This first one is a folding ruler that is for cutting bias binding. It's called the "SIMPLI-EZ Bias Ruler" TM by Susan Brown and is available at . In the photo below, you can see the ruler at full length in the top half of the photo and then folded up and ready to store or take to a retreat. :-)

In the photo below Susan is showing that you will leave a 12" opening between your binding "tails", which need to be 10" on each side.
I realize that my photos may not make this really clear but trust me........the Binding Tool really works. My friend, Carol, has one and says it works great. I haven't used mine yet because the two quilts I have that are in need of binding are in my "to do" stack of projects. :-) I did cut some binding for a project and I love that folding ruler.
Susan will be at the AQS Show in Lancaster, PA at the end of the month, so if you happen to be there look for her at Quilter's Mercantile booth.
In the weather department here in Minnesota.........we hit a record high of 64 degrees today and I threw open the window and let the breeze bring in some fresh air. Our snow is melting so rapidly that what was still almost two feet of snow on the ground a few days ago is now just mounds of it at the end of driveways and along the curbs. There is water everywhere and the sound of it running down the street and into the street drains is like listening to a little creek in the woods. That is if there was a creek in our woods. All this water and all this melting is causing rising river levels and now an ice jam on the Minnesota River near Henderson. We don't have the severe wind and rain that the Northeast has received, but there will be folks who will suffer flooded basements and homes in all of this. Mother Nature sure brought Spring on in a hurry!
Here's hoping you have a good start to the week!
Thanks for letting us know about these great products Sandi. Your spring weather is to hit my area tomorrow - I'm ready for it!
Cool tools, thanks for sharing them with us Sandi.
64!! Not fair!! We can barely get to 40 though the snow is melting...slowly LOL. I'm sure it will warm up here eventually and then we will whine about it being too hot LOL.
The tools sound like good additions. I'll check out the sources.
Our weather is "yoyoing". A few days ago I had at least 60 crocus blooms on our front lawn. They are still there, but closed. We should have warmer weather again in a few days, so they can show their faces again. I always start wearing spring clothes along with the crocus, not the calendar. It's spring!
STOP!!!!!! No new tools!! lol!! Thanks for sharing the info, will have to check them out!
luv the bias one...thanks for the appreciated..blessings madame samm
I know that the Cedar River in Iowa is also at dangerous levels. There is so much snow melt this year, but glad the weather has warmed up for you.
I have the binding tool and love it. There is a great video pn it's use here
I will look for her, Sandi, as I will BE at that show in Lancaster! Email me her last name and I will try to touch base with her and maybe even get a picture!!!
That bias binding ruler looks very interesting. I will have to check it out . Thanks
It will be good to get a tutorial on hoe to use this tool, maybe using a less busy print for the bias. I'll stay tuned for that! Pleeease!
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