Friday, December 25

Snowy weather but a wonderful night!

The weather outside was frightful and driving was something one needed to do slowly but......our daughter, Collette and husband, Daryl and grandson, Jacob all arrived safely. And then a little while later, our son Devlin made his way here after he got off work. It was not really a good night for travelling but I am glad that there was a "window" of slightly less heavy snowfall that allowed them all to get here. We had a lovely evening this Christmas Eve and I am writing at this hour because we watched "It's a Wonderful Life" and didn't start it til well after midnight! It's a great movie to go to sleep on. Sweet dreams everyone! I am headed to bed to dream of "visions of sugar plums" and such. :-)
To all who celebrate Christmas......Merry Christmas!
I have had the best Christmas in years even though it wasn't how I expected it would be. Isn't it interesting how that can happen? Enjoy this coming day wherever you are!
Sandi who is dozing off as I write........zzzzzz.....zzz


Anonymous said...

Wishing you and your family Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Happy Stitching

Pat said...

I'm so glad the family was able to get there safely and you had such a wonderful evening together! MERRY CHRISTMAS to all!

Crispy said...

A Very Merry Christmas Sandi!! How wonderful that your children were able to make it home!!


Anonymous said...

so glad that your family was able to gather togethr in spite of the weather! Merry Christmas.

annemarie said...

Your post makes me homesick for Minnesota - I remember many a snowy Christmas eve. It is such a beautiful sight! Merry Christmas.

knitwit said...

Happy Christmas to you and your family Sandi. So happy that your family made it safely.
Send some of that snow my way. In S. Ontario we are to get the storm today, but its bringing only wind and rain, so no white Christams here.

Jocelyn said...

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

komar said...

Sretan Božić i uspješna Nova 2010. godina - komar

"Peace can be found in the piecing of a quilt."
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