And my "pick of the week" is.......Sue's blog at
Featherstone Quiltworks. Sue and I actually know each other personally! We met a few years ago when Sue and friend Betty came to the quilt shows held in the Scott County Libraries. Sue is a long-arm machine quilter and also takes great photographs! I am inspired by the amount of quilting that she gets done. She is doing Judy L's blocks at Patchwork Times and I plan to do them, too. I have the fabric picked out, I just need to start cutting fabrics and sewing!! So take a peek at her blog - click
here and you'll be there!

When I decided to do a "blog pick of the week", the idea came to me when I checked out the blog of Jacquelyn at The Noble Wife after she posted a comment on my blog. It was only natural that she would be the first "blog pick" since her blog inspired the idea. This past Monday, I received an e-mail from her that she had been nominated for a
Kreativ Blogger Award and she had to name five blogs that she wished to nominate. She chose me as one of them. So, I have been thinking the past couple of days - who would I nominate and here are my choices............
Joanna at
MrMonkeySuitNannette at
FredasHiveScott at
BlueNickleStudiosTeresa at
DiddleDaddleDesignsSue at
FeatherstoneQuiltworksIt was not an easy thing to pick five blogs because I have many favorites and keep an updated list on my blog and then I get lost in "
Blogland" frequently going from blog to blog and find even more blogs that I like! These five blogs, though, were some of the first that I began to regularly visit and also exchange e-mails with each one and now call them "blogging friends". They all offer something different and yet the basic thing in all of them is the ability to express our creative energies and share what we do with others. And so, the "
Kreativ Blogger" torch has been passed (it occurred to me to wonder just where the
Kreativ Blogger Award originated - anyone know?).
Now to a couple of photos that I could have shared in the last couple of days and the cogs in my brain slipped and I forgot. :-) I mentioned that on Monday I met Jo and her sister who will be transporting quilts to Iowa. Here they are with the back of their car filled with quilts. I had more quilts than they had room to get in their car so I think I will be sending some of them UPS.

Yesterday, as I left to go to "Tuesday Crazies" I snapped this photo of Henderson's City Hall but I was more interested in the big tree than City Hall. There was a light rain falling and it still looks beautiful!

On my way home from "Tuesday Crazies", I passed by St. Patrick's Church (not far from New Prague, MN). This is the church of my friend, Adella, and I took the picture because it's a pretty country church and because the ladies of the church made more quilts for Iowa! Adella brought them along to "Tuesday Crazies" so now I have about a dozen more quilts to get to Iowa! They'll all get there but they just aren't going to make it by the October 18
th hand-out date so they'll have to be given out as Christmas presents instead. :-)

I was only a few miles from Henderson and home when I passed
Fahey Sales and they were preparing for a farm auction. I noticed the tractors as I passed by on my way to "Crazies". As I passed by on my way home, I smiled and thought of my dad. And then I thought, "my dad would not pass by those tractors without stopping to take a look" and so I turned around and came back to have a look. He would have really enjoyed walking through this line-up of tractors and farm equipment!

It had rained all day but just as I got to Henderson the sun began to shine and I took Kaiser and my camera out for a walk right after I got home. I have the best photos of fall colors and will post them tomorrow. I wish there was a way to turn them into a line of fabric, they are that pretty!!

This lone leaf was laying along the edge of the street and it was so beautiful I had to take a shot of it. I don't know why the colors are so pretty this year but the valley is beautiful! In addition to fall color shots, I'm also going to post about this afternoon's adventure at Wit's End Antiques. So, you'll have some "eye candy" from nature and a peek into things from the past, too. Time to close for tonight. Goodnight and sleep tight!
Wow, Sandi, I feel very honored. Thank you! You would be on my list if you weren't already "awarded"! Sue
Fall is so lovely. Your pictures around Henderson always tell great stories.
How sweet of you to give me a Kreative Blog award. Thank you so much. I'd give it right back to you if I could!!!
Yes, I had a really hard time choosing only 5 blogs!
Great photos!
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