?) and they were fun to build with and our only concern was that we hope his cats don't eat them!

I asked for "tunes" from my kids and C, D and Jacob got me a 3 CD pack of Patsy Cline which I am listening to as I type this. And on Christmas eve I got
Colbie Caillat from Devlin and Stacia. Gotta have tunes. Music makes my days.

Kaiser was still feeling a little left out and was not at all interested in the book on Beagles that Steve is reading to him in this photo. It was a gift from C, D, and Jacob along with a book on making your own doggie treats so Kaiser may yet get something tasty!! They also got Steve a "toy" for a guy who has engineering blood in him - it's a thermometer/barometer/will measure anything-
About 10:00 p.m. Jacob asked what time it was as he was worried about getting home before Santa arrived and he wanted to make sure his list was left out for him. I love it! Recalls days when my kids were young and waiting for Santa. And when I was a kid, too. Gosh, I still leave milk and cookies for Santa 'cause you never know what a good deed might get 'ya!! :-)

On Christmas Day our son, Devlin and girlfriend, Stacia, came for dinner. Juggling Christmas get-
together's gets interesting doesn't it because no matter how hard one tries, everybody can't make it at the same time! There are in-laws to visit and work schedules that factor in and that's just life. So, this year our kids weren't able to be here on the same day. I didn't mind as much as Collette did but I was just glad they were able to be here and we all had a good Christmas. Can you guess what we had for our dinner? ........ yep, more ham and another batch of potato soup and more goodies. And then there were more gifts to open and lots of laughs and fun surprises.

Devlin and Stacia are opening a gift from Collette that is for both of them - a cookbook for Italian Pasta which they both enjoy. I found mugs for Stacia that said "Latte" and "
Cappuccino" and some perfect coordinating fabric. I was going to make a table runner for her, then thought "what if she would prefer
placemats or potholders?" so I just gave her the fabric and told her to tell me what to make .......and it will be potholders and a mat to go under her coffeemaker. As the kids have gotten older, we do the gift card thing or cash which can be kind of impersonal but I always find thrift shop things or some little
gifty to put it in and it makes it so much more fun. It was a great Christmas! For Kaiser it was very tiring. He loves his sleep and with so many people around he wasn't getting much sleep so his sign that it's tim

e to turn out the lights and go to bed is to stick his head under the couch or a blanket or, in this case, the footstool. The day after Christmas, he slept almost the entire day! And speaking of sleep, time for me to get some, too. The "sore throat/stuffed up nose thing" is still with me even though I am "doctoring". It's just got to "run it's course" and I hope by tomorrow it will be near the end. Had so much I wanted to do today and every task I tried required a rest and then a nap before I could move on to the next one. Tomorrow, I am doing almost nothing. That's "almost nothing" as I will be preparing to post the info on the "Whirl into Winter Giveaway" on Wednesday evening. It's going to be fun for sure!!!!
It's always so hard to get everyone together for the holidays. But you just gotta take what you can get!
I LOVE KAISER!! Him and my beagle, Hooch would get along great!
Patsy Cline is one of my all time favorites. Can we get together one day, quilt and listen to Patsy??
I'm excited about the giveaway!
that sounds like a wonderful Christmas! lol, at the dog!!!
get some rest, hope you feel better soon.
Happy New Year!
Thank you for sharing your Christmas! i, too, loved the dog!! lol Sure hope you have a safe & WONDERFUL New year! :D
Sandi do you ever slow down??
The dog pics are cute.
My favorite Christmas Hymn is "O Holy Night". I have a hard time making it through without crying whenever I hear it. We have a soloist in our church that is just amazing. He can sing anything and I cry. But "O Holy Night" really has beautiful words and music. I'm sure you did just as lovely a job as my friend.
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