I am just tickled by the response to the "Fall into Fall Giveaway"! I never imagined that there would be so much interest in the giveaway. As the comments started coming in, I started replying to each one, then more came and more replies and well, I spent most of yesterday replying to all of you who commented and shared your wonderful memories of fall! Then, of course, I kept getting "lost" in blogland because I wanted to check out the blogs of those that commented and then I'd see a blog that looked interesting on their blog and pretty soon I was lost in blogland - again! The comments slowed today which was just fine as I had a women's guild meeting at church plus I am trying to organize the items that will soon go off to Iowa for flood victims. After I left the church I snapped a couple pictures of the changing colors here in the valley. The fall colors will soon "peak" here in our area so for those who live in the desert or other places where there are no trees to turn, here's a little picture of fall.

The west end of Main Street in Henderson, MN. This is the "turn around" by the Sibley County Historical Society so you can head east back through Henderson and you would have the view below..................

When I got home, I took Kaiser out for a little walk and snapped these pictures that look down into the valley that is Henderson. It's just some trees along the road and then a wider view where you can see the steeple on St. Joseph's Catholic Church.

The trees behind our house continue to change color. I've posted these before and if I were smart I'd post them all together so you could see the color changes much better.

Just as I finished cooking supper, I looked out and saw two deer standing in our backyard. It was too dark to be taking pictures but I thought I'd share them anyway. I opened the window and removed the screen and they just turned and looked at me. I was surprised that they didn't take off and run. The photo is really dark but if you double click on it you will see a deer that truly has the "deer in the headlights" look. He was watching me while I was taking his picture. :-) I like the deer now but my neighbors tell me that when we get more landscaping done that we will not like how much of it that the deer will eat!
Note here: My friend, Sue, sent me a "lightened" version of the deer photo and I am working on how to copy it and replace this "too dark" version. The light bulb will come on soon. :-)

That's all for tonight. My next post will be a "show and tell" of items I received in some recent swaps and a little story about "gratitude". Plus on Saturday, I'll post a small giveaway to celebrate my 100th post! Lights out!
You do live in such a quaint little town, Sandi! The foliage there is beautiful- don't have a lot of color here yet in Southern NJ but we will soon. Have a great day (and try not to get carpal tunnel answering all of your emails!)
Gorgeous little town Sandi. We are starting to have some foliage change here in TN. I am having a giveaway on my blog in celebration of all of the cottage construction. I hope you will join in.
I sure enjoy your posts and poems. :-)Gayle
Henderson looks like a town books and poems are written about. It's amazing how big blogland is isn't it.
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