And it is one that I was anxiously watching for as it is the gift I won on Nihal's blog. I thought the package might come today so I was actually thinking I might see the mailman come to my door. I had just finished working on some things for the retreat and I looked up from the kitchen counter just in time to see him walk up the sidewalk. I grabbed Kaiser by the collar and quickly put him in the bathroom. He gets way too excited when someone comes to the door! Thankfully, our mailman doesn't mind but I wanted to receive my package and not have to worry about the dog. And here is what the mailman handed to me................all the way from Turkey, I said to him and then had to tell him the story of what it was. :-)

I opened the package and took out this lovely giftwrapped book..............I placed it on a doily that we bought in Turkey in 1998......................

................and then I removed the ribbon and net fabric and thought "these pieces will go into my crazy quilt"...............and here is the beautiful book "Turkish Delights"!!

I opened it for a quick look and then came to a page that caught my eye.........Magic Carpets. I feel as if I have gone on a "magic carpet" ride to Istanbul just by receiving this generous gift from Nihal!

So what did I do to win this? Well, she had a giveaway to celebrate her blog anniversary and she offered two gifts. You had to tell her which gift you would like to have - the N-Rich gift or the N-Joy gift. I still can hardly believe that she selected me to win one of the two lovely gifts that she offered. To read what I wrote go to
NihalsCrossroads and you can read her post about the winners!

As I've already mentioned, my husband, Steve, and I will celebrate our 40th anniversary this year. Ten years ago we celebrated it in Turkey when he added a week of vacation to a business trip to the south of Turkey. It was a lovely trip and we always hoped one day to return. The likelihood of that grows dimmer and dimmer with the gloomy economy and we're not getting any younger. So, I am thrilled to have this book to recall that wonderful adventure. Come mid-November I am going to post pictures from that long ago trip and share some of the highlights. Plus I'll be posting a little quilt that I made in 2000 to celebrate the Millennium that I named, of all things - Turkish Delights! I loved the Turkish rugs and textiles and would have brought home a ton of stuff if we had the money to do so. We did buy one rug and I thought I would share the photo today but I'll save the story for when I tell you of the trip in November. Receiving this gift from Nihal.......meeting other bloggers who have become friends like Nanette and Teresa and Joanna and Jessica and Kathey and more ........preparing for our retreat with my daughter Collette for a treasured group of quilting friends (you'll meet them next week) ........all are things that make me feel so lucky, so blessed. I am very fortunate and never dreamed as a little girl that I would have a life so full, visit so many places and have so many wonderful friends!
I have some more good news but I have to get back to preparing for the retreat and building my cottage blocks. Later, friends.
And one more thing ....... it is only natural that Nihal at Crossroads would be my Blog pick of the week!!!
Aw isn't that nice. What a great gift. So sweet.
Awwwwwwwwww congratulations on your win - it was obviously "meant to be" !!
Dear Sandi
It's early morning here, exactly 8:35AM. Before starting to work, something in me disturbed to go to your page and see if my time estimation was right or not.
Oh yes! I knew. My estimation is perfect when I think of my mailing experience 'toooooo long years' with my very dear friends there in US:)
Glad to see that it arrived there safely. Enjoy and Happiest of Readings!
Thanks again for participating on my giveaway.
Much Love & Angelic Wishes
Oh how kind-hearted YOU ARE Sandi! Right now I noticed that I'm the blog picked of the week:)
Very smart idea, and LOVED the icon!
**May a guardian Angel be with YOU for everytime**
Lets see next week who will be honored by you? I'll duly check your weekly pick:)
Warm greetings to you and your husband from a somewhere very close ''at heart'' -Istanbul:)
Have a Happy Thursday.
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