Yesterday was a lovely day. It was "Tuesday Crazies" day with some of my favorite quilty friends. We have been getting together for several years and because we met on Tuesdays, we gave ourselves the name of "Tuesday Crazies". We used to meet once a month but as some of us moved away, that became a bit of a challenge. Now, we try to meet a few times each year but this was the longest stretch between meetings. The last time we met was several months ago so I was looking forward to seeing my friends. Way last summer when I posted my strawberry pincushion tutorial (go
here and you can make one for you or a friend!) and my friends were on my mind then. I began making strawberry pincushions for each of them. They are plump and sweet just like the real ones that are at the grocery store right now. They just can't be eaten. LOL!
Each one is filled with crushed walnut shells (available at pet stores because it's real use is lizard litter) and can be used as a pincushion or a paperweight because the shells make it heavy. LOL! We all seemed to have something to share with each other, plus "show and tell and also.........the celebration of two birthdays!
Adella, on the left and Kate in the middle both have early May birthdays so we were really having a party!! That's Pandora on the right and you've seen pictures I've shared of her outdoor garden quilt show. Her next one is coming up on June 9th and if you go
here you can see what it might be like if you made a visit to her garden! In the photo below from left to right........Arlis, Sue, and Carol.
Now, I've already apologized to Kate about this was birthdays for both Adella and Kate but I only got Adella in the photo blowing out the candles. I should have stood up and got them both in the photo. You will notice the cake and also a dessert..........
It was Adella's birthday but she made the most delicious rhubard custard dessert!!!!!!!!! So we all had a slice of it.............
and then we all had a slice of cake, too. Carol made a Rum Bundt cake and it was also really good...............
That gave us lots of energy, so we all got out our stitching projects and then Kate and Adella enjoyed their birthday cards. Interestingly, I remembered to bring my big strawberries and forgot their cards. They went in the mail today. Sometimes I wonder where my mind is.........
We do love to share our latest projects and I just had to share this one with all of you that Carol made. It is just the sweetest little quilt and I love all the little colorful embroidered blocks. I like this one so much, I think I'd like to make one similar to it.
In addition to bringing the strawberries, I also brought some fabrics. Several years ago, my friend, Ruth, decided to give up quilting and just knit. She asked if I'd like to have her fabric and I said "sure". One day she stopped by and while I was away, she left 5 to 6 paper grocery bags jam packed with quilting cottons on my doorstep. Over the years, I have used them in donation projects, shared with friends and also used them in beginning quilt classes I taught as a library volunteer project. Still, there was the equivalent of one "jam-packed" paper sack. For ease of carrying, I put the fabrics in two paper sacks and brought them along to share and everyone went away with fabric for some project they were planning!

There was only a tiny bit of fabric left to bring home and I've got another friend who will get what is left. I am really on a mission to "downsize" the amount of fabrics that I have. However, I am not on a mission to "downsize" my friends. We love getting together and we have so much fun. Unfortunately, I got tired and I guess it's because I'm still recovering from my surgery. I left about 2:00 p.m. and got home just in time to call my daughter and then take a nap. There were thunderstorms in the area so she said she'd be my "weather warning" and call if storms were near. Sure enough......two hours later, just as I woke from my nap, she called. Quite a few storms rolled through last night and because of that, I stayed off the computer most of the evening. Today is sunny and bright and very humid. More storms could be on the way. I love the sound of rain, so I don't mind.
In my next post, I'll show you a bit of fun, that my friends had at a recent retreat. I missed it but I still got to be part of the fun. Back soon!
Have a great day!